Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 11

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at"7 :36 ginAcamp--;lde.,show V will bee4dt 7 pm. for tho *se _________ interesthd in sending dlabetic children to summer camp. Guest' *.etsn and n. CONGIRSS 0F BLACK diocussimg 'Taking- Ch&reo *OE your Dimbetes. Hl are welcome'to Thei Durham Region Police/ attend. Community. Race Relations. Committee under the auspices of CANADIAN ORGANIC theCongress of Black Women--- GROWERS Durham chapter, and.spon"ord The Durham , chapter of by theMiistry,,of the Soliitoî Canadian O'rganic Growers will General, *ill ,ost a Wrapp'P meet in -,the. pro>gram room of oevaluations;e ssi**on te a monos 0s, f, Whty Public Library on 10 discuss io nvnnsb.w' * Wednesday, Feb. 26 at- 7:30- p.m. Durha Regional, Polie and the Cathy iDueck will presentaasilde ,comMuniity on Tuesday, Feb. 25, sho on the 'Peterborough'7t 9pm. tWhitb ciuii EooyGren. All arei weîcome. Chambers,- 575 Rosslan Rd.'E .iCil 434-6231,for details. Light 'refreashments will b.ý served.- For additional, informa- SCUTBAQUTS tion, ý -cail (416) 286-6691, Sth Whitby ,scouts will hold the, 579-50ex.38o66392 parent.child banquet'on Feb. 20, 6:30 p.mh., at He .nry Street'High School1; 4th Whitby Ill hold its * banquet on Feb.21,Y.m., t St Mak1 UitdChurch, and parade on Feb* 23,-.11 a.m., at St. Mark's. Feb. - l23 is Guide-. ~,'Scout week in Canada, making the birthdays of the founders of guidingand, scoutng Lord and rdy Baden-Powell., HOBBY SHOW Thle Hobby Show, organized by Ted Curi of Whitby, will b. heldý at the .Autemotive Building, Exhibition Place, Toronte Feb. 28 te Mq.rch: .-There will b. radio- controlled ýplanes, hlcpes boats and :cars; miniature car and.truick ,races; Metre' marine .Mddeilers boa6t pond and show; p lane,- simulater fun fly; needie- ,point, -ceramics, miniatures and 'doll houses; stamps, coins, com-- cscrds, plastic models, lapid- ary~ -yideo games and collectibles. o~mre informnation cail 428-, INTERNATIONAL TRAINING lm COMMUNImCATION> Th.e first;>Osba -'Club TC wiil hold a meeting onTueda,, Mard, i3, 6. p.m., at Hong Kong Houa., 89 icoe St. SB, Oshawa. The thome 'will b. EvLaluaition Workshop.' Cost 0f dinner is,*14. For more information, cli Pet at < 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. QUESTION PERIOD> 'Question. Period,' with'Dur- hamnCentre MPP .Drummond Whtwill b. held on Thursda , M c5, 7 te9'pm.atNocrg- view Publieiàbrmry, 2b0 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Contituent. can expressý concerns and opinions. For more information cali 430- 1141'. FEBRUARY FILM FEST The Whi tby Public Library wlu hold a 'Februmry film fest' in the program room on Saturday, Feb. 29, from 10 te 10:-45 a.m. for children aged 3 te 5, a nd fi= 2 te 3 p.m. for children aged 6 and over. No registration is required. DURHAM BUSIESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING' Durham , Business & Professional Women's Club will meet for an 'international night' on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at Club Loroley (Dean Ave., oet off Riteon Rd. S., Oshawa), beginning' with a reception at 6 p.m., folowed by dinner at 6:45 pa. Cost for members is- $25, $30 for non-members. Guests and new em rsare welcome. Reservo by caffing 725-9179 or 427-6930. ONE PARENT FA3MLY Oshawa -Chapter One Parent Faniuly 'Assoiation 'meets Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. at Simcoe Hafll SéttIement House, 387.* Simcoýe St., S., Oshawa. - Guest speakcer Sandra Sweet will attend. Xàti morarlhfürmation cmli PARENT INFORMATION Resources for. Exceptionalý Childron - Durhm Region wiil hold a, parent. information night on ýThursday, Feb. 27,7 te, 9 p.m., at Oshawa, .Public Library, .Northview branch, 250 Beatrice St. E., OshaWw Tho tpic ilb 'Prscholt6 school board -- making the transition.' Representatives from Duihmm.