Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 27

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bnsinssi WH1TB MME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2&, 1992, PAGE 27 mws By Scott WilOM T1% new slogan, forthe. 90s - 'Lean and Mean.' Many buineses aveben workIng like' tsfryeare, but they lerid that' an important addition is needed, icien1T ffurvive,,you muat, do the rgh thi4ngIfie. right wy iLiewn- find the, excess snsscaseanh um them, away, streamline. your systèe and jprocedures; fiatten the, layer. cfmanagement so.that everyone gets doser ta the cient; ensure an efficient communication and analysis on every pQot « Mean'-b. aggressive in your thining and actions; do not pracrastinate on any .rQec% make decsiens witii tlii.best Lean mean iformation you can get, dont, waviit; vie*wevery transaction, confrontation, mistake, meeting, idea, as an opportunity taopn and leorn..and, ft .from; coestant hiy aut getting, better in every area of tii. business, and test out your diea.' 'Clon - get, aggresive witii the. busines s, not'your 'staff "or c ustomners; keep accurate books and records and get your financial. information and tracklng statistics monthly, neyer neglect or eut bock on'ti service aspect cf your busines; paag your cash on a daily basis, do not gtsehort-slgiited in termes cf -the. ong-rango goals and odectives cf the, business, every action you take today wiII bave a reaction in the, future;~ keep a, physically dlean, environnient for staff ta worki. Slogans and ideas make 'gbod reading buts it1s important ta, remember that 1'dd se' louder than words and in respons ta requesta,ý I have listed afew action points that dayc our clientse s uflU fqollowing. They along wltii many othersdo not lave,the. fInancia support base cf a larjefm nour doi they bave the. wde market stahility. A inialler finpatcuaryin Canada, muet s yrivonthr ability taadapt raplly ta market conditions, technol hian cosmetlient dmn nti respect, informatiun is power. Knowvyour market, out-think your competition, understand -the environnient, keep up-to-date with the. technologic-al advonces in the industzy, and improve the. maament skills cf everyonei your Trm. *financially motivate the. sales staff ta seÏlthe bigiier mri producta or services <butdot pusii clients too bard) * review poot. client lists and market newer items or service contracte * ,push products or services that save your customers money e repackage 'or renovate your products ta eitli.r add valu, or lower the unit cost e fan out speciflc admin duties or even whole divisions e manage staff time before baving to aýy people off; fiez urnes temporary leave, moke a deal with UIC taco,-pay e rent out unused office or warehoue spac * renotate es terme and lowe rats wth ti.landlord *prou . supplierl,. for longer. payment ,ternis and combinied marwketing effots particularly on a newproduct 0 refinance debt ta lower interest rates and pusii lendere ta accept,ý itereet payments only, for the,' short terni *as long as you, con pay tiie rnoney bock, take out low-priced debt ta payftor a good deOlfrom a supplier *review' otier financingotns factoring, leasing, equity Duwlneo oogan foennle Semiar eries plnned A couple cf local businesses are planning a seminar series ta help otiier businesses ta grow and prosper -in, tii. cbonging business envir>onm-nt' cf the nineties. < The. series wlll also intereet people who are tbinking cf -set- ting up tiieir own business for tii. first time. The. series, whichi i tentative- ly set f-or Tuesday eveninge b.ginning i May,' is tue brainchild cf Scott Wilson, a cer- tified management accountant witii Aistuorpe, Wilson & Assoc and Doug Anderson, owner and f=ubisher cf tue .Whitby Fr.. The. smms, whicii will b. conducted yW'ilson, ,Anderson and otiier loa business peopis, will ~~ b.sapersonal ondinter- active. Persbe st cf ailtiieyr. free. Even tue refresbments will be fre. Altuougi tii. organizers are obviously looking ta atftract new business for,, tiiemselves, tue seminar. will not b. sales pitcbes. Tiir -pumpos e fa-ta provido buiness people witi the. essential tools ta b. succw.sfl Wilson and Anderson believe that "well-informed customers make botter custome.." N on. of tue people conducting thèe'se smmons wMllb. profe.- sional tramnera.hInstead, tiiyre out tuer. i the front Unes ond hence are more attunedta tue Sai, cf tiie toqic» onthe. preliniinamy hot are: Marketing you bmusies- planingfSr got; casi-fiownineet- ,tips and frape; insuonc, busi ness -security and personal protection; stamting a mail busi- nes in tue 90è; cmpuniziing smail business; fahisC&es - prob- lenis and eppomtu3ities; person-ý nel - fling, kee , rainin and motivating tMi.rigiitpeople. Each seminarmwillb. 