pAGE le, WITYFE PRER% WEDNESPAY, MARCH 2& I99 UNEMPLQYDJMWoEKEVvox POP FORUM GROUP MENG Ontarlo riding MP Rene Soe- Tue firet meetng.,.ç< the, tens *Mlhold>a Vox Pop ýForum Un l »ýdWoekor'(W opwHifl'town 'hall:-type -me1 etmg) -on boe =doefun daThiu Ma'. 260 Sauday March 28 10a&m. to 7:3êAo 9fr.Bpa., N' ueiron nonat Witneydail, Iroquois Northview Library250) BeatricoPrkComplex. AIl welcome ta &t E, Oshawa. âùe seker discusisu. wfllbeMaralyn Tauo0ee e«Ocutivé «d«co, Oshawa and AUCTION SALB District Umlyd Hel Te nnalauction slfh Contre. To r-ýogitr a Corne Double Club of DruÃŽmnond -White DrhmNorthministèr 'United'Cliurch Centre 1W constituency office, .(corner or Simcoe St. N.» an& at 430-11410,ol~dR, Oshwa) wifl ho 101TH ANNUAL EETIG Durham Sâve-a-Heart - wil hold its lOth arinual meeting et moon on %tuursda, March 26 et 1450' Hopki oL, ute 106,ý hty.AIl are wélcomné ta atn.For reservations ca 666-0995. LEARINO DISA"FI Assciaio,",liwa haté-wl meet on, T luurda, Maich 269 7:-30 p,at-he hy Publlp Librzy. uer wil hoa vdeMo how ta improve a childs grades, adsoif-estîenm, fonlowd b y paen haSmg turne. AUil are- welcome "and admiséioni. free. Cal ý623-4934 ot' 436-7706 'for more infor 094o.. The, .Canadian -Insttut. e Management will. hold a dinner. meeting.on lhursday, March, 26, 6:30 P.m., atOshawa Gl lb 10Alexandra St. Gary Polonà sky' president 0< Durhamn Coleges, wM f discusan gamproch taarriving ut and implemhenting thIi kidscf toug decisions the current times require. Tue coot la *30 per peran. To reserve, oeil Gayle by M[arch 24 at(416) 683-0750. UNEMFLOYEDWOMRES' GROUF The. firet -meeting of the Unemployred Workers Group will ho held on'Thursay, March 26, 7:30 ta 9:.30 p.m., Nonquon room, Northview Library, 250 Beatarce St E., Oshawa.- Guest speakers will ho Ray Peters upesdent, UnitBd Citizens 0< teroog who- wil discuss< tarting an unemployed workers' group and Marayn TaffSsexecutive, director, Oshewa an&d District Unemployed . Help Centre, speaking on services avafiable' in Durham.. To- register,, cal Drummond White, Durhin Centre MMP, et 430-1141. ST. MARK' QUILT SHOW Tue l2th annuel qult show will ho held " et St., ars nited Church, corner of, Colborne and, Centre. Stse,- Whitbyl, on Fnidey March 27, 2, >té 9 p.m. anJ Sutur-day, March 28, 10 a.m. -ta 4 pm Ondisply, wiil hW,50 Mlsized 1 a l el hangings and smà ntsuIted_. items.ý Admission - $ 3.50.,and refreshinents ý are.,included.'St. Mares is wheelchair accessible. - TEGIJT 0F MUSIC Durham RégioeiConcert Association Win ll eet'ueG of, Muoic, , featuning soprano Gwynth Hveewn, . iand Mark JaOuse on crinet on Satda March -28,v:30 a.m,t Andrew'5 P8ryt1¶iiCiurch, Wihy. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for chldrenr and are avalbe et Wilso & Le. and m ywl~ aOshewea and Thomas '11 neia o, auiy, ,mm,4 ip 0 ,einiiat 9a..The'aio WiU:bO'ldI, at ,9:30 a,.m,. with hol jo- d ,home bakin'g, candy bn and refreShients IAERHOPPERS CHUIRCH SERVICE Tue Oshà ýaa Barberhoppers are conduc'ting a'churcçhseie on Sunday, March .29, ,7:-30 .p.M.,, at' St. Marks: United Church., The. devýotion is ta ho -led b1rlv John' Brown, à a Barberîope and meriè o S.Mak se icr by the' Barbersluhoppers chorus.' Proceeda sgo -tathe, charity, 'Harr, monize"fgor 'Speec'h' (Campbel's' Children's School is a local reci-ý FIELD NATUAIT Tue Durhamn Reon iZeld, Naturalist4 will meet"on Moniday,. March' 30, "ý'7:30 p.m., at the. Northvie'w 'Public ià brary, 250, Beatrice SL RE, Oshawa. Guest