Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 1

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e Peition:Kep KInsmen oloe A680-name0 petition asking tiie Town te k.eep thé. Kinsmen Pool open was given to'Town opration onmtte. Monday ~r, presentingtii. petition John Ad&&rteld. council tii pool is importnt te idowntawn communiýy and Js used by many area familles !andloca daycares. Coundil is "c6oidering- closlng the. pool because, of -decreasing usa ge and te avoid -someý $150,000 worth'ofrepais ., dar 'ays tiiree new, co-op apartméntbuildlngs being built downtown. mean another 1,400 potential pool users. He says many people new te Whitby Whio were asled teign tiie petition didn't even know tii, Klns±nen Pool was there. "Better promotion of tiie pool would help it pay for its.lf.» "IEvery calh*ngour civic centre a crown jewel" says Ad"i. 'TMi Kàinsmen Pool la a dianiond lin:the rough, .-:ad iould be., Adair'ask.d commtte. te kéep ti.Poolgopen' for, sother year,, snd saeHf-people, us. it before. deciding on whether ta go aiiead witii a m ir verhaul. Patrc foley of -the.Corridor Area RaeaersAssociation says the. $150 000 nèededte put the pool bc i shape st sig acamit. that ove 20 years .,- *$7 500.- Amoitise tthe pool'-neit door (ii. <Jivie GeCm- plex) for 20Oyears-,that's; a haif, SEE PAGE 3 AI-DýS stats don'ttell Sthe wole S toy IyMark Ie hiat11t figures showtiiere are 28'Peplediagnosed---*t AIE ,-k wed immune defi- cinysyndrome) i Dra RTutnth- n w -director of*thie Aidà, Committe. of Dunhaiffl ' M cLeMan, says that figure doesn't teI II. wehole sary "Vie have no. clu. how many peiiav, gone te Toronteor tstlug,aend been diagnosed there --that frmtodent get back ta us. "Tii. federal ýgovernment pre- dicta that for .very person wlt AIDS tiiere can b. anywiiere from 10 ta, 20 people with H1IV <human lmmuno-deficiency virus) infe4lion. "Based -on the government sta- tistica,'tiier, could b. two or thr.e hundred people living in Durham with H1V -- and tiiey naot even know it at tuis tle if they haven't been sick.» McLjesu, who was iiired as executive-director Marcii 2,,says about 5,600 Canadians have been diagnos;ed with AIDS and as many as, 50,000 or 100,000 people carr7ing tii. HW virus -- «That's a guesstimate' because we have no idea how mýany people actually have the. virus (but) don't know Wt because they've neyer been sick.» That's a serlous pýroblem, says McLjean, because if those pepl don't take . precautions, there likely te, pass the, virus on ta, others. '«I don't know how man times rPve iiard- people say 'Oh,-if I met someone on tii. streete witii AIDS, Id know.' That's a com- mon misconception. "You can walk right by them or b. sitting beid. them on -tii. bus - there's no way of know- LeLéean says the nuniber of new AIDS cases lo levelling off lu Some populations, gy maies, for exampl. "Tht ie. fret com- muity harit by the. virus... «Buthtii.virus la now spread- ing te ail segments ofthe popula- tion, soeiInfection, rate lu other populations la going up -- particularly because moat people îdentifled AIDS as a gay disease sudtiiougiit they didh't need ta, 'McLean is orkhi on bis mas- ters degre. imsoialwork sud was executive-director oJ the Aida Committée of'Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo and area o twio sud a iialf years.. Board chan*reron- Lynu Ellis. aysMce uwas instrumental. lu etngthat -organhization off tii. ground. 'w1hacrion. of 'the. major remsns IvIywe chosée hlm Global p'er8pective PfflLIP TE1ULECK[ (ieft) and Steven Tselios couldn't resist takng a peak "inside" the worIL The. students were looking at projects at the Scienoeand Gegraphy Fair held last Wednesday at Dr. ]Robert Thornton public shooL Photo by Mh Eoesr, Whitby Fr. Pr. By Mark Reeso A delegation of dissatisfied Business Improvement Area members was unsuccessful in an attempt on Monday to persuade Town oporations committe. to delay approving the. 1992 DBIA~ budget. Gene Peacock of Peacock Sports and Trophies questioned mme of the amounts inth bu4 t and asked comxittee ta put it "on hold th" evening.» Peacock says some DBIA inembers3 are away on Marcii break and asked for time >të look at cutting the. budget, ."Or at least making sure that wiiatever amount does get passed by council is spent in a useful manner." Peacock mays dissident members weregiven the fimpresslion the budget would be postponed until a meeting could b. arranged witii Town clerk Don McKay 1 "today we bave been advised differently. ".We*'dver much 1k. te have this meeting,, but cannot until afterMacbrk. SEEPAGE2 Townhouses 150 rejeet.plan for chu rchlI . propeirty ]By ro Boucher, About 150'people o oday voicedstrong oppitionoa proosdtownhouse development of Manon Rd. E. l itb Residents dont want the. zon- inq ftepoet~ondb >Faith4BptistGhc and loca- ted south of Tauntonjust. west, of Riverwooýd St. andfeastý of Brock St. N., changed from iagri- cultural te accommodate the sub- division. The application calse for 106 medium. densityr dwelling units, divided* into eigiit three-storey townhouses and one four-store apartment building, a local park and an extension of the existing church. The plan for the 6.8-hectare (17-acre) prp.ty aiso includes the. posaible éextnion of Stone- manor Ave. west te Brock S8t. N. ]Residents say they wer. teld only low density housing would b. allowed on the proâperty., <'We are not opposed te any affordable housîng, but to, cha nh the type of density ecally toe mdium densit 1rm0o density," said Randy........ M ille r........ ............. Most residents were teld that "'a ndi no housing development was A He a . beingpropoe at the. time they purchaetii oe in the. LeisUre featule area, he said. MIller said residents are alo,< s p ie - concerned about thie icrease i trafic, awell as parking, noise and poluton *problêe. Te cneton, hall p upoe at the nortiieaat corner o aun- ton* ]Rd. and Brock St. N. as well as furtiier development ithe, ar 11il mean .ciiildren will b. lu cle proximity te tii. fast> traffic on Taunten Rd. he said.' Motorîsts tryjng te 6urný left te go west on Traunten .U will more difflcult with altii. new devélopment, he said. Bill Hounitalas presented a petition witii 186 signatures and said tii, ciurcii hasn't denied there mîihtb. even more deve- lopment im the.future. Ltes4691 "«W . spent a lot'of time -and Business 8 money te decide where we sehould Entertaînm.nt ... 10 move te anddid research tosmm Booin ilý wh.reii. best 'area was te live wis O n 1 i," sýaid John Morrison. W18-2On,21 > CunilorJo. ,Drumm said SrsP31-02 a OUnC1Do regaringhe use ReéCyCes'Report- 21, of=ol otale nd tepro- Sohoiol n.ws -21 bleIlme of. overcrowded ascols = ùýn*'s26 should b. dikect.d teio oî tbus- Ofiepes 2 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4.. ,, SE~Gi~ *~ Vol. 22, No. 12 Wednesday, March 18, 1992 28 pages

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