Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 18

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PAGE 18. WUMTTBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29,1999 I ~w&5~c~c~ I Peeeescaturie silver stick titie The Brooklin, Lions Club mmior peewee A hockey teain won the international sfiver stick hockey finals for minor peewee A teains in Newmerket last weekend. Tough competition was the norm throughout the tmament with Whitbty facing -Newmarket- in the firet gae. Newmarket won the. battie 2-O with the final goal being scored on an open net in the. lest seconds of the ge.. Geme two saw Bolton with 3-O lead at the start of the third period. But Whitby scored four straiglit goals te wiithe gaine. Goals were scored by Scott Young, Brian CriUlly Todd Farqulieo and Grant Bouter, with two assista going te ,Daný Thorne and Farquharson and a single assist to Derek Vanegmond. Gaine tliree was another close contest* Whitby outskated and outhit Essex for a 4-1 victory te clincli fret place i their division and qualify for the. smi-final gae that wme niglit. Goals i tis game went to Farquharson, Thorne, Souter and defenceman Scott Gilmour with a blast frein the point. Assiste went te Brian Vinent, Crilly'andJohn ler - smi-final saw Whitby face longtime rival Owen Sound in whiat proved te b. a real bamn-burnr, with Whitby winning 4-2. Goals were scored by Souter, Farquarson, Van.gmond and mhorne with assiste going te Souter, Young and Vinent. Brent Johnson's outstanding goaltending coupled with the relentiesskating and checlking of the' entire 'team reiult.d in Whitby moving on te, the final against Newmarket the next day. In thé final gamne, an exciting, end-to-end contest, Farquharson scored the firet game's only goal in the middle of the second period. Newmarket presSd through- out the second, period with goaltender ,Richard . Sanders making several' grat saves including one on a clear-cut breekaway that could have easily tied the gaine. mTe- defence of Luke 'McKay, Lar Clay, Mike (Jartwright, Gilmour, Peter iàriano -and John Lang coupledwith a, super ýeffort frein forwards Brady -Blakely, Jamie Bamnett and: théi. -entire teain refused to let Newmarkct break thrugh, the defences in the clofingminutes.ý Coach- Mike Thorne credit-p the hard. work and - «Be.: FIrt attitude of the entire teâm as well as the goal±ending of Sanders and Brent Johnson who faced an average of over 20 shots per gaem.. mhe Brocklin-Whithy major novice AAA hockey teain, snored byv Don .Cherry's Grapevine Restaurant, bas won two and lSt one i recent league play.. arclirivals Markhain, WhithSmeout fiat and bout 3-1. Staen arquharsen, fin Bobby MeBride, provided the only scoring for Wbitby. Wi1th the. win, Merkham moved inte a fret-plac tie with Whitbv egained ite winning fori with' a r- decision ovér Richmond IHiU/Vaugban. BSoing were David Morasse with two, Blaine .Dawn, Sean :MacRury and Farquharson. Assiste went te Down, Jeremy Fisher, Jef F'razer, McBrde, Michaël Morrison, Matt McKay and Kyle Wales. Paul Valatis played soid between - the pipes, especially in the early going. serA "net. Oshawa, Whitby 0 a,6-0victoiy. MacRury was the. big gunner with on. goal and thre. assista. Other scorers were« Mark Cipparone, McBride, Down,, Morasse and, Fisher'. ' Assiste went te McKay, Sa Walsh, Robert Lalonde, -Fisher, Down and McBride. Ian Watson lied te stop a breakaway in th. dying minutes of the . gae.te preserve the shutout.1 In a recent exhibition.gae, Whitby scored a 2-1 victory over a< teugh Tornte Marlies team. Scoing were Morasse and MfacRuzy froin McBride. and Walshi. Whitby lias five legu. games reminig bfoe