WHT RE PIRSS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAY i29,199i2, PAà g 33 Pubic wrso about subdivision plan 9' 'Iesfrom ýWhitby COuni agenda(s), Mouday J"aaY 27, 1991, REecommena tions fo Planningan devlopent committee *That'an amendment b. made tareuest for a second walI * ign frCoftee lMme, Donuts' ait 223 Brook St. N., and that, thé recommendation b. appryd subjeot to a ltter Of as.urance from the'applicant * that no terTporary. (portable) slgn wiII be allowed onthe Carred That an amendment be made A oa'request for lncmeaslng the' Wall sign by nine per cent for Coftee limei Donuts at 939 Dundas St. W.,- and that the. -recommendatlori be, approved subJed o aý letter of assurance from the applicatt that no temporary siign be ..allowed'on the proew.. That the .Town hldapbi Meeting on Feb.-i181o.'revlew the curment downtown secondary plan for the area bounded by Henry.St., >CoiborneSt., King St. and- * uipS.Among the Issues 10 be dlscussed at the feètlrnVà teýhigh denslîty development andthe preservation of heritage, buildings. Ca-ried Recomenda- tions-from operations cornmittee That a bylaw be passed ta, Increase business license. fees by'about four per cent.-.It (sestiMatdthat~na license fée. revenues wili, Increase 10 $27.000 tram $25111=. Carred That a tender of, $374.50 from Custom Communication Services Mt. be accepted for the comploe revlew of. the Installation of 1he.1 .8-metre hli'> chaln-link feicing. along. the CO Rail at-C'e ntre St.and at Garden St. :ýThe Town's net cost wlii be $1 2,094.65. Total cost of the project is estimated at $1 6,438.43. Car-ried LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT YOU WANT For Only$ 195 Price includes i PER diaries and evaluation. WEEK DDdye T uclis 7 iruL