Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHFMLY FME PRES, WEDNESAY, JANUARY 29, 199 ANNUAL GE NEBRAL and- éeoction- fofficers .for thi. 1992 board of -directoes cf Durham 'Centre Progressve Conoervative Ontarlo, Associ'ation« will b. held on Wednesday, Jan., 29 '8 'pm. t insen Hlli Osýiawa (cor;nercf McMfillan Zand Colborne Sts.). Guest speaker will be Tony Clement, president cf the PC -Party cf Onitario. For more informnation or to inqufre about- zmmbershiip, oeil Lynda Buffett, Durham Centre PC'preident, at 430-1216 or John& Gray, ,vice-preident, at 576-6446. DUBHAMCELTIC DurhamCltieSport- and Cui- terai Club, will ho dits regular bimo- -nthly meeting tSoccer City on' Saturdaýy, Feb 1. Meet ýold frienda, n ew friendé fr-om heo country,:,pîaây,,mes and watch videos côf théIii. BHOYS. The: club meets e- very firetand third- Saturday of'each month.from il' a.m. to 4 p.m. FEECPR COURMS During the month of Februaiy,gtalc. first aid course at St. John- Ambulance, Whitby branch, and, get a free CPR course. Courses will ,b. hold evening, week, deys and week.nds. CâIli 668-9006 or 668-4159 fortii. dates and timos.1 The- coursecoSt varines depending on .the leývel of training. requirod but CP¶ training will b. done courtesy Of instructors at St. John Ambulance. Nomn -pro p tla e th i page atf0 cbst CCVITAGE SHOW lhii. second annual Cottage Show wil b. -held atthii. Metro Esat Trade ýCentre h>iPickering Jan. 31 te. Feb. 2. Tiiere-*ili b. 150 exhibits:'cfcottag.-orented products and- services including buildingsupples, -nancia- ser- vices, pre-fab-homes, boats aând real estate. 'Admission is'-$6 for aduits ý$4 -for seniors and chl- dren, 1e o those under age 14. «PARKI[NSON SUPPORT - GROUP The.'Parkinson Support Group Durham Region chapter, will hod a gonoral 1 meetingý on Monday, Feb. 3, 7:30'pma t Mark's United,Churc, .IWhitby (corner of Coiborne - and Cen tre Sts, south door entrance: to assemibly hall). Guest speaker Steven Acctte -wiii discuses children growingup in a Parldnsonian's home. Accette was guest speaker at the' Parinson Foundation's -1991 _general meeting in Winnipeg. Al -are welcome. Refresiinents vili ho availabie. For moreinformation, cali 666-8576 or 668-6580. FIDLE ICLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old Time .Fiddie Club will meet on Wed- nedy, Feb. 5, 7:30 p.m., at Hlerdenéhore Pavillon. Alf are welcome to an evening cf old- -time fiddling, round and square danin, inggand guitar-play- ig., Adisio se$2. For mr information cIli 436-90.19 or 655-, 3023. :ý WELLNEfS AIR Durhanx ýCollegé- will hold a 'Wellness FPair' on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m., in theé gymnaium.Tiere wvill b. pro- sentations by students -and'com- munity agencies. Ail welcomne. Admission is fre.. EIÂINE ZIEMIBA Elaine Ziemba, Min*ster for Citizerihipanduman Rights, wili b. gest speaker 'at the 'anmual meeting f the Duhamn Centre ýNDP Coristituency' Asso- ciation on Monda, Feb 3, 7 pmat the CkAeHall,1425 PilL -pMurray Ave., Oshawa. Ziemba wili diseus<em'P;pîcyment' Equity' at 8 p.m.,, with a 'ques- tion-and-aniswer session te fol- low. Refreshments will b. served. Phone 668.6111l Plenty of enth.usiLasm for Broklin ôyou'tl cluùb- Tii. firat organizati*onal meeting cf the Junior Optimint Club cf Brooklih and tii. Octagon Club was bed laat Friday in--, cojunction with a v.ry msesfu dance and games rdght., Tii. event, ield at St. Thomnas Ciiurch Hall, included dozens cf id and aduits eager te organize tii. youth: clubs te provide ongaing programa3 in Brooklin, Bowmanvill, and Ajax, <Tii. youth clubs, inspired by Wiliam Mceef ohawa,wi .l.ct'an exécutive from -among, youth members, and t".program- - wiii b. run entirely by ii youth with minimal adult supervision. The. progrmi design.d te put youth into reý sponaible positions se he can develop organizational andplanning sklls while having fun., Sofar, there ià no cot te the youth who -wish teget involvedL Tii.proga jbroken up into two age groupe. ý'Tii. Octago Club isoen' Wyouth.aged 14 te 17 and =li meet on, Thursday Jan. 30 fiom 7:30 te '8:-30 p.m. at the. Brookli Signa .office, 76 Baldwin St. 