PAGE'26, WWM PUFRE PRE85, WEDNESDAY, FEERUARY 5,1 1992 110W WOULD YOU' UKE ;your SHARE KITCHEN bathroom BRAND NEW '-BEP'ROOMapt." FOR :SA'LE-. 7 HP~ SNOW FOR SALE 8V ,"tuner - rebuilder: homo tat b.? Extra dean? rm tihe la undyparking.Broo$t.N. $350 available ,ýimmediatplyR $550 blowor ln good condition. Cali 3ýýuprlghts, rçconditioned linSd $45,>'eý ay.permon h.CaIA i 43-692. inothl. IdilM.Grand: 6'2" W/B, -playe in persain t0 ai 4 o a. ermnh a n,4 652 otl.Icue rdge, stov 66125</, ohrcodtoe insdl oefrencos. 723-5411. parkinq & utilities. Apply at 110 _______________________ _________________Victoria St., -Apt. #5. ý666-027V out.. Piano '& 'Keyboard.,PortHope, ROOII FR OR MENT Uso af 728-2969. >'.1-416-885-6440. va1 no v m a n %m m .a o.I i*fk6ft ko4k m - ,Llerla. ....rAw...w> K.LmiN K UIIULSUbI1T- re-uphoîstery of antiques. Ali klnds aof rocoverng. Your fabria -or'mine. froe e,^stlmates - Ovor.40 yebars exporece. 430-7568, Whity ý' 1Il WHITBY - SPOTLESS and nlcely decorated main floor of quiet 3-bedroom brick bungalow., Includes fridge, stove, carpet, blinds. Parkingj large yard, established neighbourhood. $875 monthly. Mrs. E van s, 668-5802, 668-4815. LARGE, 3-BEDROOMl, 2-12- bathroom homo ln 'Brôokwood. Close ta echool. $1,250/month + utîlities. CaJi 416-291-2329. LARGE TOWN HOUSE- with garage,. Whit by. Outsidle mainten- ance done. -Neutrat decor. 2-V2 baths. 723-6513.- $GOAooek. New . houso. ThksonfMannlng are&. 666-0200. MATURF. INDIVIDUA LtS needed to shaýe rooms in privete'home. Asklng $430'and*'$400, for each room. Please phone 666-5288 or 427-1990. * BROOKUIN - BEAUTIFUL,2 cloan,,lare 1-bodraam aM,.Frldge stavo -Pam ldngr ClOse ta il aminkios.rHy doxra. Aval"-> now. $55po hoth. 655-4544 days, 655-889 ovoenlngsk FURNISHED' ROOM ifor rent. Share bath & kftchen. Ctbse to ail amenities. 'CalI ater'6 .p.rn.' ,MOTEL ROON near Brooklin avaikMie for 'refit: weekty $125,- monthly $400. Cati 655-530. B»ROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Closeto aillamenlties. Available n.ow. Cali Day., 416-985-0856. R ETAIL SPACE FOR' LEASE. Creative rentaI arrangements. 668-1468,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BALSAM LAKE, - watorfront cottage. 3 bedrooms, 'wlnterlzed caprt and, gazobo, $159,900. Marrie Aukomna, 416-1800, NRS Réalty On. mnc, Reakor DecW- Gebos *dllIon, etc. *Intertocidng subi. ZetsCosmcsor-655-4418 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whîtby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 _______Est. 35Yrs. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the' place to gowMon your bank says *NO. Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGES AND LOANS, for any -purpose, from as l0w as 825%o.- Qulck approval. Ail M)pll:eonsconsidered.Raycan Deriek DUtka Specializing in tax & retirement' planning since -1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Wf The Mutual Group HERB T13AN cali for quotation . 1 725-6564 RRIFs - ~ANUTE WHITBY '-»SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom aparient. Prive entrance. Available Feb. 1. 668-5464 WANTED - DRESS SIZE 3-4 for young persan. Fancy, extra fancy or gownl. Phono 6683-7929. TAKE'ADVANTAGE of aur 98 per cent coverage of Whitby when buying- or sotling .*yaur. wares. Whhiy Fré. Press. 668-0594. ROYAL DOULTON' DISHES, 'Wild'Cherry,' $200., Cutlery - brass/copper/rosewood, $125. ý2* snle-beds suitable-for a cottage, $50 each. 666-4531.' BOOKS- OVER 100 Nancy Drew, Trixme Belden, Dana Girls, Bobbsey Twins, Judy Blume, Beverty Cleary, Little House on. the Prairie. Good con.dition.