PAGE 4, WH1TY FREM PRESSWEDNESAYMAJAR 5 19 Eighteen 'ef 40 member agencles of the > bwa-hthy e'wcastl, United Wyhv reqsded positively -ta a à request made by the. United Way- boerd ta aume a voluntary cutback in their 1992 allocationi. "Although w. were hoping for vçluntary ciutbacks amounting, te 50 per cent of, our $126»00 shrflwe have receved over 45 per cent or *57,700, with Bore agencies Mt a~t" said Bob A ledepresinztti United Way bà of et4tos. In recognition oft the voluntary cutbacks, the. United Way lis voted taabsorb theremai' 55 prcent or >*68,800 shithllfrm the reserve fund. . Chairpersen etftthe United Wity allocations> comnmittee, Howard :>Smà ith, says h. waa extremely encoura«ed by -effort made by agencies te assiatothei menièragencies idifficuit times. "Mantanin asmuch meoney Jn tii, reserve fudga o ssibly can will esrwtzuyas that ýw'e wllb. ai.eadexactly what w. have just accomplished Jour'eys End robbed':agà in WhitbÈ oreis-n oe was robbe again early Saturday' miornin'g, tiiesecond tie hi less than &afmonth. Pelice say, twe men, on. carry- Four. FamIIyI I ~FulMea DeaIsI forI $12991~ <+ taxes1 e ic 196 *s a 1 S-na *o.. ida Byaentee an e..ei lng a, machete- and the. other a handg-ün, entered the hetel around 4:35 a.m.. On. suspect held hie gun te the clerkfs iiead and' demâanded cash. No on. was hurt and the. pair escaped with an undisclosed amount et cash. Police are lookig for two'suso- pecte. >Tii. man with the, maciiete lte described as in us early 20s, around 5ft. 6 in. tall, slim, with short dark hair. .Tii. man carry n the $un te said t e b.fcfi'height, a little heavier <round .160 lbs.), wiha moustach and shoulder length hair ever bis ears and wearinga black sweatsiiirt. , 1An investigation tecontinuing. tuùs year, ta keep aU gocesfrn agencies, fiýýI mdd yti.Oshwa, Ont. L1I 4Q3. 0perting during a shortfal." Ji Way. Anestlmated an.ei three- Anyone who cani "eit cati For mare information contact, rYesdeonts etoshawa, Whitby and mail1 or. deliver a donation ta the. Anne Çinsell4, campaign dlirector,. Newcastle benefit-in some way United Way,ý 52 Sfimca. St. S., at,436-7377. Drywall workers dam age bouses Between. 200 and 250 drywall workers dfaagd,,six tgwnhouse" under construction ithe. Fulton Or. and Saté St. area, north, of Rossland Rd. and' west of Brock. St. N. Police say the- workers, mem-ý bers ef Local 1891 of the Inter- national Brothenhood of Paintors, and Allied Trades and Local 675 et the United Ëi;rohSofe Careter and'Joiners, walked oth ob site last Wednesday around ipm Thez thên'punched holes i diy»1and removed tape from joints say.police, wha estimate te 1'âa ta each unit at' around $0 Durham]Regional Police Ber- geant Sandy Ryrie says similar', incidents have occurred acroas the region. International Brothenhood ef Painters and Allied Workers- spokesperon Sergio Pantarotto says ltfs "dis3appomfting»te hear aboôut the action. uI. tiiaught the& are morepro- fesaienal that tat. I thought they were going (ta the o b' sites) te, iokfor support of teother people and spread the, message> 91)what's happening te, them.w TANNING CENTRES Establlýhed sînce 1985 101 Mary St. W. #203, Whitby 84 Km kSt. W. Oshawa 666560436,6242 Hours: Mon. H F. 9 - 10 Pm. Hours Mon.-Fr1 8 . 10 M, ___Sat. 9-6pm. Sun.10 - 4pmSat9-e6pm Sun._10-4 pm iaf WbMbh Mon. & Tues. ony 5 M- 8pin *only $3.95 158 < roc SLN. Fettucine Aifredo or Spaghetti & Meat Sauce (Pearso Lanes Add a side order of mushrooms, Whitbygarlic bread or caesar salad for, 666-5092 oniy $1.50.. Regular Menu avallable UO80% OFF. s lecretly Yours 69- B- aldwit i Hvv 12 Bookli 655-896*5 Pantarotto says thé pole whe did'the damage ore< .etunder teauspiea teuion and are takig matersinta -theWir w hands; me, JI don'even want.te, know wliat'thieyre 'daiïng Pantaroôtto .says-'tii. "drywall tapers have decided an theirown net te wark becaus, theyý- nat beln roperly p aid.