Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 24

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PAGE "24, WHITBY= RER%'E8,WEDNE8DAYBiý-' AR 26, 1992 Whltby's four precision skating teains ail won gold at the sec- tionals competition in Ottawa" over the wekend. Three cf the Whitby teains -- senior, novice and masters -- will comipete in the Canadian chain- .PioBhips ini April i Regina while the *uvenile teai will move on te the provincials. Movm.* on te the Canadian competition will be- the senior (aged 15 and over) Ice Pye teain novice <aged 12 te 14) -Ice * Anqels, and masters <no age mî)Ice Elusions. Ibe Angels are the defending Canadian novice champions, while Ice Ryre finished second te, Lavai Que. at last years Cana- dian cýampîonships. Whitb I ce Pix, the juvenile agedil1 and, under) teain, will adivace te tthe provincial coin- petition at the end cf Mardi in The. precision teains wiI per-, form during theéWhitby Figure Skating,'Club carnival on Satur-,' day, March 28.. Brooklin-Wbitbyl's 'Elecit Canada minor atom A teain is juat on.' serles away frein capturing the. ali-Ontarjo championship. In the Ontario semi-final agaist Ciiinguacousy, Whitby, won the best-of-seven. series in four straight gaines. In gaine one, Whitby started slowly but picked up the pace in the. seond period and skated te a 4-1 win. In ganie two, Chinguacouuy came on strong and opened the. scoring in the flrst periodi. Whitby responded with three goals in the neit two perioda whilee . shutting down Chinguacousys offence.-, In the. third gaine Chinguacousy once again sicorec first before Whitby teck over the. gieand skted'te a 6-1 win te maeit three in a row. - Gaine four was Whltby's ail the. way, with four goals scored early and'seven more threughout the. gaine for an impresaive 11-0 win. <Whitby outscored -the op- positon 24-3 in the four gaines., Coaches Robert Figgbbnand Troy Mty were very pjeesed with the. performance cf tii,- teain. Teain members . re Mike Hainilton, Greg Leblanc Gil Vaznplew, Scott Berkey dordaY Fitzgibbon, Danny Smah, Jered BrwPaul Goldsmith, 'Ryan Dcey, Mark Unwin David Kubrynsld, Jeif ChurcliScott DnsJaine Giles -end' goal tender Ryean ean and Scott Wylie. NOVices 'by far the-l best* at touûrname«é nt The. Whitby, ladies B ringette teain went undefeated te capture* the_.gid medal at a teurnament iOttwa recently. The. teain /sponsored by West- ney Aute oy, won a il five games, mcu ga 3-2;win over Leithrîm in the. fial. The Whitby- teain, with mein- bers aged 23 te 50,- opened the teuirnament with a 5-3 win over Leithrim. McKaque scored three goals *with singles by Karen Laing and Diane Trafford. Camre Brown scored three goalsin a 5-1 win over Glouces- tr. McKaque and Norma- Ains- werth aise, scored. Brown and McKaque each had two goals in a 4-1 win over Ottawa.. McKaque scored. two goals, Trafford and Darla May aIsé scored in a 4-2 win over Orleans. McKaque, Brown and Helen Page had the goals in the victory over Leithrim m the final. Goalie Donna Palfrey was eut- standing for Whitby, 'helped by the. strong defence cf Debbie Scheepers, Janet Quinn, Barb Prescott and Keri Sharon. The. teain had previously won a, tournament im Scarborough, and is ameng the. favorites te capture the provincial B chan-, Pienship at a teurnament i' <Coach of the. team is Ken Page. PAUL BENNiMNGTON gets ready to smasi the bfrdie ini a match at the Central Ontarlo Mint'Ã"n'Association 613 chmonahips held Frlday anBatuÉrday at Henry Street High SchooL àbenntn and partâer Gene Chu took top honours iu the men's doubles event. Photo byMa R.mw, Wfltby Fýr. Prm Whitby doubles team lst Gene Chu and Paul Benning- ten cf the Wiiitby Badminton Club won thi enes doubles event at 'tii. Central Ontario Badmninton Association 'BW chain- pionahipa Feb. 21 and 22 at HenryStreet High Sciioi. Chu and Bennington defeated David McCarroll and Brian Werd cf Ajax in three gaines, 5-15, 15-8 and1-8 Tii consolationi titi. went te Jizu Sith and 'Colin Feather wiio knocked off a'dup frein' Belleville 9-15, 15-11, 15-. Paul and Sharon Bennhigton won apoints-in-thie-third,exn