Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 15

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wHTYFRE PREB%, WEDNESDAY, JANU&RY 29, 199, PAGE 15p Loalcnvassing fr Hart and,,S,tok eMonth Whtybusinesses'and ri- zations are hop gto ris. for the Hoart and Stroke Foun- dation during February. .The. local effort, during H.art and Stroke Month, wiU b. m ail, as the, foundation clobrates 40 years of Proge l oucing premature d.ath and disablity AROBATHON A <Dancefor Heart.Arnobathon' will- b. held at the Europoan Women's Health Club on Thurs- dâày,'- Feb, 20 té. raise, funda forý thé -Heart & StrokeFPoundation., Women may pick up reistration forme at the. club -1121 Dundas St. E.,- Whitb wiere tho event will b. held. or more, informna- >North Oshawa, Chapter, On. Parent Familles-Association will méet "on. Wednesday- Feb. 5,'8 p.. t C hrist Church, Mary and eslcoté.,Ohw for its môntbly 'goneral business meetingan d -chapter élections. New* memnhers - and -gueuta wýelcome. For'-, information, cai 432-2259 or 576-5853 MMN- GOLF "FORE BIG. BSisters NOW (Newcastle- O W a- Witb) nvies you to god£.oe boh ifof Big Sisters ding the ontire month of February. -Oni s Mini Golf at Five Pointa MAl Oshawa will deànate $1. fiom eveiy 18 holes played for Big Sistors Weekly. finaliste wÎ1ll compte n Feb. 29 to, win a we n t Lake PlacidN.Y.* Tii. funraiingevents Winfl hoîf1 Z»rvoe 7 active matches, as we 1 as, t.51 chldrén onthi. waiting liat.,Fermore information. eaU 436-0951. from heart doase and stroke. Agents for Reiù'ax -Rfeoction 1 àjYýunder.'owxer Toiu Johian- 434522) wil avsson behaif fti. oun'dation during FebruarW-y. Girl guides, under residential ç,chailrperlonNcoréeen DIb (-7326) wfill canvýasa as part of-a qualifcation eor a 'com- munity involvezpent' badÊe. >Canadian -Tire (Jack- Eli' at 668-528). il a abox into 2hc= csomr cnplae Cana- dian Tire Monoy. T 'he Kiiitto Club of Whi (Bey Benedict at 666-1972 even- mg)is planning*a.blitz around mou. 26.' , Ii, Certifled General Accoun- tante of Durham Région will hold a bowling tournament on - Feb. 29, with proceeds. to Heart and Str-oke. Contact la Kevin Tomnlin- son at 430-354. .Other évents are- stil lbeing planned. w aUI.' rn! BIG BROTHERS Big rother. of Oshawa- Whtywll move to anew office location - 1050 Simcoe' St. N. (above l5airy* Quéen), Oshawa, as of Feb. 1. -Postal code i. LMG 4W5, the telepho ne»number (579- 2551) la unchanged. BOWL FOR NMIONS Big' Brother.of 'Oshawa- Whitby's <tBowlrfior Mimlons' will hold a clebrity ldck-off day on Saturday,Feb,ý15, 2 to 6pan.. at NrthEnd Bowl, -Wilson and- Taunton Rds., Oshawa.' Thé publi l asked to form teames and again support the. once-a-yar fundraisîn event. Trophiés and, awards wHb. given,,out, and a weeekenfor twowillbe the grand. prize. 1h. 1992 gal is *30,000. Pedgos w*ll help to serve approxirnately 1100 bys botween ages 6 and -14. -Big Broithe will c ontact thé public by teehone in Januaiy for information and plédge shéets.' For, more information, call 579-2551. Durham Veýetarians will hold a, potluck dinner, the seconid Tuesday, at 7 p.m., of each month at 1250 King St. E., Osh- awa., For, more informtion ce, Luesn, Clifton at'404-2220. FAJ3LOUS 50% -DANCE Bigf Sistérs NOW will hoat a 'Fabuýlous 50"W' dance to celebrate Big Sister Awareness month ïn Fbuy.Andy Isles & thé Stingrays.will play at the-Purpie Onion, Feb. 15 at 8:30 p.ni. Proceo'ds wi be donated to Big Sisters NOW.- Prizba for best dressed, spot dances: and, door ,prizes. Advance tickets $6.' Cali ,436-0951 (Big ýSisters Office) or thé following outlets: frwin Smaith Music Store (Port Perry), long &' McQuade (Oshawa), Shirt Shack (Five Points Mail, Oshawa), Daily Planet , (Whitby Mail), Cockerham's -Floria*t (Bowman. ville), and thé, Gift House (Oshawa). ~.CONTEST. *ved' Dinner for Two AT THE GREEK TYCOON RESTAURANT on February l4th Silk Table Centrepiece TOWNE FLOWERS -Gentleman's Money Clip with complementary engraving, DYNES..