ý and Newcastle/ Northumberland school, boards will outline education, options for children, wihspcal needs within their, specific school systeni. DURAf4MlaREGIONFJEL NATUEALITMEETING The Durha m < ,Region Field Naturait4Î wfll. hold ite nexrt meeting on Monday, Feb. 24, 7:30 p .m,thlw Northview -Public Librmryp g». Beatiice, St._ E., Oshwa.Thetepié is]'&' Arud the. World in 80 M hinutes. ' The natumi history' 0 f Africa, Scotland and Alaska will b. presented. through slides by well-travelled membem, 0f the, club., New members are welcome. CLUB CARIB The annual general meeting of Club Carib of Oshawa Imc. will b. held on Sunday Feb. 23, 7:30 ~ .m. at Snnysde Park club- gouse, -StaceylMcKim avenues,ý Oshawa'.There will b. the elec- tion -of officers for a two-year terin. Anyone interested in join- ing the organization is welcome to attend'. A]EROBATHON A 'Dance for Heart Aerobathoni' will b. held at the European Women's Health Club on Thursday, Feb. 20 to raise funds for the Heart & Stroke' Foundation. Women maypick up registration. forms at the club, 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby, where the event will b. held. For more information caîl 666-4540. CPREMARP SAVER MPCIAL Duning FebrùaryHeart Month, DurhM Save-a-Hert will offer the four-hour heart saver CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscit4iàon) course at a special, discountéd f.. of $18, which includes the manual, certificat. and G&T. A course, is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 29, 9 .m. te 1 p.m., at Durham Save-a-Eéart office, WhIMtby. Registration "is required in advance by caling Durhain Save-a-Heart at 416-666-0995. DURHAM DODGE CHRYSLI PSYCIC PAIR A pschlc fair wll b. held at the Mnsm c gnmunitjcentre, Friday, Feb. 21 (noon;te10 pm.), Saturday, Feb. 22 (11 a.m. to 10 pan.) and SundaY,. Feb. 23' (11, p.m. te 7 pl.). STAMP CLUBý The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday' Mach 3, 7' p.m., at OyN.iUllgiat in the cafeteria (fret 1floor), Collêctors and ývisitors are alway welcome. Stampostcard:S adcver col- lections can b.e echanged, appralsed or sold at auction.-or more Information c«UiJohn at 725-7962. MEETING North Oshawa chapter, One Parent Faniilies9 Association will meet onWednesday, Feb. 26, 8 p.rn., at Christ Church, Mary and Hîillcroft Sts., Oshawa for coffee, cards and' conversation. New mmesand, guests welcome.' For, further information, cali 668-7579 or 434-3687. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE VALENTINE'S DANCE St. John Ambulance, 425 and 409 divisions, 'will hold a Valentine's dance at Heydenshore Pavillon Saturday,: Feb. '22; 8 p.ni. There will be a buffet,. cash bar, disc jockey and dance/dôor prizes. The cost is $25 per couple. The'dance is being held to raise funds ,for, the operating costs of proidlngvolunteer first aid ,cove1agg.*i-n Whitby,.,, Sponsors. biaY'purcliase'a table of eight and receive'a tax receipt. >KIDS ON THE BLOCK Performances of Kids on the Block educational puppetry jare available te area brownies, guides, beavers and cubs. Kids on tihe Block is a troupe of disabled and non-disabled, pup- pets designed te, teac kids what it is likete have differences and promote awareness of social con- cerns. Topics inchude -street- proofing and spin a bifida. For more information or te book a pgerformance cali Carol Hatten at 576-0597 or Heather Whaley at 668-2174.. FREE PROM FEAR The Free From Feai Foundation, a non-profi organization for those miii fering from anxiety