Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 6

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The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209,Ontario Imc. at 131. Br ookSt. N., Whiby, Ontarlo 0 LiN -5,91 Phone 668-611 Toronto LUne 427-1834 Maunoe Pither - Edi tor Alexandm 'Marin.- Production Manager ndCllass.Post.al.Registration #05351 Lame excuses for, Belleville trip To the Editor: 1 neyer thought Our municipal politiciens were as sly and deveid of Integrity as their provincial and fédérai counrterparts -.untîl recéntly, thetli.. Our. présent councîl proed they, tIoo, cen buliy-up-ta-thé- treugh and then try te weesel their wey eut cf contreversy with thé best. Thé preof cf this puddin lies ln thé comménts made by aurloa représentatives ln thé March 11192 édRion of th e Whitby Free Préss.. Dennis Fox stetes, "Wé realizéd ai thé end of thé weekend how useful Ri as for ail of us te méet ln one place and try te meke a positive budget under thé currént difficuft times." Are we te assume that under mare fevourabie economnic circumstances a néga- tive budget would bu eptlable? 1And, aside from7that, what mystical powers dees Belleville buhold that enabiés ail this te happen? Mayor Edwards made an attempt, aibuit a lamé one, te ust pndingaur tax dolers ln 1eevle while kicking aur local mercantswhîl the're dewn. Hé stetes, "Inevitably, wýhen close et hand ta home er werk -lecation, individuals are caléed away et crucial moments." it ls o very respansibie and a bit unséttling te knew our whoe counicil i. u nevaliabie if theré was a 'crucial moment' hère in Whitby. This whois precess coud have béen held et Town hail with specific Instructions ta thé réceptionist te whod al cals" unies. théy wéré of an extréméiy urgent nature. Rethér than dissect evéry counciiior's camments, lot iR suifice te sey that net ene comment could bu found thet convinced me that this was net a gross misuse of our tax dollars. Thé, councilier for my ward, John Daistra, ofered this summatian cf thé whoe weekend, "e're gaing te have te make difficult décisions and wé have te fight thé récession." With bland politicai non-Information like that, I think Mr. Doistra proves thet hé and same of his peers wouid bu highly qualified te enter politics et thé provincial er fédéral levél. Ras. Taylor Whitby The downside of the, Price C lub To the Edktor: «, as a kcelD [urhamh" businessmen -and Whitby résident , am deeply concernèd about ail thé CAW vote bad To thé Editor: In voting down chances te save 4,000 jobs ln Oshawe, thé union graduates of the Bob Whité-NDP achool of management-labour relations have truly and dramaticelly demnonstratéd that présent labour législation has elready Intrudéd much toc far Into management décisions. Ontario businesses are demonstrating- this évery day through théir plant ciosingsaend reloaetion outside, cf our province, net te mention thé los. of future job creation by business Investors net wishingate nsktheir capital ln such a anti-busness, anti-job création atmosphère. 1Feelishly présent and lest NDP gaeérment in Ontario plans toeéxacerbate thé problém by enshrining this anti-business, antijob création mentality Int our lab~our kmw. Louis S. Aloré Whhby excitement-and média.hype about thé Price Club coming te Whitby. 1 'think thé: Tawn end -Régionl should buW concerned withý thé efféct thé Price Club will have on smaii business. ln ordér te j ustify thé hlring of 520 ful-time employées, with an estimatéd annuel peyroll et $9 million <at e low rate et, say, $7 per heur), thé Price Club will have te selI te mare people then local businesses and government employées, as néwspaers have réportéd. Itlsi my undérstanding thet enyone paying. thé lew mémburship tee will bu aliowed te te Town'.and Région shouid bu more conceméed about thé possibility et iosing severai hundredesmail business lobs and their texbasé than thé hiring ef 520 warehouse-type jobs, and récèiving taxes tram one business. Al people are thinking about is thése 520 jobs. 1 bulievé that this compeny là promislng thé Town too much. They have te get théir monéy to operaté from somèwhere, not ai thé expénse et local smell business. Thé Town of Pickering had thé Titan waréhouse iocetéed thére thet uftimetely talléd. Meybu wé shoud bu studyIng why this concept ha. aiready felin our région béfore goîng eny further. W. Wallace Whhby The Whitby Free Press welcormes letters ta the editor on any subject of conoem ta our readers. Letters should be bnief arîd ta the point - rarely more than 300 wors. Alil letters must be accompanied by the naine, address and telephone number of the writer; however, on request,. your.naine may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whîtby, Ont. LUN 5S1, or drap through our mail siot at 131 Brook St N. Prayer for:Canada By Leé!on P:dre Bob trom 'Whitby Héraid' Légion mnonthiy néwsléttr My déar comradés: Canada -. "aur home and native iandw for many et us, end adoptéd home fer a geed meny more - i ln danger. Our way of Ife, thet wé havé cherishéd through aurlilves ls ln danger. Canada, fer whIch we sierved and fer which se many et aur camrades g ave théir lives, isetà a very crucial crossraads ln iRs history.. There are a group of people who seém bunt on destroying éverything we have heid se der. Soeéof' thèse people seem intént on déstroying famil lité and thé trust betwéen individuals. There are some radicals who are intent ta se Canada rent asundér in disunity. 