ý Phone 668-5040. SPORTfS CARDS- aIleuro nt, us avallable idt Grand Stam rpie,1910 Dundas -St. E. <corner Dundas & Garrard). W. MIl not knowingly be undeood, by NEW MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY. <LIQUIDATION SALE LA ST 5DA VS! SALE HELD FROM TUES., FEB. 4 - SAT FEB. 8 10 A.M. - 6 P.û. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. - 3 P.M., TOP QUALITY BEDDINVG! Name brand seconds: Queen from $149/sét; Double & Single from $175/eet. Excellent savings. B.d frames $35. Toilet paper $l0lcase. Paper towels $15/case. Lg qty. of upholstery fabric startl ng ut $3/pîece.. Printers $99. Eveything must be soId. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATION 870 TAUNTON RD. E., WHITBY 576-7550 686-3291 AiMaekes Complets Trune-up $39.95 Reoenditioned Sowing Machines ftrm $5900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE. 5 '71-1385.' 40 KIng StW..Oshawa. seats, sectionats, Iess than. haîf' price.ý Large selection. MoKèe Furniture, 52 4 Simcoos-St. S., Oshawa.; Phone 725-5181. LET'S GET SKATING * Used anty once - men's size 12 - Bauer, black * $55. 281-9379, MATTRESSES and box-spring. at ýhalff price. MoKeen '.Furniture, S$EASONED: .FIREWOOD faor sale.: Face cordsand bush cords. Pick 1up r, deliered.<4) 6a49-31. BRITrISH CIGARETTiE and toa cards. Varlous .tapico. ,Complote* Sets onl. Framflng service avajit, ablo . Grand Sain Entorpdisso 721-0191.t 524 Simca. St. -S, Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. . 3 HP MINI KODA ELECTRIC. trolîlng motor, $375S or offer. 430-7036, Davé. . FIREWOO SAVE,.,MONEY __________ with 'supreme,.-quatity 'mraple., akve Ydr. Honest W « JIANT A PUPY?N measuroments'. Fr.. doîieryý. <416> 753-2246. M*1 CROSS CANIA DA MARKETPLACE i- IT'S ýFAST- tT' EASYI[ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOESJT ALL. THINK SIG- CAÈLýtHIS NEWSPAPER ýFOR DETAI*LS." - .VKaCTIONnTÀVÉL. CANAL CRUISES: live days aboardýKAWARTHýA VOYAGEUR. scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private slate-rooms, meals. tree brochure; write Captain Marc., Box 6, Orilllai M3 6H9. (705) 327-5767. SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT.- Oceantronl condos, housakeeping provided. Indoor pools, s aunas. tennas. Gogf and vacation packages:, winter rentaIs trom $400jmonth. Free brochure: 1. 800-448-5653. ADOPTION PdEG NANT? Haplly morrled. lovlng couple. flnanclally secure. home.stud'y approvedi, wlsh Io adopl an infant. Cali collect (416) 926-0765 <doys); (416) 889-1539 eveninga), or <416)-587-e744 anylîme. COMING'EVENTS' ' CRUISE CANADAS CALK-WATER RIVERS onboaîd elegant overnight reptîca: steamboals. Romanlk cilles, 1000 tatands, tnternà ttonal seaway/tocirs. whote-walchlng & fjords. $629... Dll-o-brochure -800-2679868. *OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpald taxes. Crown Land aveil.abIlliy. For Information onboth. Write: Propertles, Dept. CN. Box'.5380,, Sin F. Ottawa, K2C 3.1- ARTICLES FOR SALE GROW VOUR OWN TOBACCO IN VOUR HOME or garden. For free delailas end self.addressed slamped erwelope to Box 268.'Plumas. Manioba. ROJ1120.' LINEN HOUSE INC., down'duvets regular lwin $89.; double $114., quegri.$127. N ew from Denmork twin $120.: double $145.: 'queen $158. Susan Ablldgaard 1 -800661.3696. STEELýBUILDINGS' STEEL BUILDINGS.'1992 Farm Equipmenl Show. Specil on ail modela and sîzes from 20' Io 100' wlde. large selectlon. CatI Future 1 -800-668-8653. AIL STEEL SEMI-ARCH, BUILDINGS. 50 x.170 was $32.500 will sacrifice for $22.353; 50 x 112 was $24.500 flirt $16.282 faktes il. Big doors. Canadlan'prices. J406) 454-0741, SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS.- Now you can 8 tselframed builln sat wood frame prîces. SA&CWB certitied. for fIee brochures, cai loday 1 -800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-' ENG. BUÃILDINGS INC. Ne w tpes. steei/woodl, quonset, claddlng. For Irue value. action & answers - Waity <416).626-1794 aller 6pm. weekends. Free brochure. Clip-saye. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparîson la whal Il lakes Io pick oui the best and lowes ... were ail for If. Now for a limiled lime Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3.125. Now S2.374. Save $754. 40 x 120 value $14,088. Now $11.288. Save $2,800. Cati Pioneer 1-004668-5422. Your ad could appear ln corrimunify newspapeîa ln Ontario, or rîght across Canada,j BLANKET ADS ARE NOW"CROSS CANADA MARKE-TPLACE" To reach a uidor marker, Iaeo e hroughour th. e gbonaJmemborship 0ofthe Ontarb and Canadran Communify NewspaperAssociarros entral -Ontaro 55 newsopper - $160 for 25 words - AttOntario171 newpapeis -$35 Ofoi 25 wor a Att Canada 572-ne s - $974 for 25 words, For further informatIon please cai the WhitVsyFree Press ClassIfles - 668-0594 CAREER-Tà AlIING, LEARN 'AUCTIONEE RING at-the 'Southwestern Schoot ofAuctloneerlng. NexI doas: March 14 -20. Information contact: SouthýWeslem OnltartoSchoot of Aucttoneertng, RAR.95. Woodstock; Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537.2115. EARN A SECOND INCOME. Income Tax or Bookkeepîng coursesby correspondence. Fiee brochures. No obligation. U R>Tox Serveie, 1345- Pemnbina'Hlghway,,Winnlp g, Manitoba R3T 2136. 1-800-665-5144. FREE CAREER 'GUIDE to, home-atudy correspondanceOpiomo course.Accounllng., Alrcondit IonlnBokepn.Business,' Cosmelology.,Elecîronica. LegalMedIcal.Sècrelary. Psychology, Travel. 1.800-950-1 972. SALES'HELP WANTED BE RICH AND FAMOUS., Newbrgakthrough In' $14 billion -bodk publlshlng'meiket ila making < waftyP.uN cârporate-trin"ilotd Club.. MUSIC DISTRIBUTORS getlyoui aboie of the $9 bIllion musIa lndustIy marketing mnuslaon ourItwo form o 'eprgrm. Huge profls. Pnitetlerrtorles." Federol Mut( 800)263-19W0. MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR FIRM. seeka 2, Individuats. Polenlial eomtngoS$700-$1300 weekty.ý No trovet. no nlght work. Training provtded. PositiveaittItude o muat. (416) 398-0919, ý(416) -398-0924. BEAT THERECESSÃŽÃ"N market non-mun h osiery from home, part-lime or fuîltime. Envlronmentatty 1correct produc.Ct olt<0)872-0141. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES CELESTE. DESIGNS upscale womfen's weor;- 11001% Canadien. Direct soles miarketingi excellent commissions and 'Incenives; ameti Initial investment. Whal fashlon wrtters are ravlng about. Colt 1-800-685-8065. EARNUP TO $40.000 ln your o~r-ime home based ,GlftBasket Business. Cor'ract: !Bouifut Baskets. 17-1230 Sheppard Avenue' West, Downsvlew, Ontario. 143K 1ZO FRREAL ESTATE FRSALE- MANITOUIIN ACREAGE.-take acceas. 150 ocres mature hardwood. deer tnfested. 1.6'x 32» camp, showei, hdro. 'prime recreollonat, oppoflunîly.'Aslng'$115.000 To vlew phone <705) '282-2687. MORTGAGES WE LEN IN, SMALL TOWN Ontarlo. Hâmeowners.,we cari: refînoncel.18 and 2nd >mortgages. Psy off bitta and credit carda. Finance a bujsiess. Help with home' re novations. Stop power of sole. Fast confidentiat service. WIth no'quotfyn hastlea. Speltlrates and paymnfts on firaig moflgages. Cai Intransicon Financtal ÃGrotip. <416) 650-9455, or colt lot-fres 1-800-268-1429. 19 «P -91, 1 1 M- e m::-ý 1 1 z;z-i 1