disorderi and phobias, offers educa. tional material, -information, ,guest »speaRkers and suppori groupe and support group meetings, on the, first and thirdTuesday of each monti from 7 te 9 p.m.,1 at 1400 Bayly St., Pickering. For mone information, cail 831-3877. ir WHIBY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 199i,FPAGDÈ 1 on-rit CAPIC MEEI'N i omni eru ruham Chapter 0f CAPICI Wlbor have a yirlll hold a dinner. -mng one _____ sbstntiWhty Thu'rsday, Feb. 20 at the 19a1l-of pmbaë'hoipm Durham,, 227 Brock St S$ mupcomlng meeting Whitby. Rseanne Toogood will or activi es on i l , page'at no ItJ speak on ' JIT at -Levi Strauss.1 Cash bar, l6 te?- p.m., dinner, 7 * p.m., presentation 8 te 9 p.m. Oet (inicluding GS1M is $20.,For details cmli Chander ,Nathani 686-2425. For registration cal CAT SHOW Sandra Kazmirchuk 576-0210, le CaainNtnmý V-.t.: ext. 479. LEARNINGDISABIL1TIES' A parentsu pport groupi, the Learning_ isbilities '.Associa- tion, Oshawa chapter, wilI hold, their regular monthIy meetng1,a, 7:30,-p.m,. on ,Feb. 27 at e Whitby Public, Library. A .video, 'Creatiîve' Approachesto Atten- tion Deficit, ýwill b. shown. Caîl 436-7706'.or 623-4934 ýfor more informationP. HOMEOPATIJICSEI A seminar o; hmeoatythe methiod used by the rylfatnily toataY healtbyffl b. held at (bNàtural'1Brock St., N. Whtb (66p,66 on Mondaj Feb. , 7 p.m. Space in liîe sregiter.aly. EUCHRE Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodgs of Whitby 'hold ouchbre games'at the. 194e hall, 211 Brock -St. S., Witby every Friday 9t. 8 p.rn. Admissi ot play îs *1.50 pèr1 person. A luc.will .b. sorved. Ail are welcëome. flOSE ::. WINTERs CEARANCE I HLDRENS CLOT-rHINà,SAE - 1/2 P RIC E-OFFWIý> x I gubarpced Iemns wItl hisa. -xlds Iku -cesd *Osh Kosh - French Toast * Heaithtex I 92 OLD KINGSTON'RDÎ., UJX66-6284 i ~AMADEUSg SEAFOOD and STEAKHOS 1180 Simcëoe St. N. Oshawa 43-33*469065 SRoast Prme Beef (Canada Gra A) *New York Steak and Shtim-- eBroiled Seafood Plate TL4gJUaliilfluiuvl Club' will present its l5th cat show-at the Plckering' Recreëati'on Coniplex,* 1867 Val ley Fm, Pickering con Sunday,- Feb. .23 fromn 9 a.în. te ,5 p.m.,Admissi on is ý$3/adults, $2fchildren and seniors or $8/family. AMNES'IT INTERNATIONAL jAmnesty Itenaioal(goup 90), will hold its next meeting où Tuesday, ;Feb. -,25, 7:30,,p.m., <at Pickering Village United Church- (Church St., north of Hwy. 2). Ail are welcoene. For information SUl 668-7171. LADIESAU [J Y Thm Ladies Aiuiliarzr te Branch. 112 ýWhitby wiil hold its monthly ouchre on 7hursday, FPeb. 20, 8' pa., at 117 BYron St.S., (upetair hall>, Whitby. Admission, is,$2pe person and lunch iil be sered A han&Ïàcap lift is availablel at the south door. LIIGWITHCANCER The Living With Cancer suppott group- will 'hold-their bi-moethlrîmeeting on Monday, Feb. 24, t 9p.m., atýthe Ajax Cricket Cu (corer of Clements and Monarch). 'A supportgru for cblfdren aged 5 te -17 affectedi hy cancer will " ebe held at the smre time. Anilae welcomé. For more information, oel the Canadian- Cancer Society, at 686-1516. - FOiT CAIRE CLINIOS FOR The Whitby Senior.' Activity, Centre holds several foot- care clinics in Wbitby m ach month. Two 'duncs are held at the centre,' 801 Brock St. S., one,-at 100 Glenhiil Dr., and another at 315 Coîborne -St. W. R Pegistered. nurses supply baicfoot care ta nominal f.. Th eiervice'1w open te any seni*or in WhiVtby, and an appointment is. n.cessary. For further 'information ,or-a appointment, cail 668-1424. EUCBRE Euchre i.' held every, >riday, 8 P.m., at the Wbitby 100F Hall, 211 Brock .St.-S. Coat is, $1.50. PRe.freshmrets are provided. Ail are1 welco me.

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