Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 28

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PACE 28, WHIT»YFPUE PRES8% WEDNE8DAY, JANUARY 22,1992 1988 NISSAN PULSAR, red., 5 speed, tomerai. driven. New tires., W&s 94,000 km. $5,4Q5. 683-4100 or 434-1610. INeed a carr Credit problems? *W. have Iesse take-vers (repossessions) * base to own any make or modet 'Cash for trade *Cali now for fma quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTrO LEASING. 436-9837 - Gary 1989 EAGLE PREMIER ES' Llmitod, loaded. Leather seats, P.W.L. 72,0007 km. $11995. 683-4100 or 434-1610., 1987 CHEVY CHEVETTE, auto, air. Gold. $3,495-. 683-4100 or 434-16,10. ...u.... 1983 PONTIAC Grand Lemans - auto, PS, PB. 4-door, AMWFM steroo cassette. 75,000 miles, originai. Excellent condition. As is. $1%800. 666-3319 aftor 6 pi.. 1984 MAZDA B2000 TRUCK parts:, Doors $60 os., 5-speed transmnission $175. Aternator $50. Front grill $25. 281-9379. 1987 P014TIAC FIERO, black, atomnatic, air, 135,000 km. $4,995. 683-4100 or 434-1610. 1981 MAUBU CLASSIC, V6, auto, air, 2-door, dark blue intoriorl exterior. Verygood condition. Certif led, $180. 430-1996 anytime. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICIE 01FINTIENTION The Council cfthe -Corporation'of the Town of Whlhy lntends bo pass a byLlw b topUp and close a portion off the untravelled Grand Trunk Street road allIowance, as shown below, being composed of Block H and Part of Grand Trunk Street, Regstei Plan 70, sintda Parts 3 and 4 on- Planiof Survey 40R-,3ý890. g a VICTORIA --S rýEET'ES -j1PLAN 40R- 13890 ê The 0perations Committee of Council will meet on the evening of Monday, February 17, 1992 in Committee Rocin One of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, for the purpose of heanng any person who dlaims his or her land wil be prejudlcually affected by te by-taw. Any person wishing bo meet with the Commhttee i& asked bo advise the Town Clerk accordingly by no later than Thursday, February 13, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK THIE CORPORATiON 0F THE tOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WlIITBY ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHOWJ: (416) 668-5803 AUCTIONEERS The. people of Whltby and surrourdlng ares enjoy attending auction sales Let them know about your .tsl y detsn n the most wldely rend pages tI Whttby - The hltvFre PrssClasltida.Cati: CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION STREET NAIME CHANGE The Council of the Crorton o i Town cf Whitb Intends ho pas aa by-law to change theatfogre oa rin Drive. The change In street naine will apply b al of .Progresa Road, as shown on Registered Plan No. M-i 2, ave and except that portion of Progress Road designated >as Parts 1 2, 3,4, 5 and 6 on Plan of Surey40R-10706, which was stopped Up and closed by, By-Iaw No. 2301-7. The street Is sbown below.,-The, chane in str aine will provide a street naine link with developinentta.ng pla ce to the east and south of the tShet The Planning and Developinent Commihtee of Whltby Council will meetý on the eventng cf Monday, Februazy'l17, 1992 in the Meeting> Hall -of the Whithy Municipal Building, 575 Rossland. Road East Whitby, for the purpose cf hearingany person who d'aims his or her land will be adversely affected by m y-a. Any person wishing bo meet with.the Commihtee is asked b .advise the Townà Clerk accordingly by no later than Thursday, February 13,,1992. DONALD G. MOKAY CLERK M1E CORPORA11ON 0F 111E tOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WIIITBY ONTARIO LIN 2M8 PHOli: (416>)68-5803 ESTABLISHED GENT would like to meet an attractive lady who is fit, romnantic, into movies, dinfing. out, etc. Box 1000. HANDSOME MALE, 32, seeks ostablished older ladies. Very discreet. Reply to Box 1008. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports, theatre, movies & good conversation would like ta meet Intelligent, witty, sincere and attractive lady. Reply to Box 1005. MALE - 24 likos music, movies, country wahs, q uiet evenigs seeks hons, inteligent femalefor relatlonship. Not into mid gaines. Box 1002. SOMEWHERE OUT THERE hps to b. an employed, fun-loving man, age 30 te 40, for a profe ssiona, pretty, full-figured moin of two. Box 2002. MARRIED MALE, 34, looking for single or married tomai. between 20 & 35 for friendshlp. Must b. vevy discreet. Box 1003. Hi,, I LOVE MUSIC. dancing& sports. I have blonde hair, 22 years old Sooldng a tall, romandec man. Box 2000. IIARDWORKING, honest guy 25, working, good Io king',871. tall, seekinp good looking, honest woman. Enjoys sports and movies. Box 1007. BUSINESS LADY seoks considerato, roi ined, stable, professional gentleman, 50 te 55, wth gond senso of humour for sincere rolationshlp. Box 200'L SINGLE G UY9 34 is laoking for a single. youg .lady for Iasting relationshiip. Enjcys motorcycles, working eut & long walks. Rep1Y te BOX 1001. LATE, 309, Christian man, g ond beoking, stable & casual dresser enos sports & slqhtseeing, se:ks ~hdotian, tmai., 30 te 40, for casuel dating. Reply te Box 1006. WE DELI VER FLYERS 668-6111 PE RRY, LEE AND BRENDA are pleased to annonce the sae arrivai ef their son, Jordan Alexander, born Dec. 20, 1991, welghlng 7 lbs. 1 oz. Proud grandparonhs, are Morris and Joan-Wesley, of Whitby and Blanche Perry of 'Cobourg. Special thanks te Dr. Christine Peter and the nursinu staff at the M"hamStoufvile Flspital. ONE MALE SPITZ PUPI 6 mentha aid. Papers provlded. Has ail shots. Call 668-0620. BE8T WISHES ixr a HappyBlflhdy orAmlversar. The casslos ea sca l way to smdgreUgs Cal6684111 - -. - . - ----------- *1 WIih yF ee r~s ~'e6e~ 59 * ffic Ho rs~ Mcr day k F kta , 9 00 a n t 5.......a....- ~ $4 . ... ............... ........ 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