WRFBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MABCHl 11, 1992, PAGE 9 Ii .V ......... P urZe Q d1~ o i er ato ItU~ublic luinvited, tojon h Co Lake Onao Conservation Authort o h lGth annual mape syrup demonstration at Purpie Woods Conservation Area north of Oshawa. Visitors wiil have an OPpou ioo. eeal aspects of sYrup producýtion on tours led by authonity staff, inclu-ding native people'à and pioneer mehos Sap is collectedý in metal buckets and also by pipeline, using a vacuum pump. Once coilectod, -the, uap is boiled down in a wood.fired evaporator at the ou e hack. orfinal heating, a finishing Ianis uéed. Bince propane isus= -athsstage, the temperature of the finishing pan can be finely controlled to produce the best quality syrup. Mfter checing 'for density, colour and grade,, the syrup is packaged for sale. Cornmunity groupe are encouraged to echedule weekend tours. Special arrangements can be made for disabled groupe, An eight-member -panel has been appointed to review accoun- tabilit and responsibility for estabhishing municipal police budgets Peel regional police chief Robert Lunney and Cheiyl Lowe, Commissioner of hu man resources for Waterloo Reégion, are co-chaiprsn of the panel.' Their tak is par of a govern- ment-wide procèes to reahgn pro- vincial and municipal roles and responsibilities, more commol known asu <jinanlement.» The anel appomntment was annonéedby unicpalAffairs Minister' Day. Cooke and, John Harrison co-lai-réron oôf the. provincQaVunicipà l disentangle- ment steering committee.. H~arrison said "munic*palities have long voiced their concern about the lack of reepnsibility and accountability for Police budgets. "Now we can look forward to resolving this issue.» EUCHRE Ofellows and Rebekah Lodges of Whitby hold eucbre games at the lodge hall, 211 Brock St. S-, Whitby every Friday at 8 p.m. Admission to play lu $L.50 par person. A 'lunch' will be served. AIl are welcome. 799BLORSTIW, SW 404052 ThE AIN eutumS Y y 9 REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE with .- WASTE SYSTEMS Cail Demcek 427-3253 including some weekday openingiï. Ail groupe muet contact the authority office for reservations. Weekend tours are acheduled on March 14, 15, and 21 and 22 at il a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. A seniors' weekend la scheduled for Mlarch 21 and 22. A special shuttle will be running fiom the parking lot to the sugar shack to eliminate the walk on the hil. Public tours are aIerunning during the echool break, Marchi 16 ta 2Û. -Tour times are 10 a.m., il a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. AIl public tours meet in the parking lot. ,The annual pancake weekend wiil b. held in co-oeration with the Durham A.M. jwanis Club on March 28 and 29. Maple* products, including syrup, butter and sugar, wiil b. avaiLable for sale. Also available this year is cooldng syrup and recipe books, while they Iast. Purpie Woods Conservation' Area lu located north of Oshawa at the eoutheast corner. of Simca. Lots of miss detî your ad( r delayeÈ soon as you ci -Another importa receipts that supl deductions. If an, ,e Revenue Canada Revenu Canada Taxation Impôt St. a t the lOth c oncession road. Admission, parking 'and guided tours are fre. >For further information, contact the authority office at (416» 79-0411. Fully Computerized- Fast, Accurate, Complete Tax Professionals knowledgeable about where to save you money..I Open year round for accounting, bookkeepfing, consulting and tax plann ing Comnpetitive rates CERTIIED NMANAGEMNUr ACOOUNIAfl~ 89 Knstn od er Seoono s:30 yon. S Tornto691374 Dup aRgo ,Wy4067 people fill out their tax retura with great care, only to ýails that can make all the difference. For example, if clress is incomplete or incorrect, your refund could be Id or sent to the wrong place. wilI be moving, write the new address on yoiur return', m don't know it yet, please eaul us to Jet us know-as -an so we ca update your file. int detail is attaching ail the slips and port your dlaims for credits and iy are missing, your return may wre contact you for the infomiation. CaiiadT To. help you fiIl out your -incom etax- return. Extendèd hours, From February 24 to April 30, we offer an "after hours" phone ~4 service from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Monday tbrough Thursday. 'You can a.1so cali T.IRPS. Info-Tax, our automated phone service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a weéký for recorded information on selected topies. ro-calculIation returns, To m ake things easier, we've designed two simpler tax returns that don't have any calculations.- These optional returns are great for people with straightforward tax situations. If you're under 65, you can use the "Short." Nf youre, 65 or over, the "65 Plus" is for you. Whatever return you use, you should fil out only one. Make sure your. return is not delayed, UN - 1 --- Dxumxa - lu - - - - --- : w v j %0 w to w u u te ** -# 0 ý, * u - - ., 1. . 0 4% 0% d% A 6% " A tk A d% 0% A A ^'A A " ý 4% o. 44