speaker' ýwIll ho eGlen Hooper, à a wîetlanîd ' Ped itfrom the Mnisry o NatralResourcS, who .wJll' diséuas the state of wetlands, in ,Ontarlo. -New members are welcome. LUNCHEON OUT 'Luncheon Out,'meals for local', seioslaheold- every Monday, Wdeday and Friday at noon at the"ýKinit of Clumhbus Hall, Brock. St. _N. .idowntowný Whitby. Knights of, Columbus sponsor the luncheons. For more iniformation call 668-8334. TePHOTO CLUB TeWhitby Photo Club will meet at the Family Trust bulld-- hIg, corner of Hickory and. Dun- da streéts, Whitby,- on'Monday, March 30, 7 ,ta 9 p.m. The evening in open for members who wish ta present a prograin. New members arewebcom-e. Tue annual oyster supper Will' ho held at Greenwood United Church, Greenwood, north Pick- eri, on'Sunday, March 29, with, seatingi3 at 5 and 6:30 p.m. Advancée tickets, $10 for adults and $5 for those up ta age 12, are available by calaling .Doug at 683- 6217 or Kehnet 683-5828.<1 REATIVEFUN> WhibyPublic' Library wil- hvsoecreative fun for little ones on- Saturday, March -28, 10:30 ta 11:30 a.M., in, the prog rain roomn. Wear painters'ýý pants or an old ahirt, Registration,- us liniited, -and the programis suitable for children aed 3to5. Register et.the library., -SPRING P¶W-SCHOOL- Retation for the spring"- pre-achool. session ýwill be held on Wednesday, Apr'l 1. Ninbers wil ho handed out at -6:30 pa., with k talreitrti1 >gn ning ut 6:30 p.M. Calfthe lbY ut 668-6531 or 668-6541 form ore RAE ONSNpanning and ,,development co-ordinator .with ti Ministry.of Comnt n Sociall. Services, speaks a t -a meetingi on the rodirection ofÃ"! long-trm; care and -commlunlty supoetsevicsheld rece'ntly at the- Whltby Photo*.byMark Eoe.r, WhtbyPr.. Pv.. REVIALCRUSADE> <The Sutura- twins, Lau and Ralph of Ohio make u eia tam, ht a talkng to htb' Falth ýBaptistChrchmemer and. oesin eetduntil April 8. Tii.hefocS isns4'ig t mt spirituel problems feced by people today"For- more -informa- tionîm cai8-50>8.. POLKA DOT DOOR Polka Dot ýDoor ,Liv, with Galreyicliardsun, Polkaroo and specil -estFuiuland-Band will b. at Eastale Collegiate, .Har. mony Rd.,N., Oshawa on Satur- day April 25. ýTuer. wil ho three pertormancso,at il Lm., 1 and 3 P.m. ickets are $7 (reser-ve seat- Ing on.Cal 668-0497 for th. il a.m. show, 432-6919 for the. 1 pa. jshow and 576-8218 for 3. p. Proceeda ta the. Westmino-' terUni.eChurch building fund. DAZZLING DONý. Tickets for the. Annlversa r ath 0< feýé and60s acegoo0 nsalýme: Saturday Aril 4 -at 8 a.m, frocls arena.,ickets $187 ech -wlth a ton-ticket li per persan. Tue ovent ishoste Dmynard and proseted th Durai capter of- Canadan 'Cystlahc Fib Foundeltion. Dance dapte iiiA 25. ~Non-profit oommiunlty groups whlch1 are based Iln Whltby- or have.a sustntalWhltby mnemrbe'rshlp 'may. placetheir, upcomln9 imeetings > or activities on, this page at no cost. Profit maklng or*non-Whltby groupa willl e ,hrge. 1ai followlng weoka linserton la Frlday at 5P.M.: FMIDLE CLUB> The Oshawa-Whitby Old. Tune Fiddle Club wilL meet oà NéWed nùesday, April' 1, 7:30 p.i t Heyd.nshore, Pavillon, bty Wor an -eVenlng of old-tim. iroun- andsquüare-dn sn*uig and gia-laying.Alwloe AdmIission isa2.for moe iif9or- nmation..oeil 436-9019, or 655- 3023. The Oshawa Machine Knltters Guild -will mheet' on Tuesda_ April 7, 7 p.m at Dr. à .J Phillipasckhool 62b SiimcoeSt.:N. (at Rosland) OshaWa. Varlous machine stitc!i.howill le dernon strïatedï. New members -are wel- corne hCn-knittr