Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 26

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PAGE 26,,WHITYFRME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCE 18, 1992 CORPORATION 0F THE 0% 1TQWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, April G, 1992@7:50 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whltby, Ontario A Public Meeting will b. held by the Plann and Dev=eont Commit»eeof Council cf. the Cororeton cfth Town ofWhbyo consider a Prmoe amenckient ta thm Whltby Officiai Plan and Zonlng By-law 1784 as submitted by Brooklin Meadows Limited. The subjectpetyl% lctes n atLot 1 ocession 6 on die northwetcre fTlko odand WicherRoad as Incicated on the sketch below.- ~RfS Lb,,~ S L E ROOKLIN H kiVd' E W ichster Road E Tepurpose of die application la to amend the Brooklin Secondar Planan Zonlng. By-Iaw 1784 te permit the development of a loai commercial plaza. The site lae ntiy zoned 'A Agricultural and la designated ridental in the Officia Plan. The purpose of the meeting ilato provide adequate information to -the public and ta pemit interested persons the opportunity ta make represettioninl respect of Mh applications. If yau are unable ta attendte eting, your representadon can be hîied In writing by mail orpronat del eiyh ach the Planning Department flot later than regulaworkinghboumon Apil 13, iW2 lnterested persons may lnspect additional information relating to the above application in the Plannin Departrent, Level ,575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontar", LiN2Bdnngruarwrighrs Monday bo Friday, or may contact the Planning Departinent by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING rSHOP IN THE ÇLASSIFIEDSI You'll save time and money if you shop the ads in the classified sect ,ion first! t's the place to. find the big bargains you're looking for. T HOSE W1814NO TO0 RESPOND te box numbors shown below, Io ase do net send responses ta teWhltby Free Prese This system la a volce mail system. To accese, cal 1-416976-1991. MARRIED MALE, 34, Iooking for singie or married female between 20 & 35 for friendship. Must b. very discreet. Box 1003. ENGUSH FEMALE, 23, likes movies, skllng, travel, dinlng out & chailenges. Seeks honest & reliable guy for relationship, 23-30. RSVP Box 2004. VERY ATTRACTIVE adven- turous attached maie, 34, seeks similar lady for fun times. RISVP Box 1013. Hi, I LOVE MUSIC, dancng & sports. I have blonde hair, 22 years ol. Seeking a tail, romantic man. Box 2000. EUROPEAN, INTELLUGENT and romantie maie, 25 ypars, 6 t. tell, very good.Iooking, likes sports & quiet evenings, would like to meet sincere, trustworthy lady 20-25 years. Reply te RISVP Box 1020. LET'S DISCUSS the possibilities. Uf you are a compassionate, charmlng -and sincère business- man, 49 te 56, who le lnterested ln a true relatlonshlp wlth an attractive, eut ol glady, please reply te RSVP x201 ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports, theatre, movies &. good conversation would like te meet intelligent, witty, -sîncere and attractive lady. Reply ho Box 1005. MALE - 24, likes music. movies, seks onitel gn fm or reiationship. Not into mind games. Box 1002. ATTRACTIVE male, 50, wouid like to meet lady 40-50 for dining out, movies, romance, possible lastinig relat:onship. Box 1009. ATIRCTIVE, MARRIED 23 year aid looking for femnale between 20 &40 for discreet reiationship. Reply to RSVP Box 1015. SINGLE- FATHER, 37, of 3 looking for fun-loving petite.lady, 30-40, for quiet nights, sleeping in Sundays, dîning & country living, outdoor lover. R SVP Box 1021. SOMETHING SPECIL4%uv THE 0S5e WHITBY FREE PRESS Int dliOtiol The MOY VO irect VolceJir ~.wd ~Sport TraveI Dating Lookfng - - Single Nctdaclidrtforpat rarcq an dlnner or thratit> ( ) Jo fK Up Or lokir Seniors a-unvef for th tl, X' N,.cýd anothcr pes. rînd a .Pecil senior in otke ia partr.r oT nayb >1 Som? fourth fur bridge, sec a ogn.pta help Mii Il. - 'n play orjust for compan-- outachatr- n i d rrcd fonshifp? Chlck out îtsvPî iand lisfc.n ISVIl WhIlby Fm- [esPRVII> system supplie f by Traikli g Comp)utce' by Tele.4phe. Canada lac., It'a easyl Ifs lunl t ls conssaentualt cail 668-0594 (Please caU Wedinesday - FIWday, 9-12 or 1-5 ITc place a FREE 20 word ad in the Whftby Free Press cali 668-0594. We don't even need your. name or phone number. Your ad wilt run fn the newspaper each week tor a monih. WeIll give you o vofcenafIl box number.'lben you dfail1-416-976-1991. waft for it la answer.and press extension crode 3 //I on your louch-tone phone. Follaw a simple serles af messages whfch wil l help you place a voice ad ta complement your free word ad ln the newspaper. - Your prfvaey f. guamanferd. e>*' *Yau Icave yaur voire onfy - no naine. no ~'- addruss. no phane, number - your t-capon- Z>.