WMM 'YFR E iqjceWEDNESDAY, L(AECH 25,1MM, PAGE 21 'J, rilli ~SEEDS,. -vr200 seilyslected vegetab les chosen for their fesh delicbous1flavour, & xcptonal eating qualities- -- .Chcýse f rom beans ta tomatoes &, corn' to watermean along with -severà l new. hybrid gourmet Introductions tool Our reg. .79-3.49ea. DINNER PLATE SIZE- 10". BLOOMS - TOP SIZE; QUA TY DUTCH TUBERS > -Huge secaul ar -Choose from maëny' assorted colours Ou9re7 'ou9ea. BE1TEFTHAN MANURE!' 100% ORGANIC - NOWEO -NO ODOUR -Grow Rich is a lvng soif amfencfMentý full of heipful soil bacteria thatbpen-. the soil ta oxyigen & makes it hof more moisture & nutrients.. SALE 'j" Iqç~) 'l'h ~'1L ll AiSeel RFesin Coated 1 il DRA DRACAE -5taII -Grown to S-Ha*,drec 59,99ea. FLOWE PEA MWA1JRI -Lush. daà Our reg. 1 blues, pini 'TALI OVE RSUZED GAR DEN /RECA PALMSTOL YUCCA-CANES -Dura ble Super ardo pebe uis stand u to yýears ofruged se- OYOUR-Ail steeFshafts & sturdy Dhanidies ÇHIE-Choose from suae ont spade Our g.or round mouth shovel ,SALE ýSALE LGON TREES Orrg ENA "MARGIHATAN 699a perfection dedged A 4 ......... ..SALE ela. :RING SPATHEPHYLLUM CE' LILY ACLACAS ESAI«R CLEAERIOA C LAC AS c ren beaves surround beautiful O 8 4 POSITON STACKING CHAISE LOUNGE' Ji9elk ......ms ....SALE 8 ea. *DeIum ,76 ong x 27- wids ~.99ea Concealed whiels malce il easy ta movel ERARIA 88-Available in whfte or grey rosin fiowers in startiing 88a~ e.'V' *f*4,.,C CACTUS & -SUCCULENTS -Choose from over 20 vaniees -2 1/4" pots, Our reg. 22~ OVhiteoe W CRAFTS &NURSE-RY SALES LTD. WHITBY IMon. to Fri. 9:OOa.m.-9:OOp.m.. 1243tJrldas St. E. Sat, Sun. & Holîdays 9:00a.m..:OOp.m. ofW aiThICksOn Rd. SALE 'ENDS APRI L 2ïA1992. LIMITED TO STOCK ON HANO. NOT ALL PRODUC"t AVAILABLE AT OUR KENNEDY RD., OUEENSWAY OR wHITBY LOCATIONS. NO WICkER ýFURNITURE SO:.D AT KENNEDY &-THE QUJEENSWAV STORES.- wIl i ~iéKe7i~ c SALE ENDS APRIL 2192 OSHAWA'» 300 Taunion Rd. E. Ritson & Taunton TURKISH mOPPE R beautforà any>home -Choos ce fo avrety of sîzes & , rstes including planters,: býuoekets usiaulidrons - ,-Available iri.,maeny decrative pattems & finishes incIding thepoýyuar, ~3~ALE FROM: j - i -~ *~ V'x~si.~ v~JcarW a>5v3 L~~4À~ ~ 4nuzas3suo~t LIsLa I *MW «aLhae~J o4 aI~n&~ r I Rse- CRAFIS . NURSERYSALES LTO a !rAd Lj 1Il 0 ç. j y Lv- 1 7 la à IëH