rmachine-' kniter. Cîl 76-9810 for mojre, information. ,FASIfION SHOW. < The<Brath of Spring' fashion show will be held. at Vamecale (French hall, behind' old train station), 707'Siicoe>ýSt.S. Osh- awa, Apîril 130 pa..l1icketà aIre $12 eacfu available from EOClectîcs (4à 6ri41) and Calypso (436-6250):or 4by <a1 1r 25-7529 or 430-12FslnbElbi Fashions .,and'Cal pso Fashion'a and Swimwear. or. will hé 'a- draw (air fare only,, tô Haw#aii), refreshinents, doýtrifl znSicý rDav Byer.l-p goà Ph oundation, Durham 'hp- NDP FUNDRMSWR. The. lOth annual Durham, NDP fundraising- dinner and' dance ,will -ho heléd 'on, Saturday, Apri> 4 at -GVen.qikorMdiHaU(ý r Oshawa. Oshawa MP,'-. Zkeý Breaugh, the New ý.Democratlc Party' houing critic, wilb o uest ,speaker.- Thée faindaser begins with cocktails a . sit-down, ail-youa-can-eat-, oh - tyle meal at 7 pm.fooedb dancing to themsuPicfth50à to 90suntil 1am. Tiéketaaà ro$50, for pge à nraad i 'nand $100, for hast. -Tai' recei aà re 0's aailablewhere iapnýblo. Cai l< n(416) 623-6377, 7235917' or , t705-878-3872 to reserve tioketa.7 i by tby ti. SPRING CONCERT Tue Whltby B&ass Band, uùder, conductor Roland, HiIwll pr formiJn the "Spninm'g,toncert'-on Saturday April 4, 7:30 p.m., et St. Anrew's Preshyterian Ciurcii, 209 Cociirane ,St., Wiiby. Gue9t,,artis will h.b members of tIi.Kirkland ILeke Brasa Band. Admission'la fro.. DAFFODIILPFESTVAL *Hoat famà illes ýare ,needed-to Tii loal ranh o th Caa-provide accommodation for fore- dian Cane Scetywillhod thei uensfrforto six weeksv Dà ffodil Festival Apil 2, 3 and 4 Mi Jul1r*and Augu8t. Students, at'-various locations in Whitbyv agedA4,to 17, fromin -countries, and- Oshawa. About 19,000 d&eo such asà Spain, :France, -Mexico dus w*1ll be sold to raise funds for an d Japani will learn Enlih" as the"society. a 'second language. Studéents corne*,in, groups. -with , teachers from;.,their own:_ country. -Pro- NIORIT 0F COMEDY gains are -or mizd -by' ue The Kinsmen'Club wi Lngag Wrhop, based-mn '-A Night of Comedy' feaonrfr4 gToronto. For more -information- Yuk-Yuks on Sauri ,Apil 4,8 oel Whitbyrépresentative Paul. pr.,at Heydenahore PviloEmnond at 668-7883. WhtyUTckets arte.$20Ã"whAcLECÀ ,AER inlde cmdysow ane La Leche. League- Oshawa will9 and midnight bffto tickets hold the r Jar monthly'meet- oeil Bryan Williston at 430-13751i gon Wdeaday, Apr 8. & or Gary Hind ut 430-7499. .MÃotheà a and:« nuruing .babies areà Procsedswill gotoW ýhby welcom,. Foz-ýýmor, -informationi Geneal.Acpi_9 ýi. clu . .INCOME TAX Whitby Seniors' Acity Cnr,801 ýBrock'St. S., will ébrntinute'ffyde assstance in Apricome t x preparto amoderato income seniors in Whitby. Cal tii. centre et 668-1424for an eppointment STEP GIROUP Ti.spig eson ofthe. Slo Familyducation Grop is.beîùgý arranged. Tis group la s.for familles and friende 0< ,persn >whose diaposia ip schizophrenia. Tue objectivesof the group will ho to provide a forium where these familles can gain basic education on thii. topic of schizophrenia, and discusissues of mutuçl concern rélated -ta coping .witii mental ilnes.Te group 'il .leld ia thegroup. room of building 10 et ,Wlithy PsTychiatric Hospital -on Wednesays fronu7:30, ta 9 p.m., beining April 1 ,Ilai d-ending May e13. For xeferrok - ta -this- graup, contact -group leaders. Agele a.'rley (ext. 56M73> or. Dr. M., Fotluergill (ext,. 5672) Tii neit- meeting of the. Cesarean -Prevention- Support and Education Group wiilh iield on Monda, 6 8 P.u. et397R1omW tAé. siwa. - Imm