>'> dents answer to your mailbox only. t ,i>, Yau decide wha ta cuit bock after Iistenfng ta yorrelut-n messages. Yo ecd when and how oiten to retricve yourmessages. www Yau pay for yout- cai on your phone bill- oniy 99Ç à per minuteuptoa maximum ai $2.97 per c-ail - there are no Pe addttional long-_ .~ ~j! distance charges. You are ehargdt leaveyaur Iitiai message andlech, lime you litten ta your response. N.B. The Free Press revte w eaeh Iiia1 mae tlaensure Its sultabtlty fru readership. We tesere thee ulght ta delete any ad whteh i. offensive ln content or whlch cantains the partie, addeess an phone number aiflisé box, halden or anything whieis Idntifies for a handball tneT? Someone fora rund of golf or gamne of chess? look for them ln tSVPI Hcar it ln rnesr own vosce: 1eau 1-416-976-1991 Watt for it ta answer. then when prompled press extension code 3 an your lauchitone phone RSVP ads are round ln the Classffleds af the Whltby Free Press. Each ad cornies a vol cenafIl box number ta help you flnd the corresponding vol ce message. Jut down the mailbax number from the adyou wlsh ta respond ta. Thien di -416-976-199 1. pS newspper code 3 and a si mp le serles airmessaes wIll leadtuotheir message. If you lîke. you can respond. leavlng r ar naine and phone number. aur reply Ils aniy accessible ta the persan Il la inlended for. You pay only m imum ai *$2.97 per c-al on tout- Teeare no àddl- lionai long distance charges. To listen te these.peopn e e1 own volet, c â1-416-976-1991, enter code 3 when prompted. enter 1 for personal ada and then the box number in the ad. ...or you can browse through al cf them. You will be billed on your phone bill for 99$ per minute to a maximum cf 3 minutes a Granite or Bronze Markers 0*Cemetery Lettering^ *'Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitb y 668-3552 AJqri-Taur 668-4460 or 666-151 3: -ù4nwemppointmentagladly arranged' V Liélnei Whitby General Hospital will hold ceremonies on March 31 to mark the fifth anniversary of the hfi 97'te hspital began the program, a personal respense system linking those ineed to, 24-he .ur. assistance by simply prs 1ngabutton., rMilniea Trelford, Whithy General's firat Lifeline program subacriber, wilI be. attndig the cormunies tobeheld2 to 4 m in 'the hospital's secondflor dining room. Fer more information, cali Liflin prrmmanager Peggy. Getting tactive FROM PAGE 16 with their longer format, can provide in-depth information and advice. They want te serve their readers, top, sioif yô'd like te se. more ar-ticles on healthy, active living in1 your favourite magzies, write and. let them Evaluate your sources. No matter. what you read or where you read it.., considerthe background of the author., When you're accepting, advice on personal health, it should be fromn writers who have checked their facta and 'know their stui. Movie stars aren' the beat people te help us get» fit, nor are 'health food saeca]ists the ones we turn to, for dietar avice. 'fie ones te, heed are health' professionals with formal training in the topic covered. Obituaries IERYVANDERLEfNDEN Henricus (Henry) Vanderlin- den of Whitbyidied at his home on. Saturday, ,archZ 7,1992. He was 72. He was born in Holland on April 6, 1919 son 'of Anthoôny and CorliaV'anderlinden.;" He marrlied Henrica . (Rick) Roofs on October. 4, 1951 ini Holland.« A Whitby resident for 37 years, Mr. Vanderlinden- worked,-i nursing atIl iiý-Atby Psycbiatric Hospital. H. was a member cf St. John the, Evaxngelist Roman Cathohc Church. .H. ia survived by his wife, daughters Elli VanWijgaarden and Shirley Humphreys gad- sons Robert and Russei Van- Wijn -den and granddaughter The funeral service was held on Wednesiday, March 11,- 1992, Father Bob OSrien conducting. Interment at -Resurrection cerne- tory. JOYCE IIITCHERICH Joyce' Hitscherich died' at Princes Margaret 1Hospital' on Saturday, March 1, 192

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