Carbon m Orude pqisoninglildy cause en e ý hospit people ware taken ta hosita Saurdy night with what was beliaved to b carbon monoxide paisoning. The 20 girls, membars of the Unionville Skating Club, wvero at Iroquois Park arena for a pra- cision skating competition. Police s ay they were practising their routine in the arena park- ing lot near a numberof idling buses. After the stress af parforming, the girlsfait nauseated and ware taken ta hospfital by ambulance. Police quoted a hospital official as saving, they had, carbon monioxide'levels' "lightly high, but notva7 unusual or- lifa- threatening. Thea'Ontario, Ministry -c'f Health and, Durham* Regional Police ara investigating. Rei'dents blastCo -op plan FR OMPA CE1 many acc .esses'on.McQuay Blvd., and the proximityof t he new housas ta, the Lynide',Creek and to the backyards of some of the existing houèss which' may. creata a lack of privacy. As ta *the numberý of school childran ganerated by-theydev-& lopment, Drumm said'thereë isn't much the Town can do, and, he referrad the residents ta their school baard trustees.- Drumni also recommendad that residents talk ta local MPP Drummond White ta try ta, con- vinoe the province ta change its mind about the allowabla dansity in the area. At one point during the meet- ing, an angry William Dawson laft the hall becausa Drumm told him tai sitdawn and let other people the chance ta have theit 1 awson than arguad outsida the hall with councillor Marcel Brunella, who is not on the Décisions lo't made irresponsibly FROM PAGE 6 unconventional bith choceS. Ishake myheadwhen Iread letter. Wake up, Dr. Melntyre, we are living ini 1992. Women 'are more active and selective in their health, care. Home births and midwifery are here, ta stay and the demand is growing. ïven the Ontarlo government recognizes the fact that birthing is a natural phenomenon and that women have birth-choce rights. Hopefully, this year we wifl SSa the long-awaited-far législation passed, loeaizing inid- wier ad .recognizing women's birth choices. 1 would like ta see aur obstetrical health care upgradad ta the European and Azperican standards where dactors work tagether with nildwives ta provide the. best care for prégnant women. A lot of us are not satisfied with aur current health cmr sytm that believes doctors shudperformi or deliver al babies. Caroli Poarce Meîjerink (moth o f 29 bath hmebirths) Whitby planning. comniittee and was just watching the'procaedings. Daw- son later raturnad ta thieniet- aiksaid ha would try ta impprova the site plan asmnuch, as .Commîittea *ýagraeed'ta, -give Town staff twa waweks ta',w ork out samne of the issues and tha- mattar wiIl ba ýdiscussad again* in the naxt planning and. davalop- ment cominittae meeting on F 17t ECYCLE RI,.GHT-YOU'R E, RIGNI ON. SCHEDULE!. o B'y Durham now, ail residents- of. Region collection. will have New 1992. Blue -Box with curbside received".their' Collection Starting this,month, collectioni takes place* every second week,, household garbage On! your day,, but every- The new schedule can be posted inyour home for easy reference. It clearly outlines the new collection weeks in your area, as well as telling you what caÀ be recycled-, and how materials should be prepiared for If you have h~ot received your new schedule, or if you-need more informationý on this charige in Blue Box collection., contact your municipaltyat: DURHAM REGION 668-3437 (Whitby) A Waste Management Program of the Region of Durham and the municipalittes of PickerÉing, Ajax-, Whitby, Oshawa, Newcastle, Uxbridge and'Scugog. ~D UCy., 4 o 4 4 4 ~DURHAM ra M ~S..' The« Future us REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE with WASTE SYSTEMS Cali Derrick 427-325 PAGING SERVICE CENTRE 1 U'sual