Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WETBY FRE PRESSWEDNESDAY, FhBURY 2m, 199 noss Improvemexit .&in. ov lng ahead with abîious pro-, [ote for 1992. despite criticism from nmre dsaifemembers. lI a prosu robas., new chair. Preon Sean Hogue admit., the DBIA ."has been flghting strong attempts to disband the assoca- tion. .«Recent artiles have qe- tioned the validity of the DJBIA, li addition (hi) Its key.responsi- billty hithe rnembership.1 LETER:Co-ops are not 'slums' Te the. Edlte Iwasdapalled hito.read the MwDonldilettrhiothe editor on Feb. 18 'Affordable houdrqng l'h Madonald. stated that they have traveiled from coat hi Cigarets stolen, Twenty. cartons of cigarets Worthiabout $800 were stolen from a Whitby restauiant friday rnorning. Itwasthe second time li two weeks that Coffe. Express was broken i. Police are continuing their in-, vestigation. R( Fni AJi coSmt, ondy to find co-ops to'be> slums. I believe that thone people have tunnel vision, toniatch thir narrow mmnds. I Urgethe MacDonalds to live around WIMtband look at the East Whitby C-p, Prinaie Orek Co-op and the Athol Green Co-op. AUl of these co-ops have been established in Wlitby, four many years and. none i'eser le a Blum. With the poor economy and with so many, People in financlal difficulties, i' conceivable to,.a that even a faily in Otter r..e mayrÀmdy be thanful for affordable housing. It's uninforzned people like the MacDonalds, who shoot from the hip, hat pve ceo-ops a bad nanie. This not-in-my-bachyard' syn- FORUM with 3,né Soetens M. day, February 7:15 p.m..- 9:00 p.m. AX COUNCIL CHAMBEI COME DISCUSS THE 1992 BUDGET! Po 28 CORPORATION OF THEI L ODRESRICION NOTLIC KDEPATE ALL ONERS NDOUEROS 0FTRECSADTALR LRD ESTRICTION wInlb in or rce onyIw 71- oad restrcthosefLONfi LMrhBÀLliI . f fot fproxi.mately My199,O PILr1992. In he o f hib arwe rer e o F ign ae dsly TONNES Oper axlO nS cCEdNTRE w Sgwii be rceon a u inde r jursdcton f heRegional Municipality of ra drome muet stop. Defra B tlda ,About!4,90 ijeweLwas stolen fiatrea-in ata houa.on F'orest Heights Ave. Police say thieves foroed open sliding dos to gain entry, sorne- time betweeènDec. 25 and Feb. 22. An investigation ià cntinuing. Your stay at the hospital is about to, end but there is concern as hi how you will do on your own. On Thursday, Feb. 27, Whitby General Hospital will take part in 'Discharge Planning Day', which reinforces the imiportant post-recovery role played by the 1hty General's discharge pling co-ordinator, Peggy Prmeau, describes her responsibilities as bhelping people make arrangements for alternate levels of care and/or connect with the. necessary services that will allow a poison hi remain in their home after diecharge fromi the hospital." On, Thursday, discharge planning posters will be displayed throughout tho hospital, and staff wilh weanng buttons to prornote the service. Aone ýabout hi be admitted hosia but who is concerned abut Managing after discharge should cal 'Primeau at 668-6831, ext. 1291. 1 lI anhInterv9dwHogue Said «We'ro looling at talg action... we don't want to benegati:ve at "I would',preer htako 'the sotrateg(where) we'r. going hi go ahea and -if someone 19.ro sen < a problem .htéus,, we'r gontoshow our, programsand t hats how we!r going hi, combat UWePte not going hi get inhi this. mua slinglng .or pointini-g fingers or thatkldof thin' Hiogue seays ii. boirdof mangeentIs'~ustgongahead that we wRf1 pea1hi tth. down- hiwn -merchants and 'th. mem- bers.n Those programe includo: *haxxging light suptrsand banner. on smre 60 poles li the downtonim-iarea. Each*.ornament will display an extract from the Town logo, and a lit garland will be put up during thé. Christmas season * floral barrels hi b. displayed through the downtown , this year's version would contain red and white impatiens hi mark (Janada's 125th anniversary * investigating now decorative street lighting for the. downhiwn. If funding cornes throuiih the board hope odstreet .In tscan 1be Mr ecblishig a fmer'. arket in the downtown