Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 4

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r l'A~1~ 4,W ~ VME~$,,W ~ YV~Uq~d~1~, ~ By Marlo Boucher Wiity residents are mownit1g opposition to ttei. proposed froieway liuk in Whitbh _Rëb Brgess a Lieuingta sruue a proteet ever tei link evuh the province watste t locate b.tween Halls Rd. suad" Coronation Rd. in west Whitby lu about 15 years. The froeway would sfretch for about .10 k)ibometres b.tween Hl '401 md the poseHv 4'nort= the xi nHiy7 Burgus à urgin eidn#t atten tii.pub lice ckso about- the project. on Fb 25 at the Whltby municipal building and on Yeb. 27 at the, Ajax Community Centre. «People are dead aguunat this thlng, naid Burgess. A. residents' meeting was held lu Whitby on Sunday ta discus the impact of tii. propo.ed freeway link sud wiiat they can do about it, h. naid. Flyers were delivered inu-the Four FamIIyI Full Meal Dealsi i FEED i ~Indlvdal SWhity Location'Oniy I Expirs March Sth/92.-E Lynde Creek ares, most in Mac.- donian Village und on botii sides of Cor-onation Rd., lie saîd. 1 <W. bought bore, we live ber. ahid weý waut ta m;aintain our quality of 1f.," h. saidi . ýBurges nid reeldents are upset sud are worried'about the. valu, of their homes sud land d.creasî 'ng.due ta the.propos.d freeway. Moot omeonerswould 1k., some sort cof compensation from the. provincial government'for the. lésa f propert ue-1 that i. exetdwhenuktii freeway i bf-uIt, ho said., Carbon monoxlde from vehicles usung the 'new freeway wlll have severe consequences on the loca environment, especially the I.ynde Creek area, hoesaid.: Burgess said the. small-town atmosphere and. communlty sta- bility will b. broken up bîy the. freeway;- "TIhe rural terni for, the area will b. destroyed forever," h. said. Résidents are encouraged ta send an y petition and letter cf Srotest ta, west ward councillor udi Longfield or Durham Centre MPP Drummond White, bhe said. «I would encourage people ta, no ta tii. meetings and register their concerne," said White. H. said tii. Munistry cf Trans- portaeionsudthe tirni J'lroctor and R Mfn t. bave don. a tiiorough job in thei. past wiien deallng witii finding spfeclfc sites for prjcts. Butie sa tiiey fail.d ta, look at tii. effects lmm.dlately east and west cf the. proposedfreeway link., 'I' stll bave some concerna aboutit47 suld White. Although Lakerldgs Rd. seenis ta- make sens. as the. correct route fer the. freeway link, White naid the. road couldfi't b. used on a localhais and an alternative arterlal roadý would have ta b. found or additional Ian.. added ta either Halls Rd. or Coronation Rd. The. effect on residents living on Lak.ridge Rd. would b. "mucii more profouud" and there would b. ne acces. a ti.th freeway Iink, h. said. «Somieof the. other options (routes) haveeua merits ta tiie eastenn choice (tii. munistry's choice. between, Halle and Cor- onation Rda.) sud might b. pro- ferable,» he said. White suid tii. route furtiiest west in Ajax may b. tii. next b.st choice. "There are a number cf con- siderations that have ta b. leoked at before makhng the final decision "lie naid. ,hiesaid tiie main question 850 KingSt-reet West, Oshawa B3(air Buc(ianan JUST LISTED $1 59,900. North East Oshawa. Value Plus. Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom home. L-shaped living dining. Walk to schools. Blair Buchanan, 436-1800.' qi(anie( UNDRSTTEDELEGANCE! Superb Torminapqualt is evident in this 4 bedroom ail brick home. Professionally decorated throughrut WaIk-out basement * Central air and vac. *50 x 150 premiumn lot * Much more must bW seeni New price $2799900. Gall Daniel, 436-1800. >lnarewW ood POWR F SALE!! N. E. Whit'by location. Pe 'rfect for first time, buyers. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, eat-in kitche'n with walk-ot. Onlv $141,900. Andrew Wood, '436-1800.