Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WIIITBY FREFý PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1992 Bly Kriten Reveler I think 'its safe to say that Andersoni'ans are finally adjusted to their *second semester after receiving their reports from flrst semesýer. f We'd like to extend thanks to. our helpful guidance counsellors Who hÈve been there for us when we were 'frantically trying to make last-minute *timietable changes. We realize that many of us have been practically living in the guidance office and your help and patience are greatly appreciated. The day that many'Anderson M studenits, had been anxiously awaiting finally came. Last Thursday was Anderson's variety show. Many students froin al grades poured niany hours of. dedication into auditions for their particular' part in the talent show. The selected students expressed many talents. Some performed skits while 'other sbowed their musical ability. It was a great success and an enjoyable time was had by ail. Musical abilities were also demonstrated by Anderson students at a concert, that was beld at Meadowcreast public school on'Feb. 6.. Now that the second semester is in full sing, club activities have resumed for the debating team. Last Thursdav. 'Should Drugs be Legal?' was the topic of discussion and students gathered, to express different opinior Valentine's Day isi approaching and love is air. On Friday, Feb. 14 thi be a Valentine's- Dan Anderson to, belp studenti their spirits and (Who k4 maybe experience a1 romance. Anderson's senior st have completed their uni applications and have beer university-bound newE periodicaily, and .now. aniously await their m'id-term marks. It seems'like' eternity until mid-terms . arrive,' and many seniors have become, slightly quickly iritble as their future is tobe ere will great thaks' to our patient ce at guidance counsellors wbho have ;s boost aided us through possibly the cnows?) biggest decisions of our lifetime. bit of Good luck is extended to- Dawna McLaren, a grade 12 tudents student who b as just left .versity Anderson for a three-month n given cultural exchange in Quebec. sletters Bonne chance! Durham grads receive bronze at ~Taste ai Gariada~ competitioh. J By- Meranda Waters When ou hear 'Henry Street High Scrool,' wbat cornes to mind? Sure, the fantastic staff and energetic students, but bow, about our overwhelming number of sports teams? This past week, purple and gold havýe been seen in gymnasiums and arenas every- where. The Hawks hockey teani started the excitement with a 4-3 victory over Anderson CVI recently. Anderson, not only felt the power of the Hawks on the ice By Sonia Bebbington Hello. Sonia Bebbington here. Contrary ta, last week's complete lack of info, this week that saine strike that left our institution a veritable wasteland for news, bas supplied us witb one sizeable item. 'Twas a, protest; peaceful, purpo,:seful, syinbolic. Hordes of empassioned DO'C - students deflantly 'came to school .out of uniforin in 'an attempt to wago rink, but on the. basketball court, too. Henry's midget boys won their last gaine by a score of 45-41. Chris Smith led the team's offence, with an arnazing 20 points, followed by Josh Miller and Ken Calway. The junior boys'teain defeated Eastdale,,Bowmanville and Ajax to corne away with a first-place finish in the - Port Perry tournament. In volleyball, the midget girls' teain pulled out aIl the stops for a fabulous second-place finish at the O'Neill tournament. Congratulations goes out to al teains for their superb effort. protest against the work-to-rule strike. The number of demonstrators would have been greater, bad numerous dedicated renegades not brough t their uniforms witb thein, in a bag, just in case. Eric .Vanderveer, .student council treasurer and man claiming> responsibility for the revoit, cites bis recipe for success in one word -- organization. Good work, rebels -- stop that strike, and look cool while you do it, too. Now for the student council update. For Valentine's Day, council will be selling carnations. For a mere $1 you can send a flower to that special person. And to keep with the festive spirit, the Valentine's Dance was held on F'riday, Feb. 8. Finally, the news you've al been waiting for, the announcement of January's 'Student of the Month.' The honour goes to.... .Stephen Tanner. Stephen, an older Henry Street student, is someone who- we can al look up to. Congratulationsà, Stephen. Baby boom isin full swiri DO'C. Mr. Lacy became a a for the second time to son.Li Mr. Coghlan to daughter C and Mrs. Ryan had ber first c on Feb. 6. The young lad named Luke Emmett and, always with Mrs. Ryan, over penalizations will apply. Coq tulations t alal families. I tbink I shall end bere. I do not wisb to exhaust my resources before next time. Until then.. Two Durhamn College graduates recenîtly received bronze medals at the 'Taste of Canada' competition. Sandra Fraser received a bronze medal for her seafood paté and Joyce Van Volkenburg won a bronze for her Chieken Galentfie. Botb winners graduated last year froin Durhamn College's advanced food prep prograin. «'Taste of Canada' is an Ontario competition for student and apprentice cooks, bakers and pastry cooks. This year's cold food competition was beld as partof the Metro Home Show on Ja.. The i competition was organized by George Brown College Scbool of Hospitality and co.sponsored by the Toronto Escaffier Society, the Canadian. Federation of Chefs de Cuisine, the Bakery Production Club of Ontario and the Ontario Hostelry Institute. 