Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WH]TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 HENNESSY'AUCTrION HALL CASH LOANS $500. AND UP. SALE:.SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Alapp'icafibns quickly pracssed, Sérvic sinc 1~8Orégr -s of past credit ratlng 71 Mearns Crt.. and Base Lino Rd., Must be employed. 436-8104, 24- .Unit 310, Bowmanville. hour answering service., Al conisignments< welcome. Pick un .and delivery. *As '0wIo 5%9-15%. List In next wesk's paper._ 1-416-697-1276 AUCTIOIEER, MONTE FENNESSY F BEBTVWISHES' 'fraHMBlrticay or Annlvera. Th cimMSàare -cilway ta send greetngsl Cali 668-611 REFLEXOLOGIST Aesthetician, make-up artist - W a eromatherapist. Oshawa Centre Ilairs tylists ae728-4623 tdays aweekl10am -8:30 pm7 Waxing,Facials, Pedicures, NaIls, Aeromatherapy Massage, R efiexoic ogy, M ake-up A rtist (17 yrs. exp.). eye Iash & brow dnt. THANKS TO ST. JIUDE for favours recelved. LOB. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather,. ladies! and monts alteratlons, prom dressas, custom talloring. Tues. through Sat. 101-V12 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes. 430-6550. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give r our oid wardrobe a new Mif. No Job Is too smail. Ladies' & man's tailaring al reasonable prices.-6-10 p.m. 436-1448. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- shipa. For help, cali the Denise Flouse for Women and Children. Toli freea 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731«L Confidentialty assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) B3AHAIS IBEUEVE: Be united in counsel, be one in thought. For Information and discussion cali 668-8665. THOSE WISIUNG TO RESPOND ta box numbers shown below, p leane do not uend responses to the Whtby Free Press. This system las a voice mail srsem. To a9ces% cail 1-416-976-1991 LETS DISCUSS thie possRllltles Uf you are. a compassionate, chrlg and sIncere businss man, 49 ta 56, who le Interestod ln a 1true relainhi ih.an attractive, outgoing lady, plane roply ta RSVP BOX 2001. 111e MIOfl U9 ' gDrect V Singel datC Looking for a handball Necd dat forpantner? Somconc faces can ~~dinner or theaire? frarudo jack up Or 1ooking Seniors gl or gaine tra v it or h atce ciY N . r a n o th r ofc h e ss? pie.FInd a spectol senior ta nitaie oatLook forthcm panner or ayb smconc? fourth for bridge, sec a ln RSVPI a roptohlpat lace an play or jusit for compan- OUtachater -Ini ad or rcad lonship? Chc,-ck out asvp and Ilisten tv Whtby Frer Prras RSVP .ystem ,upplrd by "Talking Computer by Telesphere Canada Ine.. Taorant,, Ita easyl It'a fient It'a confIdentiail Hear it ln their own voiccie eaul 668-0594 caii (Please cal! Wednesclay - Friday, 9-12 or 1-5 1-416-976-1991 To place a FREE 20 word ad ln the Whltby Free Press cail Watt for It to answer, thon 668-0594. We don't even neod your namne or phone when prompted pross 0 numbor. Your ad villi run ln the newspaper each weok for - extension code 3 a month. WolIl give you a voicernail box on your touchbtone phone numbor. liien you dial 1-4J 6-976-1991, walt ,, for Il 10 answer and prese extension code 3 RSVP ade are found ln the ///r on your touchitone phone. FoIlow a simple Classifieds of the WVhitby Free sertes of messages whlch will help you place Pres Each ad carres a a voire ad to complement your froc word ad vocemail box.number 10 help qu In Uhc newspaper. you flnd the corrospondlng - Your pulvacy Is guarantecd. voire message. -f You leave your voletc only - no nomnc,'no address. no phone number - your rrspon- Jot down the mailbox number .4, dents answer 10 your maibox only.. from the ad you wish to respond i oYou decide who to cait bock after listenfing to (o. Thon dial 1-416-976-1991. your return messages. prse newspapr code 3 and a b Y S *~ou dccidc whrn and how oten ta retricve smplsetsfmsagoswl .tv your messages. sile 10 theormessage I S You- pay for your cai on lîke. you can respond. loaving your phono bill - only 99ç our naine and phone number. prmnt p t OOur reply le only accesible to, maximum of $2.97 per the person