ddthriller te, caýture the. iixed doubles titi.. Tii . Benningtons defeated Dave Ricard andt Linda Ellictt of Belleville 9-15, 15-6 and 18-16. ii. conse latio roun4 went te Jin Smith of Whitbjad Natha- lie Perrault cf Kngton who defeated Bu Stacy and àSheyA Hurst of Durhamn 15-5 and 15-7. Tii. ien's sin les c9nolation went te, Greg WaIters who defea- ted Peter ,Ga:varis, ;aise cf Whitby 15-5,* 11-15 and 15-11. AKig ten pair won the. ladies? doubles main evýnt, while an Uxbridge team won the con- solation. Ini tiherecent, Agincourt Canadians Valentine's Tourna- ment,_ the Whitby major novice, select teain, s4so y Hard-Co Excavating, won the grand chem'pionahîp. Whitby came eut on, top. throughout the ent ire tournament, acoring 28 goals on the opposition, and permitting only on. -goal in four gaines.1 In e one, WItby met Cedar Hl and skated' te a 6-0 wîn. Scoring for Whitby.,were Scot Cook (two), Andrew Allison, Chas. AtInson, Mattiiew Ras end, Michael Astalos., Asita 'were provided-by Kyle Branch (two), Matthew Ras (two), Cook, Brian Leni end. Mchael Kobrynovich. I game two, Wbitby continued their determined hard work and. playedý excellent two-way hockey te defeat Malton Goals were scored by-Branch (two), NicholaMichie, Michael iaske Andrew Allison, Blair Dinsdep R.-as end .Stevén Hurczak. Excellent paaaing led te ,a number cf asista ýwith Cook leadinig with two and on. frein Ryle Maybury oahnRa Ra,.Miison and Astalos. Gaine three was the hardest of the teurnainent.,as Witby met stiffer. than anticipated campe- tition frein a never-say-di.' Thornhill'squad., SÉE PAGE 29 iM1 Tlbt,- iserwin boSus 1 -ryTalbot nd Deu Fishe both'c htyadiebro theé ax BoingClub, eech won theïr.Iuts at a boxing competi- tien held in Oshawa on Sunday, Feb; 23. Taîbo;t stopped -an oppo nent frei Niaara~Fals '.Yin ýth, third round cf a 175-lb. bout, and vas selected as best boxer6othe, entiec ptton on Sunday. FisëherInl. the 132-l.ca, defqated Piiip Boudreaut cf tilury i the second round. -In the feature- bout, Kevin Morgan cf the Ajax club defeated -Mike Watson cëf-the Cabbe-. tewi .,club in.a heavyweigt < Witby, nayor Tom Edwards., an announcer' for the Ajax Box- îng Club shows for 20 yers was annou air withO;Zeaawa e prýricýhampionships will. b. held at tii. Aax coin- mumity centre May 1-3. *Several. boxers freinthtii.Ajax club,-inc__dng Fishr end Tel- *btrecently-' trained in Cuba E:'l that country's junior national-teain. Ajax club coach Don RoSsa ed the. Cuban boxinq prograin is far superior teanythifgmiiiCanada.- He,-,said Morgan, Talbot and Fisherý were amnirng the- club boxers who boié. well in matches with the -Cubans after four days of training. Tii. Brookin-.Whitby'ma'or Thonten, inskatigte a 4-1 novice AA hockey teain victary. t sponsored by R.P. 01Lîie, Scoring r Witby, were mye won their beat-f-five playoff Ruttan, Dana Bîoin, Nul Tait series witii Port Perry tiree and Brad SiMater. Assista jwent te games th one. Ryan Meane ,(twé), 1Reece <The firet gaine aw Whithy Robertson, tta, îBei corne eut moiewhat tentativelyi, Sciieepera% Sean Hoinios àn as tiiey iiad neyer before played BiyanRourke. Port Peray. But Whitby Pizza Hut players of týie gaie Maintend rndefensive l were Ruttan, Ryen Harris and Iliigthe I (ff anMendee, gin ~v.shts~, £fle àtbn fature< gxood scoring . hances et both Siaýer and Tait with Rourkoeand ends. Whitbhy presad until the. Hoies amsstng. final buzzerW but, were û"Inal, te Most valuable players for tus tie Pqr Perry*ho tied hee 'ia «n wereTiornton one n wln 21 victogy. cmiefen ¶forhgnewsa lune goalcaef=gm Rce~ewitIh Rutten pitn.caatrbidrojti.Wib T1ethr1gain ,s e ti.sLd as the had two goals deeiiv qatk. éberge as = oïwdwth thîe pac of a Wiywon 2-1, whilo aflowing niu'u Whitb4r Icpt pressing only ine siiots oh goule ansored in theiia minute of Tiirntn<thi e e toek tua iènd wuýy I~ -Mag3~4tWi tby wer. 2-14 coningfor 1Whitby wr Meaney end, in ýthilet-minuît.o Rourke, with Taitdrinth 12 . 7for t eue. Jelinua IHughes faced go and stoned Port Perry ]Wt two. naodiLndn

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