Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 27

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wIUTBYFREEpMe W, EDmab8iAZ MAÉOaft ý IIJ2, ?AÃ"IC27 AQUATIC PBOGRAM The'Oshawa branch. of the Arthritis Soiety will, hold two trial sessions of 'Pool therapy> for arthritis suffarars on Tuesday, March 10, 10 arn., Holiday Inn, Bloor St. E., Oshawa and Wedne March 11, 10 a.m., Eaa ide . 9y & Girls Club, 433 Eulalie St. <at Central Park Blvd.), Oshawa. The cst is $2'per clasm.The poororas reopn te rsidats 0 OsawaWhitby and Bowmanville. 'Ragistration for a 10-weekprga for $35, b'gnnngth* furhweek. in Mûadc,will be hld after trial classel. For more information, or if tranéportation is required, cal the society at 434-7221. THEOS POR lmE WIOWED The, local chapter cf TIIEOS will, mieeto Sui4ay, Marh 8, 2 .M. -at, St. Andrew's *nChurch, Cochrane St., Whitby' . MThis ea 'supor group for the newly widowodJ and ail widowed -men and women are welcome ta attend. There will ha a THEOS conference in Whitby June 12'te 14. More informiation will ha available at the meeting or by calling 668-2648. CANADIAN CLUB The Canadian.Club of Durhamn Réeon will meet on Monay March 16 at the Holiday In Oshawa, starting with dinner at 6.30 P.n. Guast will be William z Bl)Gatenby, chairperson and' chiaf', executive officer of Cameco 'Corporation, who will give, a speech entitled, ' Canadian U.ranium!' A]l are welcoma eta attend. For reservations, cal Lenore Hawley at' 640-4481 or N. Stotta at 668-4335. LIONS CLUB The Wbitby Lions Club ineets on the first and third Tuesday of each'. month at the Centennial Buildinig, 416 Centre St. S. Meat- mg a tarti at 7 P.xn. For more iormation caîl Dan Shisko at 668-7663 or- Giles DaHetre at 579-2322.1'1 Tha Living With Cancer Sup- pot Group wiI I meet on Monday, March97 to 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket bJlub, corner of Clamants and Monarch. Ail welcome. For more information eall the Cana- dian Cancer Society lat 686-1516. CESAPEAN PREVENTON Casarean Pravantion Supprt and Educatuon will meat on Mn day, March 9, 8 p.mi at 31 [Carnelly Cree., Aax Tii. topie will ha 'Nutrition. For more m- formation cali 683-4229 or 430- 2343. A %~SOCIE'um oceywill met on Iesday, >arch 10 8 'm. inithe. cafeteria of LS. ÏieCLauglin Collegiate, Oshawa. AIl iwem. For mnore information cail Wayne Rakas- trow at -725-7911 or 'y Fisher at 686-7368. EPJLEPSYDUBBAMd E ilapsy Durham Region will hold its monthly meeting on TusdY, March 10, 7:30 p.m., at the.Kisnen community centre, 109 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. To ï celabrate National Epilepsy Month guest speakers WUIl h ÃŽScott 1Yfartin and Mr. Zona, dia- cLussing drug ansd- strass. Othar gueste invitad are the mayors of Durham ]Region and advertisens who have he1pBd publicize thé association. %Tl are welcome ta- attend and en4oy a special lunch. For more datals, cal I 436-3152.- WORKSOP Durham. Houa. Child and Family Centra will hold a, thre.-nauon workuhop, . Core Issues for'.Aduit Childran of Alcoholice and ýCo-depandents' on Mondy, Maneh 9, ý16 and 23, 7 te 9 p.m., 1at thia Ministry of ]Revenue building, 33 RKing St. W., Oshawa. The wc*kshop wva focus on reging and daaling with major cor. muas, includingl'fear cf abandonm ncrtrol, anger., eham& sudilt.lbaoýfee ins$24 shaeaU C.nt~ a*679I'c1oe mi6- ther Non-profit commUnÃŽtygroups hw'hich arebasoein Whitby or have a' .substantiai Whitby mem bership may place their upcomlng meetings p or activ i ies on th s page at no cost. 608.811. Dadn ef.ç g'SCF~n dweoa .,tln CARRIR NIGBT Dun'hamReIWon ransporta- tion Club will- hold <Carrer Night' on Thurada , Maiîch 12f' Guest speakervidllte Jack Muir, Ontario rocrprte relations offIcer. ý rehents ý will bha served at-, Pickering'.,Enezuy tnoraion Centre '(take 'Brock Rd. S. ta, Hydro plant and follow signs)at5:30 panFrom6to7:.30 p.m, tar wil h apresenaton at tha Hydro1 Centra, followad by dinnr at7:30p.m. at Lnaos 1527',Bayly St., Pickaring. --Cat for dinner je ,$20 'for membeér, $25 for non-,mambars. fluera ,wil ba special carrier draw prizes, and anyona wishing ta donate a Pie inàaked to contact president NUTRJ7IONMONTHf Mnne Iàndsay, author of 'The Lighthearted Cookbook' and 'Lighthaartad Everyday Cooking,' wullbeg£,et speaker at a meet- ing on Tursday, March 5, 7:30 to 9 pm in room C113, main floor, Durkam Collage. The pre- sentation wasorganized by the Ontario Dietetic Association, ]Region 9, and the Heart & Stroka Foundation of Ontario (Durham ]Ragion). Admission is free, door prizes will ba awarded. