INTERNATIONAL TRAINIPN IN COMMUNICA¶TION The Firet Oshawa Club 1'] will hold a xpeeting on Tuesda- Apr1 , 6 p.m., at Hong Kor Hou., 9 Smca. St. S., Oshbaw TIi.heme wi*l1b. «'Sun, Sea a Sand!' Coâtof dinner i.*8$14. F more linformation, cail ,Pati 725-975 or Joyce- at 668-5504. I SHOUID HAVE AGA Q -SALE! Pngle Crek Band sud Chci Parents Association bas pan two garage sales te b. eld in ti school parking lot on April 25 ai, May 2, 8 >am. te,4pan. There i.s $10 fe., sud 60 apce a available for each day. Frm information oeil 666-20% 668-7688 or 668-8122. rG 0VÊltC0MNG NEGCAUIV C How to eem. bappi*er tu tthe ay, year 2000 suad beyond' is a ng two.sesîon workshop conducted ~a by Duham Houe. Cbild .sud rid _Faà mily Centre that will focus 'and 'or give practical techniques on how at overcome negative ,thlnidng sud feel Iiapier for' the. rèst, of R Centre, 1867 Valley Farm Rd., on Wensday, April 8ùsund -15,7 te 9 li pm. Tii. coet is $16 pa erson. ForS more information sud te i. regiater, ea thei.centre at id 579-2021 or 686-4353., r. et FOOT 'CAME FOlS NIORS The. Whitby Seniors'Activity Centre offers basic fIoot car olinicos te seniors-at. tbree locations'.hn^ Whitby. Monthly clinios are held'at thi. centre, 801 * Brock St.8. 315CoUborne St.and 100 iGlenhiliDr. Appoitments j are uecessary suad may b. made by callig 668-1424, h;eele a small f.. for the. service. STAMP CLUB The. Oshawa Stamp Club wil meet on Tuiesday, Aýprîl 7, 7 pm. at ONeill Coleégiate, cafet:ans, first floor. Colleciora sund visitera are weleomie. Stamps, postcards and cover collections eau b.' exchau, appraised or sold at aton. or- more information- calu John at 725-7962. CHOCOLATEBRUNCH A Chocolat. Lovera- Bruneh, spotw bd y the.Alzheimer Docet o hIam Regiwon, wil be hel at the. Robert MeLaugh- lin Galley restaurant on Sun- day, Aprl5, with siting atl11 a&m. sud lp.m. The menu will inelude a champagne sud orange juice drink, -homemade muffinso te an .assortment of chocolat. desserts. ickèe are $25, which includea a $15 donation for wbieh tax receipte will b. ssued. Cal 576-2567 for reservations. CHARfTFUNDRAMR Conservation dinner committee will hold a charity fundraiser with a dinner sud su auction at theICen. W. Sikorak Poliah * Veterau'aCentre, *Oshwa on April 23. Proceeds will go towardla conservation prqjeeta in Durham Region. Items for auction will b. m lnl lmited edition- prints, fishng euipent, etc., with the mi items beizig oriinal pantiffl anda trpfor two tu tdraw wilbheld on Apri* linmited edition pint by Michael DumaSi,'WondBIllOD' IFor tickets, fcall Robert Lutczyk at 404-214 or Fred Hines et 434-2524. >SPNG ESSION- 0F Tii. Whitby Seniors' Activt Centre, 801 Brook, St. S" 2.ll effr a variety of instructionai chamssfor the. spring season. A Ieda cing I..wil also b. offWed e the Brooklin co.nmunity centré. cours. regstation wiflb. held starting Moday, April 6, 9 te il sm mà d for th ruet of tii week until classesarefull. Classes willboi the. week cf April 1n. Registr eanly st the centre. For flrtier. information, cail 668-,1424. MATSUYAMABONSAI i. next meeting of the Mat- suyama Bonsi cée ilb held on Mondy wl67p at, Faith- Place, 4ýûw,â 0WOhawai q~n AQUARIUM SHOW AND 1AUCYIION Durham Region Aquarium Society will hold an sunual show sud auction on Sunday, April, 5 at the. Kins'men Community Centre, 109 Coîborne St. -W., 0osawa, with classes for aIl types o<f ilh sud su auction of tropical fais, filters, aquatie, plants sud more. Ail are welcome. Admission je free. For more information about tii club, calI Frank Capute, 404-0641, or Wayne Rakstrw, 725-7911. GENEALÃ"GICALSOCRnT Tii. Whitby-Oshawa brsuch of thé Ontario Uenealogical, Society will meet on Tuesday, pril 7, 7:15 te 10 p.m., h thé cafeteria, of Henry Street High School, Whitby.. Guest speaker n ]Rowe wiII discues The Little Immigrants.' For more informa- tion calI Bessie Gannon at 723- 7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668- 8177. PARKINSON'* Parkinso Sup port Grp Durham RegionChptr wl od a general meeting on ApriI6 73 p.m. at St. Mar nied Churoh, corner of Coiborne sud Centre streeta (south door entrance),- Wbitby. Guest speaer' Paul Gauthier will'disces tai chi. General> public invýited, refreshments are available. For moe inor atinoel666-8576 or 668-6580. RSNG FOR PERS ONAL CHA4NGE Tii. Family ,Education Resource -Centre .will hold a fworksh p Xkù.forPr=on" Chanefoeumng on how v ra forchange sud'what is< n edo'»o., l. workshop- w«ll b. held',at -,the. Comunit Centre, 75, etenniald., on Monday, Ap«Il 6 sud. '3;7 te9,.mThé>fee ia, $16 parpeso. o, egstrCal the centre at 579-2021* or 686-435. Rose cf< Durham wifl hold a bazawansd rummagu sale on Saturday, April 4, 9 *am., te 1 pmat St. Mary of tii,*People iChiihall, 52 Stevenson Rd. N, Oshawa. Therewill b. boked gooda cran sd more. Donations in good condition will b. apprecaated sud may bedropwdý April3,'7 to %j..For'more 579-3470 or 668-6902. The annual geneial meeting sud election of officers of thé. Durhamx West Provincial LiUberal Association will b. 