1. in2te2 boums long witu additiona tume set aside for questions. Watcii tue Free Press for fur- ther information. aciverdsement ROOIES& ODTMERS 106, Brock St. S. Card & Hobby Shop 668-704 William and Der.k Odonogiiue had ta open their Rookies and Oldtimems Card and Hobby Shop earliem thon plahned - by popular demand. William, Derekes fatiier, say)s customers kep t knocking on tiie window, "even thougii we baven't even cbaned.1the.sign yet." Tiiey let theni in ta bmowse and som set uýa tenpormy dîplaq ii neighbourhood has been tremendous," Boys WiÎlliam. William, tue 'rokie,'at least when it comes ta.cards, got hie son iterested i colectar corde by accident. "When I went ta Florida last yearý my brother asked me te pick hin up some desert stonm carde... I presnted theni te my brother ond Derek asks NwheWes mine? "I, gave him mine and a w.eek later he comés home witii a few hockey cards. Tii. week after that he'. got a binder besputting tueinin and itjust went froni there!" Demek, the "oldtimer," started cletnhiearnest last April. William doehmte card shows ond soon started cllecting himseif, mostly signed, lixited edition carde. With tue corde taking up more and more rooni in the house, opeuing a store seemed a sensible nove, if Sly ta, find a place ta, put then ail. "The wifes happ>y now, theyre off the kitchen tabl," says William although h. admit. tii. house. i. et Rookies and Oldtimers carries "al types cf sports carde and a good selection cf non-sports corde," soya Derek. "W.e have carde that are wortii thousande cf dollars and corde tuot are wortii pennies."Packs range in price froni 50 cents to $8 and up, eoys william. 'We have quality investment carda for the. serious inveetor and quality collectoble carde for tiie eerious Alsotvailable are model boats and trains - "hundrede and hundrede -- eventuolly we wont te become a fulI-fiege hobby store," soys Derèk Cutmer satisfaction and happinesa is our prime goal.. it's more our hobby thon our business." In addition tacour weekly deliveries.ta, 99% of the. homes i Whitby and to, ail the. major retail concentrations, we now deliver the. Fr.. Press ta the. ndustrial sections of Town by mail on thie last issue of eacii montii busiesmnw idesind to, reach the business market of Whitby Whitby Free PressauiesNw ece e.1500 active.businesses *hundreda of home businesses thousands of business owners and executives who live in WMhy but work in neighbouring communities -For flyer delivezy or advertiing cali th itby Free Pres Wblit/ps: #1 NEW9paper Toronto lUne-427-18 34 GOL-DEN IGNMLDDLEA ~~prmoonaloferscouponsw The GiFddke's Cookin' *u c KENDALWOOD PARK PLAZA * 1801 Dundas St. E.,Whtby 72345381' Fa-x 668-594 I -- -- - - With this coupon wheni you buy TWO lunches at the Whithy Golden Gdddle Family Restaurant the lesser pnçed lunch is Freel- Valid Mon. to FH. lam to 2pm atthait location. Not vartd way other specials, - u- i--------------------------------~ -.- ---- -~ - - -- - - --.-- ----~--- - .--~- - -~ ..-'~.-. - - ~--.-l ~ w~ - *consder merging9 opertions witi a. supplier or client or witii a copetitor who bas-dufferent strengtii thon you own. *focus inta an-uexplaited -market witii your'products 0 give paynient ternis for early cdleion, :ý gt toui* -on lae amounts end: keep on 'top -cf recevables daily »I sel ff .-any ,unneeded equlIpment orîiýventory *quota to get the. prcject, but' niake same that, there is profit in it for yuL W. bve' avoUable a'TIps Trop. on, CashMage nt booklet. Cmli the office mnoot at (416) 691.-3704 for yourcoy. e- nd cdean Retirement Income fonds FROM PAGE 24 On the. other bond, if ou had bought on RRIF with the sanie princiapi investment of $100,000, olso invested at 12 per cent, you would receive *3,333 i the first year. Since less money is witlidrawn i the early years of the RRIF, more money is lef to compound and grow tox-fre.i the following years. By the. tenth year, you would receive $9,610. »y the twentieth yeor, $32,057 and by the thirtieth yDar, over $135,000.â Over 30-.year, you would receive a total f *963,000, 2.6 times os much as the annuity. Now, letes assume that infIation remains at five per cent during thie neit 30 yeors. Tht means the. final $12,414 annual annuity payment would actually b. worth only $2,870 in 1989 dollars. By comparison, the IF~s final payment of approxamatély $135,000 would b. worth $31,200 in constant .Wîtti sin mid, think wbat would have liappened if you had invested your RIF i a mutual fund tbat bas the potential of yielding an average of 15 pe cnt ayear.'During 30years, you would receive a return of $M.8 million. Talk ta an ivestment specialist or stock broker ta discover how an RLIF con b. tailored ta, fit your retirement income needs. 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