1 TRAFLGA CATLE CJY1:Kf1OM M[Le] ByLeah Sultan-Kbhan Students are busy preparing I for the Independent* Science Scbool Olyrnpics ta be held at Trafalgar on Feb. 15. However, this did not deter the girlsfroin having a wonderful-'Spirit Week,' which was greatly eijoyed by al. îg at Tlhe students took part1 in tber delightful activities organized jiam, daily for thein and wore different 'ara, pieces of apparel according to the child theme -of the day. di s [jas Sdue igra- On Monday students wore an accessory in their bouse colour and sat in their bouses for lunch. Their banda were tied to -the person next ta thein as tbey ate and this created quite an amnusing picture. After school, there were junior bouse gaines, and'bouse points were awarded to the bouse with the most powerful cheer. On Tuesday, students, wore silly fies, and bouse debates were performed in the evening. There was excellent deliver b the Otd nts9nWednesdaZy Feeda ýM'ren' lun"ich -Was held. Students' were. attired in crazy dresses, and the younger grades enjoyed this activity. ThursdaâY was 'unusual bats'>y day. Students also took part iXIyýà' 'xnonk lunch' in which no one-f'as' ta speak at the table. If-tliey refused, their cutlery was taken away. In the evening there were airband performances. -' These activities helped create merryment, and a cheerful spirit aniong the students- before the half-terin long weekend. Hawkis triumph i hockey bafftle beltween Whitby chlools High sehool' basketball SENIOR BOYS Mle O. G WL F A P Pickening 8 7 1 489 33M 14 O'NeID- 6 6 O .471 260 12 Henry Street 8 6 2 438 395 12 Ajax 656 1 387 337 10 Dunbarton 8 44 469 404 8 Dyr9 3 6 4604696G R= 9rt 7 2 5 385 442 4 Bowmawlfle 7 2 5 307 458 4 Anderson 8 1 7 301 498 2 St. Maiy'a 9 1 S 258 352 2 * 'Mer Two' Donevan 8 8 0 420 297 16S McLaughlin 9 8 1 460 311 16 0'Connor 9 6 3 329 270 12 Brock 6 42 258 190 8 Central 8 4 4 296 317 8 Courtice 8 4 4 333 352 8 Uxbridge 7 3, 4 300 303 6 PotFerry 8 3 5 318 414 6 Fr. LoJ. Austin 8 2 6 143 188 4 East*ae 7 1 6 230 326 2 Garnier 8 1 7 225 34 2 Cames involvlng Pr. Leo J. Austin, Denni. OVonnior, Paul Dwyer and St. Mary. are 1-0 defauts as Roman Cathli c hols are on work4to-rule. Jamie Olenick scored the gaine winner in the tbird period ta lift Henry Street to a 4-3 victory over Anderson in a recent hockey match between Whitby high schools. Henry Street coach Gord Brady- says bis entire team played well, especially the High sehool hockey SENIOR BOYS CGWL T F A P Eaatdale 9 7 20 6431 14 Dwyer 11 65 0 3021 12 Dunharton 6 6 1 0 33 17 10 O'Neill 8 5630 21 2710 Donevan 9 6 4 0 43 38 10 OConnor B84 3 i 3432 9 Cartwright 8 4 3 1 41 43 9 AJax 8 3 32 3832 8 Anderson 8 3 '4 i 26 30 7 Henry Street 8 2 6 0 29 46 4 Port Perry 8 2 6 0 24 66 4 Pickering 8 i 6. i 28 40 3 Cames involving O'Connor and Dwyer are 1-0 defaulta as Roman Cathoic sclicola are on work.to-rule. perialty-killers. "There was a couple of times wben we were two mnen short, and tbey really came througb.» Brady says victorines bave been few and far between this season for bis teani -- "We've been pretty close a couple of turnes and not 50 close a lot of tines.7 Henry's. teain bas had pro- bleins witb consistency, says Brady. "We've got some good hockey players, but it's just putting it a1I together -- it seems different, parts are weak every gaine. "You get one thing fixed and then something else goes on us." That's a problei Aiderson coach Ken Scott understands al too well. "Tbere's good talent; it's just a question of tbe boys being a b le to tap their talent for the full 45 minutes. If you lay off for 25 minutes or five minutes you can get burned. .«We were pretty slugish for the first 25 minutes, and ten in the third period we played a-lot botter.» .Scott bas b is sights >set on squeezing into the 'A' round 1yo88, and& ?teýh ,nuaivthiinoe- «We've given a couple' of the topP teains a good gaine, and we can t ha taken too lightly. We're On Jan. 25 the Whitby Lioness tween A teazn defeated Port Perry 5-4 in league p la.ý Nicole, Prout* led the scoring with two goals, and two assists. Cheryl Ring, Stacie.Beethani and Kristine Soper eacb had a. single.' Angela Poland, ICristine Johnson and Ring had an assist eacb. Whiitby bast al four gaines tbey played - in the Pickering tournainent Feb. 7, 8 and 9. Whitby bast their first -gaine against Pickering by a score of 7-2. Goals were scored by Proutý and King, assisted by Ainanda Wheelans and -and -,Kim Vanderlip. Saturday morning Ajax defeated Whitby 4-2. King and Prout scored the goals and- aËssts. Whitby then met a strong Barrie teain in their third gaine. just inconsistent; we can't seern to put a good 45 minutes together.» but suffered a 6-3 Ioss. Vanderlip scored a goal and contributed two assists. Ring and Calle Corneal secred the other goals. Whitby dorninated Scar- borough in their final gaine but just couldn't corne up with the win. Ing, ýJohnson and Poland scored the goals in a 4-3 loss. A-ssista went to Poland, Vanderlip and Kfing. m [ea An article»,in last week's edi- tion should have stated that Paul Vanier wâs first in men's pre- liniinary and that Lee Wadding- ton was third in men's pre-novice at a figure skating competition in Woodville. The Free Press wishes to apo- logize for incorrect statements w jhich ppeared in the' article -la-i ,ë,k.- , Whitby teaswnies in iciEintournamnt 1 # ý 1 ý 1 1 < TV lu biq cau pappen- -Y _iý&ycu c,&I;cpuuiii= vyWil ANDE-RSON-CVI. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL 1 DENIS 05CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL LbAn hAnraný--- Il wnitriv niavedi excentionaim wen

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