Town rgesactwon to sv Mjb -By Marlo Boucher »Mayor Tom Edwards called a special meeting oný Monday even- ing to deal, with the expected closure of at least one General Motors plant.-* .Council voted unanimously to Rps a resolution asking that the P rime Minister of Canada, Ontario Premier and GM hold an' «urgent meeting" becauseofý the "urgent problem of the GM com-. pan and its impact in the area,» sailEdwardS. Jobs losses are, epetot include 1,500 Whitby residents directly' employed by the com- pany, as well as 37 auto parts and related firme with about 1,400 employees, he said. - Almost 4,000, jobs would be lost in Durham Region" if the Buick Regal assembly plant closes in the nearfuture, he said. Edwards said the negative im- pact on the local economy as well as the increase in welfare and rtaiinwould be devastating He 8ac there is a "need to be innovative» and initiative nfiust be undertaken te involve both the federal and the provin cial governments immediately., 1An urgent, meeting between Prime Minister ýBrian, Mulrbney Ontario Premier Bo6b Rae. and General Motors "staff should be organîzed as soon as possible te see what action each.can take te retain the operations of the ýom- pany, he said. Edwards said GM is an excel- lent company and could continue te train people for skill itrade expertise that ithas provided for many decades. Two Whitby councillors, Mvar- cel Brunelleý and. John DoIstra, Resolution asks fior urgent, meeting to include. PM are empoyee of the company and spoeabut thje need te stop GM from ciosing down even one plant. Brunelle said he has been an employee of GM fer 34 years and hopes that alli governments help save 4obs and make GM pro- "ViTe shouId ail 'geit together, and realize that we got some- thing precious,' he said.> Doistra .said he hopes. Mul-, roney,,looks at the auto' industry in Durbain and in Canada ývery, carefully. He said the résolution by council is «going in the right direction." Thscobuncil, has to do some- thing,» said, councillor Deninis FOX. UThe people of this community have ,been god te General. Motors» and the compan should show guts and reward &e town and the area with remaining al of its plants operating1 he said. "This country isn t what it used te be,» he said. '«This is9 net only about Whitby" but every community in the region, said councillor Joe The resolution. is net' a «doom and gloom» message because «I don't think' that's what we're trying te portray inanyshapeor forme said counicillor Bos at ten. He said ýGeneral Motorls .has beeni in.buginess and -a major contributor, te the local economy for, a long' time' and uthis has beenagood marriage» for Whitby andfGM. Batten saidýcouncil members thought« they had te take a lead in maing a petitionte the pro- vincial and'federal governments t6 try to stop the closure of any plant at GM. Councillor Judi Longfjeld said the resolution shows te GM that the 'counicil and the 'people cf- Whitby «havýe great concerns.» whntye e mns The Regien of Durham recently received three awards for excellence at, the annual Econonlic Developers Ceuncil -of Ontario (EDCO) ' 'Ontario ýMarketing Awvards' competition" The awards were handed, eut at EDCO's annual meeting in Toronto Jan. 21.23. ,The program, recogni zes superior performance in literature, advertising and marketing progra msby providing 16 awards. The, competition aims te, support, and strengthen marketing efforts undertaken'by econemic development profes- sionals in their communities and te complement national and international, awardTs compe- titons. The Region captured fer, entries in the categories of research report and general video. The sport fishing study was undertaken te analyze. the' importance of sport fishing and the significant impact it could have on Durham' Region's ecenomy. A tourism video- was'preduced te provride a quick-paced overview of the region and its attributes. Anether award was received in the category of' media advertisement for the Region's ad Themcampag was designed te promote the economic sectors of pharmaceutical care, aerospace and defence, plastics and packagfing, and automotiivel . Go against the grain. Cut down on sait. Adding sait to your food could subtract years from your life. Because in some people, sait contributes to high bIood pressure, a con- dition that increase$ your risk of heart disease. ':. CONTACTVS FOR <4fd~ARW 1Lih':MORE INFORMATION CONSUMERS GAS regional general manager Paddy Davis with a plaque marking the officiai opening of an expansion to the company's Whitby offices. Consumers opened in Whitby in 1970 with 23,000 square feet -- the expansion doubled that to 45,300 sq. ft. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY 1992 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The irst instalment of taxes for 1992 is due and payable February 14, 1992. If payment is flot reoeived by the due date, penalty wiIl be added on the first day of default and the first day of eacfî calendar month so long as non-paymnent continues, at the rate of 141/%per month or part thereof. lt-you have flot' received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 to obtain the necessary information. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without -b ank collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, ý575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. ln addition, if y ou are a TD Bankc customer, taxes may be paid Dy teephone through TD Bankline. LYNN PIKE SUPERVISOR OF REVENUE CARMEN WEST *(left), Karen Davi-. The four employees of the Kendal- son, Tracey, Gruetzm and Nancy Wood Plaza Shoppers Drug Mart put Oliver check out donations from a box out in the store >to colleot staff and customers for, the triplets donations. recently born to an Oshawa couple. Photo byM*rk Reomor, WhItby Free Pr... 3awards for Regm neconoimc development oempehition Mg, q , A , wý