-"nite', nateffic2=1yon s trike, they ,just chose te talc.ýthis .course ot action.' >He spys e -rtain COMpanles are paying 35 er 40"per cenùt lees that _Wha asen tô inthe wqreri? collective agreement. Ontarieao ur ýReationsB r March. 30 te r and force tii. companies te stqck te the ternis et the agreement. Yeair-rtn d scI hO!6IoIjm olu [or vote~ By Marlo Boucherý: On MaY 4 5 and t, parents and teachers of Vest Lynde and R.A Hutcison public schools will' vote for or against participation i a test program etf tii . modified sclioolyear. The. two schools, and four oth- ers in' Durham Regi*on,. had agreed te b. considered as, year- round schools under the Duiham Board of Education'à test project et the modified school year sys- tem. Voig by, parents and teaciiersý wilL be carried eut ina secret* ballot. It -is required that 75 per cent voe in faveur et the intro- duction et a modified school year prograin for any school te b. considered forth. prograni.1 No more thantwo schools will b. allowed te try-tii. new pro- gra,pwhlch will'net bein, any elirtanJuly 1993. n'here, will -be more intense consultatienme in tii, next few weeks,'»a=s à is#F&r chai-rpersan ot the board. WMien',tiie,, parents and 'the, teachers cast their votes, it will b. an intormed and faetuial deci- sion, she says. Farr says any details about the' program , are, availabi, ýfor' parents and te provide theni with. ai th,iforémation, tiiey need te. make tii. best deci- ien rgrigtii. innovativo prograni. '< > 1 In ayear-round c ol po grami, students would attend tiie sani nuimber'et days et schooci. But instead of the. usual nine- week holiday- during tiie sum nir, the sciool,, caleindarý would, b. pread eut over-tii,entire' year. 1There would still i b. -few weeks et holidays fer studente durinrthei. summner, -and .each scolweuld tollow 'their ew'n sciiedule. Tii, siiorter layoff during tii. summer'is expected to er.benefi- cial, for students and: w6uld, eli- ininate the. need for a fe,weeks >ý et review iSeptember.,, -Wiiitby'truste, Patricia Bew- ian iiad. previously1 stated the. wel ea fi n m n ian d iffCanada. - >Tii, United 'States 'and 'Ger- many-are afready using 'tii.sys- tem, she said.. ', -; Tax credits.yu ay be -missi ng9 9#1y 5.3 million , 'peeple reportïd -charitable donations- and claimed. the tax, credit on their 1990. tax.returnse. But 7 ýper cent of Canadians said - -tiey macle charitable donations in 1990. Statisties C anada eorsthat Canadian tax filer. dlonated a total ef $2.9 mlini hrtable doniationis An 1990, up 'ý$70.4 million,- or 2.5 per cent, froni 1989. However, tii. Cana.dian centre for Piilathropy .,-and IMAGINE estimate that tiihtta amount oet Charitable,,,donations made by all denors (tax filers and non-filer.) was *4.72 billion in W.Me tax créedit le', anadded.d benefit .ta .charitable ,givingthat many Canadians ,nia'y ne'ù't b. aware oe.," says J IiPalier et IMAINE.- In tues. teugii' economnic tii,., it makes'more sens. than ýever "te ýkeep charitable tax receipts and report donations at tax time. IMAGINE i. tuenational awareness prograni teencourage personal andcoprt iigand volunteig It is an initiative t the. Candan Centre, for WE' RE MVN MARCH 3Oth/92, Across* the. street to 103 Dundas St. W. Next ta the Bank of Montreal To service our customner s better.- MOVING.SALE-1<ý COMPLETE COMPUTER SYSTEM. 386 DX - 25 MHz. -040 MEG HARD DRIVE' - 14" VGA COLOUR MONITOR - 1 Meg RAM, - 101 ENHANCE KEYBOARD - MS - DOS 5.0 Sale.Price Only $12 99.00 Wfth This Ad Receive FREE 80 Mec1 hard driveupae (Retair vaue $150.00), HORIZON 128 Dundas St. 430-2112 (FAX H1 r COMPUTERSý W., Whitby. Ifs their hours we like «-PMon.-Fri. 1Oam-9pm Saturday until 6pm to serve you better