payofebegin. Novices bumped in. semi-final. Brooldin-Whitby miner novice AAA hockey ta, sponsued by the. Ladies Aumiliary, bot i the senii-finele te Brampte AAA r>3 et a 'teurnement in Barrie Whithy asdveyn nd ginea b ne sheverymi-final b mshing firet in their division They defeated Vaughaen Rangers 5-O, St. Catharines AMA 3.2 and Brampton AAA 4-1. In the. latter twogaes, Whitby probably played terbe hockey of the seaen. The entire teain pbayed well defensively as well as offensively. Ian Witrik and -Michael Kubryneki both scored their first goals of the seeson on shota frou the point. One .ai goaltendere Bayan SÀnd and Darryl Fosey wre outstanding in net. Kyble Waéiles le seven points, Kevin Peel Mix, Brandon McBrid. five, MýteTaýylor four, Ben An iniritationalpeiso sa-Stanton, Jamnes H ingcopetition Will be held at Kubryneki three mrqosPr n audy e.Dainard, Bryan -Mar 1. ak nStrdy e.Wirik, Blly, D The competition hosted b the Vellacich, Matt Hi Whitby Figure §katingClub's Gawne one each. precision teams, will include 52 Whitby je now p teams, froua Ontario, British Col- the playoffs thaty umbia and Quebec. 'Februar. Whitby's Ice Angels novice team is defending CanadianA lc to chapin wil 'Ice >Fyre, t pi caio Whity's senior team, lias won the Canadian titie several turnes. rel teaim cg Whitby's other precision teamas are Ice Pfix Juvenile) and 'Ice The Whitby Min Elusions, mastersteai. Wbitby Association is noi teams «are known internationalry applications for' fror thefr qeiy coaches, assistantg Comp-Etition 'begins at 7:45 managers. mn. and will end at abo9ut 9 P.m. Alplications shoul, Admission j $ fr. tCh40)I( 31. Cal kaon, Mibfchael eacho, Dan. itde two esci,, aok nd Rëb pam f«r One that got away TMI WAS one of only twol shots that brugh -2 ini a recent mrnor-banà- eluded goalie Brian'Crawfokii when tamAA hockey game., Whitby Sorbara Group edged Peter. Photo by Mark Eemor,,W tyFr.. Prem WhitJhy Servicemâetr Exhibition action saw.ýWhitby Làawncare ýbas .me intined .ita fail ote I Rihmond 11M AA undefeated record in Little NHL teain in a à 4-1 decision, with miner novice AÀ hockey as they 'Whitby's >Sd goal nett.d ' by def.ated the Canadfin Tire Richmonad HUl..hi faie-pacd Plames 8-1 and the Central Lions ricochet plaY. Redwinga 4-1 in recent leaglu _ ___________ S5SngagWnt t.ePlames OrmistonW1 were Dan VonEschochobty., Ryan Farrow and Kybe LimIdlde with a nair uf moeéh. a14 nd snaoe Continued season succes-end reacbing thefinals i the lesft two tournements have Whitby 'aiming fer a chempionsip i Lindsay toumnement action on- the. weekend. itjn t lm" %MnFIiston04public echool ivwon a 19-2 decison over Camnn. makes ren re Jhnte adthe Kinsmen R.Peebok,-cbassic Del Bono was. named most us or Ryan Mth w er ttiutdintermediate boys basketball vabuable player. for, thi.entire as for Thre ms ee assistate championship in Oshawa, on toumnament. te Ryan McMicheeb With single Saturday. Ormistonla teughest opposition, DacheS' contributions b Julien Owen, 1%e team of grade 7 and 8 was' Lord Durhiamin h the seond Jose Turcotte, Jeff Pichut ]Ryan students freintlie whitly shool gae, won b~y Ormiston 30-20.^ lor Lacrosse Farrow, Nathan Coftter Robert cruised te, a 36-6 wmn over Ros Duncan was named 'Most e ccptng Reid and Johnstoea. Grandview i the final, led by vabuable player- for- Ormiiton i re em Markenoin the. Redwing Jeff Del Bono with 21 points. that conteat. aeJi <,m.Reid, 'Von MikteLizardo was nam.d moat Orito cohs es nd -chcholtz, Farrow and Turcotte valhabbe player for Ormiston in Houston, Dave Paron'and Deug Idb. subnam M'~.h.lal e..viBr Il lanidW Wall 1g .

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