1 feél certain that most of aur brother. and sistérs ln Québec are still proud Canadiens and want ta rèmain part of a country which cen be an exampie fer thé re t thé world. i do net .buléeve that séparation wauld ,bu goed fer Quebec or for thé rest of Canada. Alil of us nééd one anoîher, as Canadiens, te meke this a gréaI and wondérfuilalnd as wé celebrete our 125th birthdey as a nation. 1 bulievé thet you and i cen do soméîhing about this. As a Christian 1 buileve that wé cen accemplish gréat things through prayer. Yeu have entrustéd th e spiritual weifare of aur brench int my hands. For that reasen 1 wouid asic each of you, ln thé wééks ehead, ta pray fer Canada, for ils unity and for its witness te thé word. Use this prayér, df you will: Héavénly Fat hér, w. humbly corne béfore you becausé Canada nééda your hél. Wé ask for wlsdom, Intégrity and protection for our éléctéd and oppoint éd leaders in authority ovér us, and pray for unity for aur country. Grant us kindnéss and understanding in aur rélatlanshps resufting in respect, lové mnd care for one anothér. Give us compassionaté hearts sa wé wiII quicly assist thasé in need in aur neighbourhoods, cammunitles, nation and %vrid. Instali in us thé courage and wisdam. ta, be respans131e citizens; in confronting threats ta thé moral fabric of aur nation. Cause us ta réf an you ,ta give .us ight thoughts md attitudes toward others ln aur countfy. He@ us not to b. crftia4 Entableý us ta forgive others i 1io have hurt us and forgivé us for ail the wmongs we havei don.. Pleasé' guard md Wstréngthen the famil unlty whlch là the basic structure af our saciety. Deepén our faith ln' yau àd givé us por pé ace thraugh Jésus Christ, our Lord. Amon. I bulieve yeu want our nation te. survive, and, prasper as 'one, a' strong'end vibrant ceuntry. "Mre things are wrought thraugh prayer than this word believe thet ând drems of.1 1 know ift ca God Blés. you ail, Vours, ln Comradeship and in >Christ, Bob Opinions éxpréessédarethosé of thée ut hor. PalimetaS er Remembering Vimy Ridge;ý "Y René Soetenrs Ontarlo ridfin MP ult was Canada from thé .Atiantic te, the Pacifieoan pairadé. i though thenAhat ln those few minutes i wtnessed the birth cf a nation." That was how Brigadier Gênerai Alexander Ross reid Canada'. capture of Vimy Ridge, a victory that inspired a nation. It wu 76years ago, on'April 9, 1917, that thé Canadian Corps scaled the heights of glory. Vimy was thé first place where ail Canadian soidiers fighting ln France came together ta pérform as-a single uit. Séparateiy,, thehadwonadmiration, ,in ,varlous engagements ~.Ypres, Fest ert, thé Somme. Then, Ie ln 1916, they were brought together te p répare for an assaulton thé Grman army's strongest position in narthwést France. Vimy Ridge was a formidable barrier, guarding thé way te, thé mines and factories that fuelied the enemy war effort. ht enjoyed many naturai défensive advantages and was relnforced régulariy. In 1915 aiqne, more than 130,000Frnch soidiers had been kilied or wounded ln an.attémpt te reachthé top. Superb planning and trainn ensured that thé Canadian Corps would -net suifer thé samne fate. A fuil-scale r-ica, of t hie battlégreund was laid - ut behind,. Canadian unes. Aerl photographs updated défensive changes. Tunnelieéseut eut paths under thé chalky greund, ýaliowing thé infantt start their attack four mles dloser te their objective. Thé Germans knew thé Canadians were coming, but they dnt, knew whén. Onéeof thé enemy intelligence reports noted tat thé, Canadians were "weli-suitéd te assault and neyer. désert." Thé attack itseif was preceded by a "week of sufféringu during which every availabie -&nadian gun tried ta softtn Up thé enémy defencés. At 5:30 a.m. on April 9 thé waiting was over. One heur before zéro heur, snew and wind-blewn sieét starting biewing into. thé faces ef thé énémy. Some 15,000 Canadians were ln thé first wave. Résistance was weak at first, but stiffened once thé Germans reaiizéd théir Imprégnablé fertrees was ln danger ef lling. But ail thé training paid off. Unliké other armies which had advanced blIndiy en masse,, thé Canadiens made for previousiy-pinpointed targets. R was triumph 'of courage and tactics. As swift as victery arrivéd, it did net came witheut cost. There wére 3,000 déad eut of, a casualty list ef 10,000. Three'of thé four Victoria Crosses.,awardéd at Vimy wéré awardéd, posthumnously. But thé Canadien victory'et Vimy had a great impact. et homne and abread. At home, there *es jubilation that Canada had'triumrphed whére othérs had-falled. Confidence and a sense 0f t"patriotism' arrived wth thé néws from France. Abread, Canada was'appiaudéd by word leaders.. Fittingly, thé eerial commemeretingthé 60,000 Canadiens killed In» thé First Word War standi to imy Ridge on land given to, Canada. ln perpetuity by thé péopiéet France. Few ,remain of thé paricipantfs ln that epic struggle, which in a large part gavé Canada its tirsI teste cf nationhood. Those stili elive do net forget thé sacrifice.that was made fer Canada and démnocracy, and ner shouid we... Thé Vax Pop town hall meeting> will bu heid et Iroquois Park (Whutney'Hall), Seturday, March 28, 10 a.m. - noon.

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