By Mii«Boucher Borne progreas was made in the negotiations between the Catholic high school teachers and the separate achool board last week. Tih. two aides were called by a ~ro .nm'almedIator asat Thurs- diseumu5 us ie outatanding «Most of. the issues <six out of the nine) have been, tentatfvýebr -resolved," said union leader Blar Morris. He said there is atili a lot to work to bedone yet'atarting toô,ight when the two aides meet t akabout claâs size. WWIiTB RE PIRSSI EDNESDAY, MARCS l11, 1»9%,PAGE 5 progressin sepa aesho ldip t Tom Oldman, chairperson of heoard lad moat of the mono- tary item are stili unresolved- but threi finally optimaism ,Dependlng on how the meet- ing1e tomorrow nlght (Wed- nes ay) this could b. the turn- -ma point teward reSlving our differences and aIl the issues,' ho said. Oîdman' aaid the meeting is important because there isn't llkely -te b. anothar 'meeting until after the March break. Tii. 290 aecondary teachers began the work-te-rulo on, Jan. 13. Teachers muet be present on school gro unda 15 minutes before the fit clase aud 15 'minutes after the lest one. Ail after-hours, extracurricular activitieesauch as sports, clubs, bauds sud drama have been can- ceiled due te the work-to-rule. The. teachers' Isat proposai cal- led for a two. ear agrement, a reduction inceas size aud pupil/ teacher ratios, guarantees te maintain guidance and library servces, muidaalary increases of 5.1 per cent for the 1991-92 year. and 1.0 per centfor the. 1992-93 year. .Tih bode. last offer called for a 4.5 pecent increasefr-om Sept. 1, 1991 with a rais. of 1.0 per cent as of Feb. 1, 1992., Thus would rau..'the. salaries of 60 per cent of the teachera by eight per'cent, including *Incre- ments for increased experience during the past year. Ti.average salary would move up to $54,15 3, -from $51,330 sud.the maximum sam- ary te $62,q34, from $59,344. Oldman lad previously aaid that the two-year agreement, would increase, costa to the rate- payera by more than 15 percent to cover salary raises. Hie sa id the board< wiil only get increases of on. per cent this pear and two per cent next ye!ar mn transfar payments, from the provincialgovernm e nt. -Oldman* ald thaà t the board /hasan obligation te Ita rate- payera te b. flnancially respon- aile durîng these diffficuit'econo- mic Urnes. Recen.tsaary ofiera umadeby school boards. in Toronto sud Ottawa te their tehrs are lower than ever before, in res- netethe government's. cut in and te the economic siutole saldo' Credit. counselling, continuin.g ..for now Robert, Jones, president of the. board of directo of the Oshwa & District Credit CoÙIoiUng Service, has confirmed a decsio by the. board to continue normal operations beyond Marh 31. Tii. agency haI iieen pîmcedi a dfficut position, w hente Ontario Ministry cf Community and Social. Servces eliminated their 60 per cent funding for the. 30 non-profit agencies without consultation and with only five montha' notice. "A fair share contribution ýwiIl b. requested from our clients to supplement funding commit- ments from the United Way and private- creditora," says the. agency. '"We thaik ail our friends, othar aqencies, clients, United Way and evene . for their letters, telephone ,cals sund expressions cf support of our continuation after this most iI.-timedM deciion by the. ministuy." Anyono needing help should contact the agency. There will b. a request for.ý a contribution te help offsetmos, but no one will, b. tlzrned-away as ability te pay will b. considered. "W. have beon serving le df Durham Regionj ou7ng areas for 22 yem j we _plan on being around another 20 years, s ays ag.ncy. the. sud sud fer the DON'T TURN-*THE.PGE / Alphanumerlc, Numeric, Volce. 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