'Tii. oder youth have started plana ýfor camping, moviesand sports activities. Tiie Junior* Optirniet Club for yotunier age- 14 wil meet, %dày Jâ. ý31 from 7 te 8 p.m at St. Thomas Church. Hal tpire coqrner cf Winchester. and "Adult volunteers are needed te iielp guide -ii. youthy so tiiose interest.d - cmnattend, on.c f, the. meetings. Tii. rorams are.,sponaor.d entirély, t. Optzizist Club. cf Brookhin and its nmembers For more iniformation mii Martha Beauchamp at 576-1198, or Brian Wik at 656-4434. S .. .~.:.......c.x... **.~.*.* .~.~ '. <. * <»»%~~. :.~. .......................................~ '~. if it'5es on te. 380,000 square feet of tractors, combines, balers, sprayers, spreaders, tires, computers, augers, bins, wagons, planters, feeders-, mowers, fèeed, seed, washers, loaders, plows,-. discs, drills -and' more!. CANADIAN FAR EQUIPMENT I SHOW *For'more infoîrmatipn contact: -?705) 741 ;?536 .0 &~A' A speaking cont boys and girls undei b. held by the Opti Broolclin. Medallions, will lx first-place, second runnér-up, winners1 I& addition, ti winnesoftil. con -éligible for .ftuthez with a top prizeý scholarslup. ScholarshipsarI Optimist. Internatiol tion cf Canada. T4, ôoratoriMcamc ±M4t open te is'IflICould Sèe Tomorrow.' ~ r age-,16, wil Contestants mifst speak on the' finiist Club cf .subject for not -.l'esa than fouri minutes aàdno more than five e awarded te, minutes. d-place and, Scoring is based on peSo9nal iner ii ualities, 'materalorganization, d.vey and presentaton,an e ; first-plac oveisaileffectivenes. rtegt vii b. Tie, firat'.1evel cf competition r petitio viiù b.held. Feb. -19gat Sti. ,ot a 150 iionmsCiurch hall inBrooklin.. -Coacbiniz Je available for,. fuded by the stud.iits who ývish to comnpete. ualFouda- For information oêÉigteý contest, contact Brian Wick at >iteet- suM~ect 655-4434. - A spaghetti dinner wii b. lild Saturda ,Feb. 8 fromi, 4, te 7:30 pan tpLekoffthe anftual Heart & Strike Foundation campaigri in 'The annuial dinner. is, prepared under, the guidaâ. ce c f Optiinist. Club cf Brooklin member BËron Grace, and bas. been heldb.y tue club for tiie consecutive years Dinner re ,$6 -for adulte and $3 for eidren.. and ihwludes Thomas Anglican Ciurch and tickets vi.vi ilabl e at thet Tii. Brooklin ara Heart & Stroke campaigri last y.ar raised over $6,000. More volunteers wviii b. neèd.d tuis year to natch that amount.> Volunteers are also needed for Spagti dinner kicks -off heart- month in BrooklinI 0 ]ENTERNATONAL TBAJNING IN COMMUNICATION The. Pirst Oshawa Club ITO' wiil hold a meeting on Tusdy, Feb.'4, 6 p.m., a t Hong ong, House89 Sunco. St. S.,«Oshwa. The diekme will b. <Ready, Set GO!' 1Coot of dinner is $14. For more information, cail Pat at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. BONSAISOCIETY The Matusuyama, Bonsai Society willi- me -et on, Monday Feb. 3, 7 p. , at Faith Place 44ý William St. .*, Oshawa. O; 'more informa tion cali 683-2568 or,725-2045. The, Whitby-Oshawàa Genealo-ý iclScety wim meet on Tes- FPeb.,4, 7:15-to 10,p.m., in' the lcafetorum. atHenry Street 'Hghhol The meîetmng, to bW callied <Prolem'sNigh% is for ths h r aig problems witn ealogy.Discussion of prbea wil take place. . -Thé' meeting is ' open to, the public. For more infoirmation c11li ssie Gannon'.at 723-7460- or- Joyoe> Hloat668-81,77. Tii.United Empire Llists' Association cf Canada,.* Upper' Canada branch, will meet in the activity, rooen cf Whitby Public lbrary on Tiiursday, Jan. 30 nt 7:30 pmn. Quest, speaker, Shari Siietainger.- whil - discusa , hier forthcoing'- bok, a genealogIcal compemnim-côf' the. IEcid -fanily from medievai times until- the present, -Thi. film, cHeritage showmfg, the. icIca hentagefarm -at Wapome, Prince. Edward County, wilbe shown.,. Ail are ,welcome. For further Information, ca~l DonaldDouglas Fox at576-175. CEKNTRLPARK A-meeting about problenis ini Central Park wili b. h.ld nt West Lynde public school on' Tiiursday, Jan. 30, 7:30p.'m. Among those attend:i the open forum wiii be -vwèst ward councillor. Judîi...ongfield, Allàn Gunn, 'Whitby truste, on the. Durham a'*Board -of Education; West Lynde.public echoolprinci- pal Phul Long; Neighborhood' Watch memibers, and- Ruthý- Michaudpresident of the West- Lynde Parent-Sehool Assocation.- Durham 1uim Qit meeting will b. held Feb., 4,,1:30 p.m., in room'208 at (ýeùtMa Collegiate Institut., Cehawa. Filmson.qi wil b. sbiiwn. For more information; ei 2631-2138.

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