& LLOYD JEWELLERS $50.*OO.Gift Certificate BRONZE & BEAUTY STUDIO Large Heart-Shaped Charm SHIRA'S 0FWHITBY. Men's Arrow Dress Shirt MERCANTILE MEN"S AND <LADIES' FASHIONS -Portrait-FPackage ONE HOUR- MOTOPHOTO. Natural Hair Removal' Treatment ALEXANDRIA BODY SUGARING <40.00 Gift-Certificate ELEGANCE HAIR DESIGN Non -rofit communhty group whlch are basedin Whtby or have a substaziUal Whltby miembershlp mnay place their or atvies ont¶a? page etno cost- ffl nuhin omn.Wr leFrd. tpm CESAREANP'REVENTION Thé Cosaréan Prévention Sup- port and Education grou p will méet on MondaLy, Feb.- 3, 8 p.m, at 14 colettedr., Whitle. Topie will b. 'Alternatives t. go in Pregnancy.' For more inforxa- tion'caIl 430-0589 or 430-2343. LADIES NIGBT OUT 'Ljadfies Niht Oui? will b. held 4y the. West Lynde Parent-School Association on Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m.,' ln thé achool gym. Shown will b. fashions, makeup and lingerie. Advanoe tickets,.or *2.50, can b. purchaséd by. caling 668-0826, or tickets are availablé at the door for' *3.50. DURH4AM Hoart and êtroke deatha, have decreased 50 perý cent in 40 years but the diseases still dailm 80,000 lv.. each y.ar, and 42 ,per cent of al deathe in Canada. The. feundatirn's door-to-door canvasalàa on. o"f theairgest volunteer efforts in the province. GERANIUM SOCINI! Thei. Geranium and ý Polar- gonium Society,, which *includes memibers froiiaDurham Rion will'meet on ,Sunday, Fb. 2,,2 to 4 .. tCivic Gardon Contre, 777 Lawrence St. E. (at Lesie), Toronto. At the. meeting. mom- bers, wfllb. tain *'cuttings -and starting -seedo. -ioewilb. refresiments and a plant.table. For more information eall 416- 986-4307 (Nestletoný). EUCHRE Euchre is held eveiyFýriday, 8 .m.,,at the*Witby -100F H al ~11 Brock St., S. Coat iW$1,50.l 'Refreshments provided. AIl woel- DANCE Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Auxiliary wlll hold -a <Fabulou 508' and: 60'd, dnc. on Satur day, Fob.' lSý 8 pm.,at 'Heyd.nshie Pavillon. There will .b. a catored buffet, cash bar, dis'e jockeyand door-prizes. Tickets are $25 perf couple - and are avýailable ,at Péacock Sports, from auxiliary mombelhprs or.by calling 666-3944.ý TH E REG IONAL' MUN ICI PALITY 0F,,DURHAM .PUBLIC-NOTICEý.. Takenotice, that the Régional Planning Comittée have AN APPLICATION TO AMEND.THE DURHAM, REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN - thé amendlment, as submifttd by thé applicant, p roposes two, rétaiVwholésalé/warehousing opératjons,, one a controlle mémb.rshlp facility. (Pricé ,Club) having a vartioty of gods (food,ý clothing,-,appliancés, ,etc.) <and .,the ,*othér a omne Imrvmnt/gardéncenr (Aikén h ads)., Thé subjéct ^pro.p Islo'atéed at thé ste "indictéd oh thé map bélow. roét 1In ordér to assist in thé ovaluation. 0f thé amendrnént application,'thé public is -lnvtod ,to providé Input 'by way of subrmissions to the Région's Planning DeOpartmént. Information relatéd tothé améncimérnnt application is available in thé offilces of thé Planning D.partmont, 1615 Dundas Street E. 4th Floor,- Lang Towéer, 'West Building', Whitby, Malil, Whitby, Ontario L N' 6A3 àr calling- Grant McGregor,- Planning Departmfent, (416) 728-7731 (Whftby)1686-,165 1 oronto. You' are ',encouraged to forward your submnisslons to the Co:nmfissionér of Planning at the aboVe-notéd address as soon a s possible. In ordér to procéed with our réviéw of, his amipndmént application, we would appreciate théir receipt prior to Friday,-Fébruary 28,1992. Please includé your addréss and numbér ldéntif ied below in any subi ruI r- n fnDA tIfoflfl and

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