'held, on Tuesd ýMl7 atPickering IEgh Ziai i afe teria at 7:30 pam. Membership am b. renewed. Finger fooda at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7:30 P.m. 1992 camp brochures are now beig distrhbuted te achoisasd are availale for -pickuzp et the. ,Wbitby Library sud the. YMCA, offices at 814 Brook St. N. -i Whitby sud 1400 Bayly St. inu Pickerig. Tiiere are ten weeks cf *summier camp sud a variety 0< camps te chocs. fri=: Riding Camp, Sports Camp, Cemputer Camp, Arts Camp sud General Day Camp. Fees range from $210 upte $355 for a two-week session. A new feature this year in tutoring while, at camp for an additional $85. 1.Enter your blrthdate to, get your own personal horoscope.- 2. Enter a Ioveci ones birthdate as welI as your own for an analysis of your relationship. 3. A sensual horoscope for two people. A horospe for your business actMtles. A pemonal horoscope lor a special date in the 6. A business horoscope for that meeting, interview, or deal down the road. WMTBYFMRIES E WEDNESDAYt MARRH n 1992, PAGE 17 Community initiative helps keep'kids safe Slmart advice'-te help keeop chldrensafe ine fre. with a visit te the. Wlitby Canadian Tire store on Saturday, April 4, fi-om 9 a.m. , v thyisonfl " 50 'aréa hast 'StayTireorm tha 0 Day togethUr wlth , Ontario, Block Parents and'tii. Stay Alert. Stay SAe organization. sudý# on. 0 ii taé8Y Alert...tay Safe Ilmasco6ts --.Bet cr.Gert - - willbeat thestaoeto talk-to parents ,sad 'their Ichildren about, poeton issues. Afree Stay A... Stay ae bookiet with, atreetproollng 'tip forohildren a'su n'ts' WEIb distributed à tr with infrmaionon the B ock Parent ,Iutroduoed te achoo nationwid. in 1990 as a result icf fianding fr-om. Canain Tire' child protection1 prqgram, tii. Stay~~ e r..ta program- includes -take-hSmne material, teaching -manuals, sud su aninated vidéo designedto initiate supervied rol .plying activities amno achool den. Over . 0 Block Parent volunteers will participate in the' April 4 event. Tii. Ontario-7Block Parent orgaizaton r~aets a group of adults who yV zliuntee thair home as a ,safe reffig when, su emergeucy arims.. While thi. ar à as ala tether w ho épIiOmn ,Block.Paentrogrme apou n"à lt .tot areshon BOck paent poga. »A Blockgra Parent aigu ithe window Iets chfidren i dstrees know thaï; a Block Parenit home is a oafe Through'its child protection " wersae rvdlng-fimdlng sud other' supportto chaities devote t* te iuafety sundwelfar eto eldren. ý&So.itslanch -i1990 Canadian, Tire bas hmcoemittec over, *2-millon, t the i.Stay Aiert . ta Saf~ ai, aton.sud Se1fm.hep directorY Tnu. Dlrectory ci(SelftHelp Groupe' i'Durham Roglon in available frcm the Canadan Mental Hllth Assciaton Durham branch, fora charge 0 *10.~ T".dretr lsaover 100" groupa with' contacte, member- .hip informaton,> etc. To order oue. cil(416) 4.8760. TE REGIONAL . >MU IIPLI 0 F DURHAM I.NOTICE Ã"F.1 PUBLIC-MEETING Take notice that the Réonal Councll wliI conslder at a mleeti to b. hoId on: Wodnsday,ApI 5192t0Oa REGIONAL HEAD)QUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST. WHITBY AN APPUCATION TO AMEND TI DURHAM, REGIONAL'OFFICIAL PLA lb. amendmen t Proposes th!rty-one (31) ostate rsdentll t and agolf cou"swithln the site indicatMed onthemýap b low.7e The proposed amendiment le, avallable for inspetion ln tm officiéofothe PanningDepartment~ 1615 Dundas Street E. 4th Floor, LangTow.r, WestBuiding,,WhItby Mai, Wh or Richard Szar.k, Planning Depa-tment,(416>e) -7 (Whfty)A3ql65(roronto). Roquest t make a prosentation befor. the Rognai Councl concernngtluprposed amendiment must'b. forwared to tii. Régional Ce«Ic, onai Hequ mtrsBuiding,605 Rossland Road East Whl>. jOntaioLI=N6an sudeuId b. receléd' 48 hours prior to toéRogional Council Meeting. FILE NO.:.OPA 88-026 GayHerroma Rqonaîchafr f C.W. Lundy, AM.C.T. Regb" Clerk