area, something 1ke what's done li Oshawa * a joint prograin with the Ontario Downtowns Association hi offer UBIA members and their emlyeos discounts on heating, otiier thmgs amon "Our initent là hi give the >members what they want - nmre glitz andja* ad sowthem wvhoee-teir rnoney's being Hogue says the board "anti- cipates Immediate action on this piroposaI Once w. get theapo valand the budgetw à t move aiead right.awýay.' Breakm and theïft at home .About $25 -icauh, an undeter- rnlned arnount of-jowelry, Nin- tendo gae. and a VCR were stolen from a Stewart St. houa. over tho weekend. Police say thieves smashed a wlndow ia, doorto get into the house, sornetimo between Friday and Sunday night while the occu- pants were away in Buffalo. Police are continuing their in- vestton. Sterco stolen A car stereo, equalizer and jacket wortii almàost $1,100 were stolen frorn a car p arked at the Green St. municipal lot. Police say t ho suspect(s) srnasiied the. car window hi get into the car early- Sunday rnorn- couple of other vehicles in the lot wero also broken into. m.........i...kr .d---w----w------------ By Marieo Boucher Only one block remains to b. designated as part of the Whitby downtown secondary plan that will guide future growth li the downtown area. The block area, bounded by Colborne St hi the north, Henry St. hi the-west, Dunlop St. hi the south and. King St. hi the east, will b. designated as rnlxed use with a maximum building iieighl of four storeys, for the nfortiier half; and au low density residen- Dr. Kim C. Devonshire B.S.c. D.C. Is pleased ta announce her return ta fuit. time Chiropractie Practice after' maternity leave. Many thanks toalal those who gave love and support for aur new;year's.homre, birth. She is.also pleased ta announce (hat she wiii be taking oyer for Dr. Richard Coillins and wouiJd like taO wish him ail the best an his return ta Toronto. 701» Rossland Rd. E. #204, Whitby *430-6787 The Partners 0f Donna has been practisin9 family Iaw for four years and has been appointed as a part-time Assistant Crown Attorney. Donna is actively involved in the community as the President of the Board of Directors of The Denise House and as a member of the Durham Business & Professional Women's Club. SIMs- MAZAR & BRDY BARRISTERS SOLICITORS & TRADE MARK AGENTS 715 - 2 Simicoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario Li H 71L5 * 571-2558 117 King Street Whîtby, Ontario Li N 554 - 668-7704 tial, with a maximum building height of tire. storeys, for'the southern half. The. rixed use designation-wilI, provide anopportunity hi retain existing tructures of historical and arcitectural importance while allowing their conversion hi commercial use. .< Th. Local Architectural Con- servation Advisory Committee (LàACAC) ha. identifled thre. -homes within the. block as hav*n architectural and/ét hiseria importance. The.current zonina in R5 for 4ih density.residential, and pr mite 'building heîghts higixer than thoseto b. allowed in the downtown seco ndary plan. The. block area la hi be amen- ded by council hi conform with the downtown secondary plan. Fifteen residents'attended last week's-» public worksiiop about, the *secondary plan. Steve Edward. of the Town pglanning *department said dniy in the. owntown second- aryplan ha. been reduced. Ho noted that tiie plan will b. part of the. Town officiai plan now beig prepared, and any future site applications will have hi b.^tailored hi the surroundingr aiea, epecally for commercial usesuc asa new officé near other offices. «Any new bylaw muet conform hi the officiai plan,' ho said. lb. downtown secondr plan was ado pted byj council in ebru- ay 1988 and b y the Ministyo Municipai AffatsruiApr 99. It covers the. area bounded by Ciiestnut St. hi tii. north, Coci- rane St. hi tthe west Buris St. hi the. soutii and Garon, St. hi tthe est.. I%. plan allows a maximum buildinii eight of six storeys for any building within thei. wn hiwn cor. DURHIAM DODGE CHRYSL

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