Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WIITBy FREE pRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1992 CORPORATION 0F THE ... .. TWN OFWHITBy' NOTICE 0F INTENTION STREET NAME CHANGE TeCouncilofth Coraton of the Town o Whitby intends to pass a by-Iaw to change thi e 0cf Prorm Road ta hIwin Dnive. Thechane 1n street name will apply to al of Progress Road, as shawn on Registered Plan No. M-i102. save and except that portion of Progresa Road designated as Parts 'l 2 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan af Suive y 40R-10706, wvhich was stopped up and closed by By-law No. 2301-87. The street is shown below. The change in street name will provide a street name link wit develapment taing pae to the east andi south of the street. j JL...BURNS ST. Ej Any persan wishing to me.: wiVi Vie Committee is asked ta advise the Tawn Clerk acorcngly by no later than Tbursday, February 13, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 .... ..... ..I ANNE DAVIES & FAMILY would like ta thank the people in the Village of Ashburn for their love, suprt and thoughtfuiness during teetrying times. Your generosity wiil neyer be forgotten. PUPPIES - PART HUSKY/part Collie - 4 maies, 3 fomales. Have par ents too. Oeil 655-4518. Ail dogs must go. ______________ ICOMING EVENTSj . . . .. .8V.R..N . C alil668-6111 I ARE YO U HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insuranco because. a age, poor driving record or, suspension af liconso? Perhaps we cari help. Phono 666-2090. NEED HELP? J.C. Associates, workers'compensation'speciaiists. 666-0047. j .PE...RSO... NAL..S........ Bi Fi fur or 3URTH CONTROL and family Ianning counseling. Free and onfidentiaI, available Monday ta riday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic very Thursday 3 ta 6 p.m. For irther information, cail 420-8781 r433-8901. CASH LOANS $500 AND UP. Alil appications quickîy processed, rgardless* ofpt credit rating. Must b. empe 436-8104, 24 bour answerin service. SEWUNG SERVICE - Children's clothes, window coverings, duvets, etc. Also some aiteration& Qualfty work. 436-0313. I'D UKE TO START a discus-, sion group for anyine interested in seing wha the Bibe has to sy about lite (flot affiliated with ay cburch). For mb, oeil Albert àt 430-3210 (nights). LOSE WEIGHT and/or Quit Smoking Easily by using our Amazing habit contrai tapes. Only $9.95 oa. plus-$1.50 tax and $3.50 S&H. Order bath for only $22.90, we pay tax, S&H and you savo $7. Send cheq ue or rnonoy o rder today ta: Systematic Contrai, 8 Midtown Dr., Suite 164, Dept. M, Oshawa, Ont. LMJ 8L2. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and tho Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours recoived. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. aciorod, glorifiod, loved and preserved thraughout tho world naw and farovor. Oh Sacred Heart af Jesus, pray for us, St. Jude worker of miraclespray for us, St. Judo heipor af tho hopoloss pray for us. Say this prayer nino limes a day. By the oighth da% your prayer will -,be. answeroy regardtess of how hop!oss your' situation.seoms. Publication must b.1ra16d.AM CORPORATION OF THE' .omm....infrmaion [ WtItb ~........ .......... ~ m m COORATION0F THE IN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990.,0.0."18 AND UN THE MArrER 0F LAND AMID PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE that the Couricil ai the Corporation of Vie, Town of Whitby has By-La o.w09-9 to designate Vie following orcand architectural value or iterest under rrle% te Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18. mhe Lynde Houa. 300 Taunton Rond West Culle. Gardons South Halt of Lot 28, Concession 4 Whltby, Ontario REASNS OR ESINAMON 0Ft E LyNDE HOUSE, 300 LTRUNTON eROAD iWEST.WHITRY, The Lynde Hause was bujît in 1812-1814 by Jabez Lynde one of Wbitby's eariiest settiers. Ut was considered Vie finest house between Taranto and lngston. Mr. Lynde was a pathmaster for Whitby, in charge af roads, in 1806 and 1807, and heý was a constable in 1822. OVier notecl awners of the bouse were Lawrence and Barbara Heyden who awned large tracts af land in Wbitby, includlng Vie frontage on Vie lakeshore now called Heydenshore Park. ARI UBAL (1) The Lyndé House is a well-preserved and intact exarnple af Vie late Geargian or Loyalist style. (2) Ut is an exceptional and rare example ai Vie eauliest period af resideritial construction in the province. (3) Ut is Vie only known remaining balloon-frame structure in the area. (4) The main front facade porch, doorway and second storey, centrai winclow are autstanding examples ai simple elegance, harony and proportion, and symmetiy. (5) The level newel and caged staircase, window and door casings, doors tbrougbout Vie bouse baseboards, fireplace mouldinga depiot exceptional craftsmanship in fabrication. (6) The vauîted hearths, seldom found in Vie Province, emphasize the level ai detail exercised in Vie construction afi Vis project DATED at Vie Town of Wbitby Vis 5Vi day of February, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK TOWN 0F WùHItBY 575 ROSSI.AND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LiN 2MB PHOWêE: (416) 668-5803 NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT WJUR NEW OOMMUNI1Y?- CalU Phone, 6608-6653- Our hostess will bring gIfs, and greetings, along wîth helpful 1 B3AHA'IS BEULEVE: True loss la for hlm whoso days have been !pentilnutter Ignorance of his self. FoÃ"r Information and discussion, cai 668-8665.- CINDY'à ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladies' and men's afterations, prom dresses, custom talloring. Tues. through Set. 101-112 Mary St. W., Pearson - Lanes7. 430-6550. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred. Heart of Jesus b. adored, glorified, loved and preserved. throug hout, the world now and forever. oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude heUper of the- hopeless pray for us. Say- this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth d your p rayer wilI b. answere, regard Iess af how hopeless your situation seemns. Publication must b. promised. LGT. BAllAI1S BEUEVE: The source of error is to dîsbelieve in the One true God, rely upon aught elsebut Hlm, and f lee from His Decree. For information and discussion, cai 668-8665., ALTERATIONS' BY MAR Y. G1ve yrour oîd. wardrobe a new lit. No JOb is too smal. Ladies, &- men's taiîoring a1 reasonable prices. 6-10 p.m. 436-1448. WVOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation-. ships. For belp,, cafl -the Denise Hbuse for Women and Children. roîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidenitiality assured. I I m The Planning and Deveiopment Committee ai Wbitby Council will meet on tie evening af Monday, Febnuary 17, 1992 in the Meeting Hall af Vie Wbitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, for Vihe purpase ai hearing any person wbo cdaims his or ber land will be adversely affected by the by-law.

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