Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 19

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WHRMTY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 11M 99 PAGE 19 COMPUTERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING OSHAWA OSHAWA CENlTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 Mr MPLOMA IN 6 HOSPITALITY ONTH TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS 'DENTAL CHAIR-SIDE ASSISTANT I SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN9, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KRNOSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 ATTENTION MOMSI Work from home' and eni oy a fun flexible caroer wlth Discovor toys, or host a demonstration ancJrecelve fr9e. toys. For an Information package, cal Susan, 668-9977. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 worcls prepald Or $8.00billed. Calil now to place yaur ad. 66"4111 THE TOWN 0F WHITBY (Q CG.MM.UNI1Y SCHOOLS DAY CAMP DIRECTORS CAMP COUNSELLORS PRESCHOLCAMP COUNSELLORS Tii. Corporation of the. Town of Whltby la; currenly oi Inqu=al*ied candidates for tie. abov. positos for Iii. mmuni Sho Summer Camps. Speclaîzation lni Art, Drama or PhysicalI Education a dofinite asseL LOCATIONS: PRINGLE CREEK COMMUNITY SOMOOL PALMERSTON COMMUNITY 8011001 BELLWOOD COMMUNITY SOHOOL GLEN DIIU COMMUNITY SCMOOL Any àpersan interestedi in a pplyig 'as Day Camp Directo, Camp Cnselio o Pre-Sohool Cam Counsellor, please forwad resume stating their specialty and whlch location they wish to b. considered for ln order of proferoncoefae o1ay arch 16, 1992 to: Personnel Dq>artni.nt lT.Copoaton0fthé Town of Whiby 5O75 Roslnd Road East WHITBY, Ontarlo UN 2M8 NOTE: We thank ail those persans wha apply, . but advise acknowtedgement il anly b. farWarded to those applicants who are lnited for an Intorvew. Your opportunity ini AdvertisngSales Professional Sales Experienoe and/or 00a related training required. % Car essential Submit resumé t'O: Whitby Free Press 131 BM&o St. NJBOx 20 Litb N 551 KL EEN KUT' UPHOLSTE'RY. ,Re-uphoîstery of 'antiques. Ali kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free. estimates.-Over 40 years experiôece. 430-7568, Whitb. BURGLAR ALARMS for as low as $500, installed. Motion detoctors. Fre. estimatos.Calil K.S.C. Homo Security, 668-5942. CHIMINEY CRICKET Chimnoy Sweellq 20% discount on ail types Of Ichiminey swooplng includlng Condition Report Wy W.E.Tr.T. certifiod tochnician, safoty, draft, odor, damp or & animal problems.- No mess. FuIly lnsured.&guaran- toed. Dan Chappeli, 427-4663/ 432-2499. PAINTERS PLUS - 'Service and quality are nat an -accident. For 10o off and no GST, cail Bill or Geri, 404-1224ý WE SERVICE AND INSTALL air conditioning & ail 'gas-firod fumnacos. No gougng. Roasonable rates. Cali 430-299tL INCOME TAX -, Most- personai roturnspreparod $25, or chockod $15. (H & R Block course compîotod with honours.) Cali Jacqule, 655-5332., RUSS WILDE'S ELECTRICAL Service - residential, commercial. Industriel. Cai 666-2127, Whitby. VERSATILE WELDING - Mobile - Custom fabrication, fastuallty. Roliablo, roasonable, goodrates. Nojb o blg or smalî. 416-2638467. AIR CONDITIO NING SPECIALII From $1,199. For mare Information ceal 430-3029. Btton's Heatlng Ino. EARN MONEY reeding books. $30V,000/yer Income potentiel. Dtails (1) 805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. STEEL BUILDING deaîershîp. Poetaýbi rft from sales & construction. Buy factory direct. Some areas takon. 303-759-3200, ext. 2601. TAKE ADVANTAGE af our 98 per.cent coverageof Whitby when buying or selling your wares. Whitbiy Fr.. Press. 668-0594. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE Studio is now off ering A BALLROOM DANCE TEACHERS' PROGRAM. Enroîl now. el Arthur Murray Dance Studio (a recognized oducational Institution). 430-0014. 0~'OSHAWA I QDRIVINO Fuit Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING March Break Mon. - Thurs. 1l6th to l9th 4 DAY COURSE APRIL 4TH Saturda 4 WEEK COU6RS E APRIL 7TH Tuesday &aThursday 4wE K COURSE -PRIVA TE LESSONS - REGISTERED à APPROVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemicals.Hmsand offices. Wo offer "Mother-i!n-law cdean" (ready for inspection!). AIl employeos are poli6-=ur checked, bonded ô& îsued Momber of 'Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). ACTIVE GUARD "SECURITY Systems. Residential and commer- cial burgîar alarms installed service ' and repair work. Free estimates., Caîl 428-2480 or 686-8379. fl*¶V If I 576-7503 LOVING DAY CARE in m k$R iE noe il mewls proviaoo. Stimuîating. Craft% storytimo & pîaytimo. Day care teachIng experience. Noin-smoking environ- ment. Cai 666-4436. NANNY - UVE-IN, wHITBY. Warm, responsile pront" cr for 9-month & 4,.year-oldgirls. Non-smoker. Referencos rurd 668-0114' ater 7 p.m.. LOVING MOTHERWILUNG ta pjovide da( care, in her homo. Nutitius uncessnacks avail- able. -Walks, playtime & reading. CeNl 430-7474, Falllngbrook/Dryderi CARING MON would. like to iook after your chld lnr- my home. 'Neer R.A. Hutchinson Scho. 668-7610., Financlal Assistance May go Avallable AS AOU URNIH CURE 2 Campuses in Durham AVON Hlgh earnlng opportunities ln the Whitby erea. No pressure seîllng and you don't have to knock on doors. Joan Chantrell 985-8701 orý 725-9696 PAFRT-TUME advertising Iayou t and compositung Nlghts and weokends as requfred. Monday night avallabillty ls essenfial. Graphie arts student or related experience requireci. SEND RESUMÉ TO: Whltby Free Press Box 206f131 Brookç Street North, Whitby Li N 5S1 *Drywadlllng(tape & flnlsng)- *Roc Rooms * Sasentis Texture Spmylng Pahitng (exteulorflntedri) *TuIm

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