ýýý N may b. <'how la ti.baud te b. useidmst'projely? Whito-said he wlll try te attend one cf thei. two public workahopsi next week, and willi have b is assistant drop by beth 'It'. net neceSsarilyte at. (te voies, concerna),» ho id SThe final decialon on the loca- tien, of the.freeway 'link l * rc ted ta b. known sementime hi ate srnta early falI, h. suld. Wokon 'the freeway lhnk ýwiUI llk.ly net begi n for about 15 yeaMs se it iastie a fuir ways off yet» "h. nid. *hit said tii. frea link and the. roposed'Hwy47have been lnuth. planning sage o many years, sud smre heurings ?81 ue woy augo cencenn- "'1'issntý fatprocsw," lie said. White suid Durham Collego in north' Oshawa was built with, Hwy 407 in mind& Durha mEegion, wlîth only sir lunes on Hwy 401 sud two lunes on Hwy 7, needs more traffic lunes,hie said. «Vehave ta iihave-,a .much bigiier support for transportation in the. ares," h. said. With the. population cf Dur- hum Rteion imcreasing unnually, uccessibility ta Metro Toronto i.' "as imp otant 'ta tii. local indus- tries in Dunham Region as elec- triclty »"he said. «Tii main thing i. ta flnd the best possible site, h. said. 1Mayor Tom Edwards said Làak- erldge Rd . la the.Town's choie.' because t. already go.. nortb ta HWY 74 "Thi. preferenceof Wbitbjy was choseNi May 1991 ancd that would b. -te wld.n ILuker1dèe Rd. lnst.ad, of.creating anew route ultogother "»h. said. «B tculdb. don. gradually 1k. tAhe wdenu of Hwy -401 was Ed'warda suld,,that, lu the Town's view, "t.it l hemost aepropriat. way ta demI wltii ti. f réewaylink. "Tflere are so0me advautages ta this project as long as it avoida- serlous lmpactý on the ,environ-. ment* sudtii. ares," h. sid. Edwards ,ý said .he doent. understand why -the ministr declded ta choos. Whitby as tii. site for tii. freewaY link aine tii.< Town's made, objectons - wbilez Ajax ud«'Pickering counclls, expressed wilhingness -ta aceptx thi prject. Hé aid h. hopes ýta meet with: the. Minister.,of frausportation ais soon as- possile ta persuade- the; Province that their recommendai-. tien la ,faulty sud net in the beat intqrest of Whltby sud area.,,ý ý - Edwards :sEaid: ho aiseh opes muny, resdents Willl show, neit, week for tii. two acheduled pub-. lic workaiiops. <.i.-:-ý S Councillor .Marcèl Bruiiello. sald resldonts have made it clear they are -net ihappy with the minis try'schoice. To fleit the. proposai, residents in the. west, sidé 'cf tawn are agetting organized lik. crazy,» h. sald. Board, chamb"'erhold-. 'Communty Tals 1%e Dunham Boord of com=mnies. Euducation and thé. federal The taks are being h.ld ini government Win co-sponsor over 150. communities aoeo tth. 'Comrnunity Taika on Tusly onr Feb. 20 in Whitby sud on A both meenlgs in 'Durlian participants wlll foe m7a :lrsay Feb. 27 i groupa to discus. tii. issu.. 'Commnt iuu'is a irouni gCanada'. abili t Community 'Taucoipeteaandmuntaun a zuL'gý* -14y-1>aDd < iitiativ sandrd of living. Each withun the goenent's atciatwlll b. gîven an ë'n <Proeperity Initiative?.' tobeheurd an s~u pwOniy. w P=tyv meeting wilfbe -held knowVIOWth at 6:30 p.m. ut Henry. Street Hih knon t ti. gveme9nt and tO Sciioi and will be co-.hostedbh influence the. d.velopmnent of a- the Whtby Cabr naionRéipnllan o&mrittelif 'Comunity Taikahbasbeen jrý ý< initiated" in the. belief that 0& Tiosevishing tg register May Canadians bave tii. right <t do se lu adva - ly: callhg (416) participate in the, development c 987-4666, -,or wait ta regiteÉa a ~ ~ ~ ~ I ontOlS tYt<Y <"the door that ev.ning., competitiveneàs and ", I«Mingl, Students, -r.presenting,. 18 aud have a r llty . . t.iib elqual partuers. <ini fndng-.. a ceuncis acres. thi e glwibe consensus withun te m.ivited ta participate.< *0HRSLR Tlieves sitale> a camera worth *500 $75 in. cash sud did mnore, 79 LORS W SA A tiian 1,70 damage du-rlnga bra-m M'. onday. -morning ut several. offices in thei. Duindas 404-052%5 Dental Centre., WER MKIG EAL YPolicé say ýtii.cuiprita b4roke a s i 'TBEIEEwundow ta gain entry. An, investi- gation la continuing. Mon.& Tues. only, 5 pm --»8 i Only $3.95 Fettuinme Aifredo or.' 158 roc St N. Spaghetti,& Meat.Sauce (Pearson La'nes) Add a side order of mushrooins, Whitby garlic bedo caesar salad for 666-0023 only,.$1. 50. _____________ Regular Menuavailable .4 Restaumnts Qwililv 0 \,al1w Early 13ird bvecta .a. Sunday to Friday Ill' ,,,T Im, Yv ER Sprqe;q&CIAT.w Buy any entree and receive 2nd entree at PRICE Seated by 6 piii. All clinners inclucle complimeiitary salacl bar. IZesci--,,,ratioiis recoiiiiiiended 918 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-9369 1-

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