W~TYFEEPMM ~ WBDNESDY, eBRUARY 9Sý 1992PAGE 8a Obituaresj PAUL CURRY Paul David Curry d<ied at Osh-- awa Genoral Hospital on Febru- ry18, 1992. Ho was 45. ewas borninii Weston, Ont. on November 17, 1946, son of Thomas Lloyd and Joan (Wat- kins) Curry. He married Sandra Min Mac- Millan on March 1, 1975 ini Toronto., A Whitby resfident for five years and a resident cf Oshawa for 12 years Mr. Curry worked at General lotrs. Ho was Anglican, but attended Holy Family Church with his farnily. -Ho was a membmer cf, LQgion Branch'637 iniOshawa. leois survivod, by his wife eidren. Christopher and Heather, bis parents and brother--, Wayne of Alberta. The funeral service was held on- Frida, February'21, 1992, conductedby Father Breen at Holy Family Church Whitby. Initerment 'at*esurrection cemetery. GEORGE LOMAX George Lomax of Whitby <ied at Oshawa General, Hospital on February 14, 1992. He was 82. Ho was. born iEngland on Septembor 9, 1909 son cf Ernest UndFlorence (Wâarfe) ,Lomax. He married Grace Russell. Mr. Lomax worked at General Motors before retiring. Ho was aI member'of Ail Sait Anglican Church. Ho is survived by son Morton and bis wife Rita, son Gary and bis wife heather son Davidand bis wifie M Ëllen grandchil- Sher Shi eborai, Kenneth, nnâ Trevor, and six great- grandchildren.' The funeral was* held on February 17 at Ail Saints' Angli- can. Church, Bev. Bcd Barlow officiating. Spring interment at Mount Laiwn cemetery. LEONAIRD PIERCE Leonard Pierce cf Whitby died on February 14, 1992 at «-htby_ GeneralHospital. Ho was 71. Ho was born i Toronto on February 13, 1921. Mr. Pierce wcrked as a clerk with the' Ontario _govenment and worked /at the Toronto Star beforo rotiring,, Ho was a member cf tho Legion Branch 112 in Whitby. He is suved bybis wife Muriel (nee Maxwel) 'and son fGreoy and ganchildren Jof- feiMihael and Bryan. eh funeral was held from the Town Funeral'Chapel on Febru- ary 18, 1992, Rev. Robert Mans- fild- conducting. Crémation at Mount Lawn. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Tr-ust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby AfeHus668-3552 AerHus668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arrngcd ]ROTARY CLUB MEETINGs Tho Botary Club cf Whitby meets oveiy Tuesday,. 7:15 a.m., at the Golden Griddle Restaurant Kendalwcod Plaza, Whitby. For further information, contact ýPeers Davidson at 668-6759 or Krish Krishnan at 666-3642. Rose Our re . e - 18.9 S. AE $6 O ur reg*149.9* e - a e e : eable 'i e e-ble,, Ourre 11999 R EN TIRESELECTION!-FAIFOHABU TIre. 8999a. AEN3Y~Amhi "Armchair Our reg. 199.99 ca, Coffee Table Our reg. 179.99 ca. SALE $99 Salo limited ta stock on hand. Selection may vary fromf store ta store. T! .-:BA5KETWAR'EI Beautiful basket n many calours & styles Quality handcrafted tOur reg. 1.99-47 .99ea. SALE FROM: e. F~d:TJJTa& 'À- 14< EMBROIDERYFLOSS &' 27 coor.Useonebodr projects,cross-stitch, waste canvas. apimoe .72Z, sieSALE49 -11, 14, 16, 18 & 22 count. In natural, white orlivory. 14, 16 & 18 count available ln m j8 Antique white. 12n x 18n plece \Our reg . S L _ ea.. 3.9pg. A 'E f9OS ORGANIZERS organizer llst ln the lid ',I9 Inludes 100 paper 99bns C Our reg. b112P n <-ea. 7.99ea. d R I CLns n Paint, stencil, d hnsoead more!1 - 50/50 polycotton. 10 colours. No seam construction.Youth S-L, Adults S-XL . Jerzees brand. 88à Our reg. .Eea. GALA FABANO, PAINT neon or crystal, 1/2 oz boUle. gîte.4 97 Ourrg.- ea., 2.89,:! SALE TW1ISTED PAPER RIBBO3N 1Ideat for bow making, paper fiower and wreaths. Choose fram 20 clolours. 6 yard hank. Our reg. 2P I 7 1.99ea. 112 RIE 9e.1 F9OLK ART PAINT -2o botde <57ml). Choose tram 84 colours. Non-toxic, artist quality Ori reg. t 77~ auryi pag.int 2.39 ea. w' 1» Fea SHELF BO0X KITS -Pre-cut cardboard, ready to assemb le and decorateSet of13 Compoete with instructionsA Our mg. sa. 8.29 kt SALE sWhite I®HOURS: Mon. to Fr1. 9:OOa.m.-9:OOp.m. VSat., Sun., & Holldays 9GOam400p.m. MAR. 5e 1992. LIMITED TO STOCKON HAND. NOT ALI PRODUOT AVAILABLE AT OUR KENNEDY RD., QUEENSWAY OR WHITBY LOCATIONS. NO WICKER FURNIURE SOLD AT KENNEDY & THE OUEENSWAY STORES. Iz~ BENJI TREE~ -3 /2' taîl troc form'green Benjamin Ourreg. ea. j 24 .99ea. SAL - MARGINAT---. plants peri pot at 249 staggered heghts ea., 4.99ea. S 4 >> DIEFFENBACHIA-- ~ Bushy, compacta vaniety 4 Our reg. S LEO ea. SENSATION-J -A new dramatic large Ieafed - vaniety of spathiphyllum 39.99ea. SALE -Lush' green foliage surrounds unusual white spafelike fiowers 4 24u9èý-SALE L GREEN GE.M,,I -Easy ta grow vaniety aoflous -S 1/2¶-6'tai! A A 89Ou9ea. SALE Plus many more -c 'Iîfstore Specials. Aiguaranteed 100% for value paidj 4~ROSSLAND RD.'1N NN HWY. 2TAUNTON RD. z "Zi1i .1 0 0 LA ! < HWY4O1 m, -' HWY. 401 WHITBY OSHAWA 1243 Dundas St E. 300 Taunton Rd. E. W. of Thickson R.d. Ritson & Taunton OPENSUNDAY * # ~ .J,.! !4 ------.---- A GARDEN SHOW THEI 1 e Hobby ENTIRE -0lGarden FAMILY GLOBAL WILL TELEVISM NETWORK ENJOY! Saturdays at nom, firi mi mlir