I~~ M.~ ~ VOUR GOOD NEWS Direct Mail Advertlsing agency could earnyou profit your f irst weekl Make $35.000 - $72,000 serving estab- iished cliente in Oshawa/Whitby. lnvetmeî: $,50-$10,000. Com- pany supplies start-up training, materi and on-gong supot Marketingepelnce helpful. No overhead. Fre Ifo-kit. Cal (416) 248-5555 collect. EARN MONEY' reading booksl $30,OOOfyear Incarne potential. Detais, ()805-962-8000, ext. DENTAL ASSJSTJNG JW4EI in just 8, months 54A Centre St. N. Oshawa -O C ? O HA A 57-15 ATARV BU51ESS COLLEGE II> 1IIA A KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS noeded. ie35 & up per hour. Tax f roo. Both skilled & unskilled. For ino cali 615-779-5505, ext. K-384." PART-TIME EXPERIENCED salesprson- wanted for brdai boutique. For info, cali 434-7876. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (nochemicals. Homes and Offices. Wo offer "Mther-in- law dlean" ready for inspection!). Ail omployees are poiice-socurîty checked, bonded & insured. Member of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). ............L.....A... ARTHUR 'MURRAY DANCE studio, 8iiOW owfferin ,,A BALLROOM DANCETEACHERS' PROGRAM. *Enroill naw.-Gaill Arthur. Murray Dance^ Studio < a recagnized educatianai -institution). RESUMES The Professonal Way Take advantage of our experience ln employment placement. '<aur resumne is an important f irst. impression, sa let us help you impress that potentieai employer. Fax service ai well. Cai The Professonal Way 66U-0075 I ....... .......--- ---- ---- -I- - KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY- re-upholstory of antiques. Ail kinds of recoverlng. '<aur fabrlc or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years oxporienco. 430-7568, WhRtb. PAINTERS PLUS - Service and quaiuty are not an accident. For 10% off and no GST, cali Bill or Gori, 404-1224. ai CA$H 'NDDA$Hr' 701 Dundas Street West, Wh itby <Phone-, 66-q7 1Fax: 666-728 AIL TYPES 0F CHEQUES CASHED) lIncme Tax Servic Mail Box Rentais CHE TQUE US QUT! TWO MEN WITH CUBE -VAN. 14 ft. box wiIl do household moves or other. Very reasonable hourly, rates. Phono 430-7450. *Drywalllng (tape & llnishlng> * Roc Roome *-,Besernents 0'Texture s1nraytnu Paiing,(extedr tdrw) *Trlm Fr..estirnates DESIGN & ARTWORK service: logos, business.-cards,' corporate Image,,. brochures, f lyers, type- sotting, resumoes,. reports, posters,,, slgns,,menus, cassette covers, etc., Whatever, your ýneeds, call Boot Graphies at 666-9894. MOTHER 0F TWO would love ta provide d care for your chiid. Lots of TL and nutritlous moals. CalN 723-6765. PRIVATE HOME. DAY CARE, bables welcomo. Top qualfty car.. Fonced yard. Recepts given. 15 years oxperionce. 655-8600. DAY CARE PROVIDED in My home. Lunch, snacks. Excellent environment. Walking distance to Ormiston and St. Mathew schools. References, receipts. 666-9382. RESPONSIBLE, QUAUITY child care.. Mature mom, child-proof home. Flexible hours. First aid. Al ages wlcomo. Anderson & Hwy. 2. 668-5464. LOVING DAY CARE ln my home. Experienced ECE/primary teachor/mother welcomes childron of ail ages. Limted space avallablo. Many facilities. Excellent refer- ences. Reasonablo rates. Dundas/ McQuay (Queen's Commons). Cal anytime, 668-8403. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home on Reynolds St. Phono 666-2734. Ages 3 taS5 years DAY CARE in my home, any age. Good references. cal anytime. Vernon/Cochrane area 668-8659. WANTED: REUABLE, mature sitter,. non-smoker, for 3 chiidren in my home, Hwy. 2/Anderson. Cal 668-3622. Referonces required. MATUR, REUABLE babysitter neoded in my Whitby home two days aweoki (10 - 6 p.m.). For more info, call Breda et 434-o7876. OTTER CREEK - MOTHER of one would love to provido .day care for children 2 years or aider. Cali 430-3331. Speciaiizing in V' Early Childhood Education. 1 For Peaoe of Mind. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 AREYou Lo KING ý-FoR. QuAILIrY HIOME DAY -CARE, The Wee Watch system providles supervised private dlay care fi children 6 weeks and older, full or part timel -Unscheduied home visits ensure quality care for your child -Fully tralned Providers receive ongoing Agency -support -Reliable, local back-up covers Providi illness or holidays -Complete insurance coverage -Income tex receipts For more information oeial: 686-3995 L orWe a icensedAgenc-Y U (D DRIVINO Q SCHOOL 172slgSt. . Sute #301 Osaa*728-0091 PRI VA TE LESSONS . COMMENCING February 4th 4 wk. Course Tuesday & Thursday Febnuary 8th 4 wk Course, Saturdays FIEGISTERED & APPROVEOD B THE ONTARIO SAPETY LEAGUE PRE-PAID WORD'ADS, (Cash,ý VISA, choque rocelved boforo deadlino)> $6.00 for 20 wotrls; ($5.61 +'390 GST) 150 each additional word; (1l40 +, 10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTUONSIANNOUNCEMENTS, 890~ per agallino (1l4 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 billed DUSPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphies) Regular display rates apply - 940' per agate Une Minimum size 1 column inch $13.16 COTINUOLJS RUN DISPLAV ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER C OLUMN -INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads uniess otherwise. indicated DEADLINE Monday noon pio'r to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Please check your advertisement for errars. >on the flrst daýy of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not b. hiable, for faluyre ta publish an ad, or for typographic erro rs -in publication beYord the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost 0f,- the insertion. 1h., Whtby Fros Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisemfents. ..... r eP .s $ .O 9 ...Jo o u ~ :M nc a F M y ~ ~ « mt oS Q p a $ $ Q 94 : LAW CLERK in à d juist Il 1-nonths L à - r- y .1 - 1 1