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Durham Celtic Sports and Cultural Club will hold a St. Patrickes night dance at Knights of Columbus Hall, Brock St. N., Whtyon Saturday, March 21. Ctis$30 per couple. For *ticket information cail Mile, Morrison at 668-9217. REiSPiTE SERVICES Durham Association for Family Reapita Services is planning a social avaning for volunteer and cient familias on Tuesday, March 10, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. The avent will -talc. place at Whaalias Family RoUer Centre in Whitby. By spacial arrangement, whaalchair 'and assistive davices will ha allowad on the rink so that ragardlass of handicaps, ave ryone wul have te opportunity tô taka Part.Mambera of tha local Shrine ClU Clown Unit will ha on hand ta, ensura that averyonelias a good tima. Prizes will ha awardad e.t random te thoeu participatin. For more information c1a1 668-3812. FIDDLEIbLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old Tima Fiddle Club will meet on Wed- nesdaLy, March 4, 7:30 p.n.,- at Haydenshora Pavilion, Whitby. An avening of old-t"maround sud square danci n sigig and gui- tar-layig.1Al aewelcoma. Admâissilon ie $2. For more infor- mation cail 436-9019 or 655- 3023. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Newcomens Club of Oshawa-Whitby is, holding a dinner meeting on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sbrimp Cocktail Restaurant, '843 King St. W, Oshawa. Woman new te -tha ares areal"IwYs welcoma. For more- info phonea Information Oshawa'at 434-4636 or 'Information Whîtb~y -et 668-0552. mmCENTI & THAT On Thursdy, March 5 at 7:-30 p.m.,- Lucy Gray wfll h' teaching a vaiety of intarmfsting chicken dishes:such as, Chicken Ieg No Pek Chieken 1 ih csu Cr ispy SomesaaCluekan tq~nm r *s afaw. Sampling in lots cflhn., 19céat in $9.63 (inludas G&T). Por flutherinomai nsd- àIf~À SING--LONG- Glan Dhu, community aschool,. Faflingbrpok St., Whitby wilhold, a 'sng-a-Iong' for children ageiS 3 ta 6, end'parents -on 'Saturday, March, 7i, 1, ta 21p.mý-Chfi.dra' antertainar, -Brian Willieton~ wiII ladthe>uing-a-Ione.Coët us$2 par 'parson. Call 666-0969 for tickets. AVICULTURAL MIG Thei.', Durhani Avicutural Society.'will hold,.a, meeting on' Tuesday,-Marh 10 , 7:30 P.m., mi the. Pickering i-gh School cafbea (Church St., north« of H.wy;. 2). Georgfe Rason will spaak on s oftbils.' For information cal Dale at 683-5038. EEFOM PARTY MNO MEETING Tiie Reform Party of Canada will hold a free public information meeting on Thursday, March 12, 7:30 p.m., in the gold *room, Cantennidal Building, 416 Centre St. S.,P Whitby. For more information, cali the party at 686-0278.. VISION AWARENESS Vision Awareness Waek ia March 1 to 7. A projeet of the Canadian- Association of Opta- metrista,, tiheCanad'a-wida avent is held ta drawn attention to the many aye problema that exidt and, are preventable or treatable through ragular optomatric care. POLKA DOT DOOR Polka, Dot Door Liva, with Gairay ichardaon, Polkaroo and special guast Funland Band will ha at Eastdala Collegiato, Har- mony Rd. N., Oshawa on Satur- day April 25. There will ha, threa pertormances, at il a.m., -1 and 3 p.m. Tickets ara $7 (rasarva Iseat- ing only) and are available at the Os hawa C entre (near Colas Bookatare) on March 6 and 7. Aftar that date caîl 668-0497 for the il a.m. show, 432-6919 for 1 p.m. and 576-8218 for 3 pa. Proceads to Westminster Uitod, Church building fund. R-ED CROSS MONTH Whitbyý volunteera for tha Red Cross will saîl flowarai' tha Whiby ailon March 6ad 7 ta, raie=una.A flag-raising was held -March 2 at the Whitby municipal building as Mayor Tom Edwarda recognizaed March as Red Cross Montnh i Whitby For more information caîl 655- 3961. PANCAMESAT WESTMUSE* Pancakas uwill ha served Satur- day March 7, 4:30 ta 6:30 p.m., atVastminster'United Church, 25 Manning Rd