PAGE 28, WMMTBFUR IL EFLW WNMSAYr, FKUARY , 99 TN ' CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F -BY-LAW IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERliTAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND UN THE MAÎlER 0F LAND AMD_ PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS INI THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE that'the Counciliof the Corporation of the Town of Whltbyhas pased B -wNo. 3095-2 to dosignate the followng ~roprtyas hatoo and architectural value or ntereat under gartIV cf"the'Ontaiio Heritage Act, R.S.O. 19M, c.'0.18. UModlet Episoopal Church Parsonage 000 Baldwin Simeo >Part Lot 21, ConcesionO Myrti., Ontario BEASONS FOR DESIGNATION OF 9M 0 ALDWIN STREffT The Methodist Epiacopal Church Parsonage was built in 1877 and was the home of thueinlafiters for over 71 yeas.. ARCHITECTURAL The Methodast Epiaoa Church Parsonagereans its original storey-and-a-half L-PIa form with rear :ic wing, narrow clapboarding, verandah treillage. finiala and eaves trim. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 5th day of February, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK TOWN OF WHIBY, 55ROSSLAND ROAD EAST. WHITBY ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PH0tE: <410) 668-5803 CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F -PASSING 0F BY-LAW UN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT RS.O. 1990 c. 0.18 ANDIUN THE MATIER 0F LAND AIID PREMISES AT THE'FOLLOVWNG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE that thue Council of the Corportion cofthe Town of Whith has ByLaw No. 3096-92 to deaignate the following W ~as belg f hmtdc and architectural value or intereet under patIV oyf the Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1990, c. 0.18. The John D. Sticknoy Houe. 170OMyrtI. Road East Whlby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION OF 10MYTEROA) EAST._ HIST0BIC The John Sticluue House waa built in the mid-1800s and has been the aube~c of a long hustory of varaus transactions between ndivicluala cf the Town. ARCHTECTURAL The John Stickney. Houa. la a fine example cf an early amali framed farm houae..This atorey-anîd-a-m hal, ee bay house combines simple detailing with attractive renovationa and provies a gooci exmpe cf a clearly modemn but compatible addition. DATED at the Town cf Whitby thus Sdi day of February, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK TOwN OF wHiiBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST Cross-count ry king. Fresh air and f un! Take the famynid make new tracks. CRPORATI1OF0F-THE ~ TOWN:0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F'BY-LAW IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND UN THE MATIER 0F LAND MIDý PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN THE PROVUNCE 0F ONTARIO' TAKE NOTICE ditat thue CoundU cf the Corporation cf the Town cf Whitby has pae yLwNo. '3097-92 1 osigate the folowing Cry as =en f historr and architecturai value or intereat under patIV cf flue Ontarlo Heritage Acf, R.0. 1990, c. 0.18. The Lynde Hloua. 300 Taunton' Rond West Culton Gardons'.1 South Haif of Lot 28, Concession 4 WhItby, Onta"l I _____________________________________________ REASONS FOR DESIGNATION OF THÉE LYNDIE HOUSE. 300 TAUNTNRAWSTHIY UIQBOR The Lynde House was built in 1812-1814 by Jabez Lynde oneocf Whtya earliest settlers. It waa considered flhe fineat houae. 6etween Toronto and Kingaton. Mr. Lynde was a padimasster for Whitby, 'in charge of roadé, Iln 1806 and 1807, and ho was a conîstable in 1822. Othor noted ownera cf 1he house were Lawrence and Barbara Hoyden who ownedlarge tracts of land in Whitby, includlng the frontage on die lakeshoro now cafled Heydenshooe Park ARCHITECTURAL (1) The Lynde Houa. la a woII-prnserved and Intact exanuple cof the late Georgian or LoWalir;t'style. (2) Ut la an exceptioial and-.jare exemple cf lb. earliest period of residential construction in th. province.. (3) It la die only known remnaining balloon-framo structure in the area. <4> ar usanigexmlsof4imple elegance, harmony and proportion, and symmetry. (5) The levet newel and caged staircase, window and door casings, dloors througtwut thue houa. baseboards, fireplace moukdinga depict exoeptional craftsmansiup in fabrication. (6) «M. vaulted heardis, seldomn found in the Province, emphaslze the level of. dotait exorclsed Un the construction cf this projeat DATED at the Town of Whltby Ibis Sdi day of February, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK rOWN OF WHiiY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO L1tf 2M8. PHOfWE: (416) 6684803 BAHAOIS, BEUEVE: The, es sence of abasemerït la te psaut 'from undeor the shadow et he Mercfu and sek, the sboter'cf thé EVil One. For information and, discus- sien,,cati 668-8665. CINDYS 3, ALTERATIONS. Leather,-' ladies'ý and men's atrations, prom. dresses, 'custom talrn.Tues. through Sat. 101-V/2 MaryS. . Pearson Lanes. 430-6550.'W OH, HOLY ST. jUDE, Apal and Martyr,, greot Un virtue anrlrch in mtrsctes, rinear Kinsman ef Jesu Christ, falthful Intercossoroet-ail wbo lnvotoe yeur spécial patronage in tUne ef nood, te yeu I have rocourse' from the dqpth:of mry heart and. humbly beg te -yeu,. St. Jude werker ef mirmictos and bolpor of *ths' hopoleus whom God bas glvon such great power, te coe te- my assistance. - Up nme -Un my prosent. and. urgent potition. In rotum, I 1promise te 'make your namo known and cause yeu.te be invokod. Publication- must b. promUsýëd. ,St. Judo *pray fer al et us who Invko yeâur aid. This prayer ha nover been known te fal- This, prayer mue b sad 9 timos a day for 9 'censocutive days. Thank you St. Judo for granting my pétition. FD. P$YlCHIC & SPIRITUALý. -ADVISORý'. Joan. Monday-to Fvlday 9 9,m THANKS TO 'ST. JUDE and the' Sacred Heart, of Jesus for'favours, received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. adlored,' g lorified, Ioved and 'preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh'Sacred Heart of .Jesus .pray .'for. us, ,St. Jude worker, cf miracles pray .,for us, St. Judo helper of fl'ue hopetess pray for us.« Say this prayer nine' limes a day.ý By th egth da your p rayer- wilI be answerid, regardiess cf how ýhopless your situation seems. Publication muaI. b. promised. AM. LOSE -WEIGHT and/or Quit Smoking ..Easit b using our Amazing, habit control'tapes. OnIy $9.95 ea. plus $1.50 tax and $3.50 S&H. Order both for. only $22.90,' we paytax, S&H and you save $7. Send cheq ue or money order today to: Systematic- Control," 8 MidtoWn Dr., Suite 164, 'Dept. M, Oshawa, Ont. LUJ 812. CASH LOAN $500 AND UP. AUJ ap1 licatlonp quicklyprocessed, regacss eto pastcréditratna. Must b mlyed .43 6-814 - heur anwrinUservice. NEED ALOAN? ' aeopli riosHurdy A TERTONS BY fMAR. iv 1 w 0 m % a 0 % ý iý - ý ý - 1 L r - . . , - ý . - - ý - uni ý -Ma LI -J -Ma