Il le intended for. cati - there are no additional long- You pay only S distance charges. - 9 e leave your Initial msaearj edc aimmo time you listen to your responses. $ 2.97 par N.B. The Frcc Press reviews cach InitialphnCI messàge to enstire ils suitabillty for our rhoro are rcadcrship. Wc reserve therirght ta no addi- delete an>' ad which le offensive ln tional long content or whtrh contains the naine, addrcss or phone number of thc box distance holder or anythlng which Identifies charges. BIRTH CONTROL -and family planning counselig.Free and confidientiai, avàal:g od Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 pmUii every Thursday 3 t0 6 p.m. For further Information, cail 420-8781" or 433-8901. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frtdoy 9 a.m. to 9pm 430-1328m DAVID GORDON or anan knowing bis whereaousples contact E. Francis aet 1-519-753-8681 concerning an urgent child welf are matter. HANNELESSEWING SERVICE -children's wear, home acces- sorles, select wlndow trealments and ateraions. Flower- girl dresses etc. Top quaity wark ai reasonable rates. 436-0313 (Whftby).- THANKS, TO ST. JUDE, and the Sacred- Heart of Jasus for favours received. May the Sacred Heam of Jesus beadored, glorfied, Ioved and presmeed thruhout the worldno and forever. OhSaced Heart 0f Jesus pray 'for us, St.' Jude wrker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopelees rmy for us. S this prayer nine ames ay. the ePg th dy your paer Il be answered, regarl of haw hopeleas your stuatIon seems.* Pubiatfion must be promised. MJ. ENGUISH FEMALEO 23, likes mnovies, skllng, travel, difnlng out & challenges. Seeks honest, & rellable guy for rolationship, 23-30. RSVP B-ox 2004. MAIRRIED MALE 34, laoklng-for singlé or married limais between 20 & 35 for" friendship. Must be very discreet. Box 1003. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports, theatre, mavies 0 & god conversation would- like ta meat Intelligent,- *wltty, sincere 'and attractive lady. Reply ta Box 1005. HI, I1LVE MUSIC, dancing& seorde.I1have blonde hair, 22 years ald. Seekng a tait, romantde man. SINGLE FATHER, 37 of3 laoklng-for f un-loving petite la1 30-40, for quiet nights, sieeplngi Sundays di nin~g & countr living, autdoor lover. Box 1012î VERY ATTRACTIVE adven- turous attached maie 34, seeks similar lady for f un t(mes. RSVP. BOX 1013. MAIE - 24* likes m usic, movies,- counitry wfks, quiet evenings, seeks honest, intellgent femaie for relationship. Not int mirid garnes. Box'1002. ATTRACTIVEmaie, 50, would like to meet lady 40-50 for dining out, movies, romance, possible lasting relat:onship. Box .1009. ATMRACVE, MARRIED 23 year aId looklng for femnale between 20 &' 40 for discreet relationship. Reply to RSVP Box 1015.,, NEED. ToKNOW SOMETHING AB'ouT, "MUR NEW COMMUNITY?ý Cali Phone 668-6653 our hostess Mill bring giftsand greigalong',with helpful, community informiatio'n. ITo itten to these people in their own voZSil 1-416-976-1»1; enter code 3 when prompted. enter 1 Ifor personal ada aiid then the box number i the ad. ...or yoi can browse tbroughail of them.-You wil be bWled on your phone bIh for 99* per minute to a maimum of 3 minutes. PRE-PAID'WORD ADS (Cash, VISA,-chaque raceivad bafore daadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61+ 39'0 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS. $8.00 for 20 words; PILUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 890 per agate lino (14 agate ines-per inch) minimum. charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS *(Ads with- borders, pictures or graphies) Regular display rates- apply - 940 -per agate line .Minimum size 1 column inch $1 3.16 CONTINUJOUS ;RU(N D ISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads urless otharwise indicated DEADLINE - Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. Pae668-0594 o Plaecheck your advertisement for arrors an, the first day o publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of 'the space occupied, by the error up ta a maximum cost ,of the insertion. 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