Witby. Tick- ts, $5 for aduitsand $2 for tose age 12 and undar, are available from çhiurch' mambers or by ýcalling 576-8218. Proceada to tha church building fund. Al welcome. PliER INCOME TAXCLICS FOR SENORS flu Whitby Seniors'Ativity' Centre and localý chanterea accountant rei ti.Inttut, lof Chartered Accoiàtants'cf Ontario will offer 'fre. i»come tai éce for senior on Mach 23#,24 sud 25, iveninge.usservice i fea ta azuy senior with gmaximumn annual income, cf $15),00 (sin e) or ,2500 (coùpla). et < Revenue wil h îë, do ine me tom, for WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER A service for World Day of Prayar; sponsored by the Womèen s Inter-ýChurch Council of' Canada , will ha held'at the Salvation Army, 122, Kent St., Whitby on friday,- March 6, 2 and7ýp.1m.. Concern for the anvironment is'the subject of the service,- ta ha hald in more than 170 ýcountries oný the'saine day. for more, informfation, caîl Jane Sheasby at 668-3556 or 668- 7477. QUESTION PERIOD 'Question Paniod,- with Dur- ham .Centre fMPP Drunumond White, Will ha held on Thursdav- March 5. 7 t 9 p.m. at Nort- viaw PublieiÀbrary, 2bO0 Beatrica St. E., Oshawa. Conistituants can express -concerna and opinions.' For more information caRf 430-1141. BLUEGRASS SESSION Pineridge Bluagrasa Folklore, Society will hold a « picin' session' on Sunday, March 15, 1 ta 5 p.m., at Camp Samac main council hall (use north entrance off Conlin Rd,). Pickera, singer and liataners --evaryo na wl welcome ta attend. SKI-A-THON A ski-a-thon will ha hald at Dagmar SkiU ,Rasort on Frida'YÏ Marceh 130,6 ta 10 p.m., ta rais.e funde for the. Canadian Cancer Society. -Pladga aýheats are available at Dagmar ýor fi=~ the cancer society, 46G7,Westney Rd. S unit 6, Ajaix Ont. L1S 6V7, t@ephone 686-1516. Prize wàll b awarded for moat m ony raised in the. junior, intermediata, » aduit and senior aegop.Tecoet i* $30 which inlds itticket, and a tax receipt for$ or more information cail the ski rasort or the cancer society. LA LECHE La Leche Leagu Oshawa will hold its ragular monthly meeting on'Wednoeday,'March 11. Moth- ara, and nuremg babies are wal- corne. For more information eeinclin 4 By Const. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppera and, Durhama Regional Police are askidng for' the publices hélp in aolving an armed robbery that occurred ini Ajax on Pzidaty, Nov. 29. At approimately 3:30 a.m., two maies entered the -Mada Milk Store, in the Loeb plaza on Westney Rd. N. Both suspects one a:rmed with a black handgun, approached the victim and ordered Min to lie on the floor. Both suspects élimbed over, the counter, and the suspect with the- gun placed one. foot on the victim's back, holding him down. Stolen during the robbery were cigarats, lottery tickets and cs.The suspects' vehicle is béeved 'to be a smal front-wheel-drive type, and was parked on the south side4 o Magfili Dr., east of te paza. Suspect 01 is described as male, black, late 20s, 6-ft.- tali, thin-to-mediumn build, long face weari ng a hood-type' mask, dark blue -waist-length jacket anc1 armed with a black revolver. Suspect #2 is maie black and shorter than suspect #M. Crime Stoppera will pay up to $1 000 in cash for information leading to the arreat of these two rol>brs. Doyou havelany tipa regarding any othar criminal offencea? If so,- cal Crime Stoppers. Similar cash rewards will ba paid for information leadmng to.an arreat in any serious crime. The Durhamn Regional Crime, Stoppers hotline is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS),:and is open 24 hours -per day, seven day s a week. The phone number cari be dialed from most areas o f th e r2gion frea of chargea. If this number is, long distance, y ou.1 can cai cohect or cali trouho'u r local Duriham, Regional Plice numbar and ask forime toppers. Calsa will neyer be: traced or,. e..- .Yo il otb rqed :. ' enti . s * ef o 'i IL :I ~ I A 'j.. 'l tii *1 DUNDAS CENTRE GUARDIAN -DRUGS 220 Dundas St. W.ý Whitby Open 7 Days a weekîincludfing Holidays FREE DELIVERY AIl Drug Plans. Apcepted 43Q 2 90[99 wMHuIY URGENTCARE WALK UN Medical CIinic '220 Dundas St. W. Whitby S1O:Qam-9 ..Pm- No Appoîntment Necessary

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