Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 22

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PAGE, 22, WIM'Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1992 Twes, go undefe ated to daim- titie Whitby Dodd & Souter tween B'rngette teain went' undefated to win their division in the Whitby rngette tournament over thé weeken. Strong teain play with scorina fi=m evey katr carried the. team thrugh the two round-robin preliniinary gaines with 10-1 and 6-2. wins versus ,Ajax and Pi.ckering. In a closely, contested final, Whitby scored two quick goals late in the. first half to break open a tight 3-2 gaine and go ahead 5-2. Both teanîs scored twice in the second half te make the final scopre ý7-4 in -Whit1by~s favour. Tii. final game was highlighted by good -passingý and close checing by both teama. Luanne MacKenzie -set up Sélects Win Scarboroug tournament A minor peewee select tearn from «Whitby recently won the Colter Haggerty Memorial Christmas tournament in Scar- borough. 1he Whitby F'ree Press selecte An invitational precision skat- ing competition will be held at Iroquois Park on Saturday, Feb. 'lb. competition hosted by the Whitby Figure - kaîting Clubs precision teams, .. M1 include 52 teams, from Ontario, British Col- umbia and Québec. ->1 WhitbY's Ice 'Angels novice team- is defending. Canadian champion while Ice Fyre, WI'itbiY'a senior team, has won the Canadian titi. several timeés. Whitby's other precision teams are Ice ]Pix,. (juvenfie) and,,Ice Elusions, masters team. Whitby teams are known internationally for their quality. Competition' begins at 7:45 a.m. and will end at about 9 p.m. Admission is $4 (free for t hose under age 5). Allson cornesclose Whitb'as on Allison gave Paul Savag a run forhis monýey at the Onario Curling Associa- tion regional seni-final held rec.ntly. Savage pull.d off a dramnatic llth end victory te, win the A Bide. With two agrainst, Savage deli- vered a p istol -through a smail hole te the full four-oot tteai victory. Allison also bast 6-4 to, Humber fayCurling Cl*ub manager Gord Carroll says the Allison rink displayed great- curling, especially sînce two of the four- sème had neyer played in a big tournamni t before. Allison had reached the semi- final after winning at the zone level competition.held in WVhitby. Wi,2 losses for petites The Whitby McCullough Jwellers petite A rngemtte team competed In the Whitby tournament on Jan. 17-19,. managing on. win and two basses. The firet gain. saw Whitby drop a r>1 decision te visitors Ottawa with the ion. goal being scored by Melanie Davis on a breakaway and the assist going te, Tania Chappeil. The. second contest was against beague rivals, Oshawa, and resulted ini a 3-1 victoîy for the visitera with Whitby> only goal being scored Dani BIeau with the a"ast going tiàsa Vandrli. In the, third gaine, Whitby came toe f. an& trounced Pickering by a 7-4 score. Chappeil exploded for four goal with ingle markers gag to Jeaica WilliamS»a, ayn Peacocke and Bleau. won aIl four- games, including a 3-1 decision over Port Credit in the final. Port Credit scored first but Wiiitby camne back backed by the excellent goaîtenaing of A dam Yule, named. moat valuable player in the tournamnent. Joel Johnson, Chad McKenzie and Steve Lony scored for Whitby. SWiiitby opened the tournament with a 4-0 win, over West Hill, Daniel Fletcher providinq the shutout goaltending for Witby. McKenzie scored two goals while Lony. and Bilan Nelson also scored. A gaine againat London proéved m uctugiier. Whitby led 4-0 at on. point, but had te witiistand strong pressure by London wiio scored three goals omae it close. The. final-was 4-3.> The. defence of Doug Clark., Ryan Peacocke, Ryan McLeod, Ryan Mcbarron and Josii Wil-* liains came up big te. preseiwe the win. Steven Mac. McLjarron, Wil- liams and McItenzie scored the, Whitby. Fletcher was againi outstand- ing as Whitby then blanked Ajax 2-0 in a hard-fought, ciiippy con-, test. Steven Race and Jason frwin scored the goals tonut Wiiitby in tiie ciiaîpionship inaýà. goals while Angéla Duin gastd on two goals, by Tamara. Wiesiolek. Samantha Sheppard, played very well-in net, mIain many difficuilt Baves9,inithe luI Scoinin the tournament was sprea throughout, the' teain with. every girl' scoring-atles on. goal Goals aànd astaý were as follows: Wiesi'olek , four goals, threassëiita;-Tania Campeau, thre gals and three'-assstaj; Duna, ýtýwo'goals and foure assista; Henderson, flive goals, and ýtwo assista;- Mackenzie one ol n six assista;,iàndsay Millard,, one goal and three assista; Laura Crawford, two goals and two assista; Brea Blight, two goals and two assista; Usa Corcoran, one goal - and one assit; Ainsley Hunt, two goals. Whi*tby skater sti*cks. to defence to gain 'Foote-hold', in the NHLr ByMarloBoucher Adam oote of WVhitby is stick- ing to the basica as a young defenceman, on the young Quebeé Nordiques team of the National Hockey League (NUL). But itfs nice te, score, too, as Foote did for the firast time as an NHL'er last we.k - it's juat a bonus for a player content te plty sound defence. Home i Whitby for tii, recent aIl-setar break, Foot., 20, says he knows what coachi Pierre rage e7csof him. Jtry not te b. to fancy onteice, just concentrate on doing my job and make sure I don't make a mistake 50 some- bod~y scores on us," h. Baya.- "In Quebec, tiiey just want me te play defense right now -and thinga will talc. care of thein- selvêes,»he Baya. The rooki, says he is tempt.d somties te make a rush sud try te score a goal. . I kind of wsudered off a cou- p I. of times but 1 don't go too 7,epiti. other zone,» h. Baya., Fot says he is determined te, do whatever is nec.ssary te stick with the Nordiques sud not return te thefr farm club in Halifax. "If tiiats what it takes te, make it sud stay in the NHL (play sound defence), then that's what M'I do,» he Baya. H. refera te coach/general manager Page as a lIittre more strict than (former coach Day.) Chambers was. "Pierre shows us directions sud gives us a systei n d thaVts wiiy we are starting te, play better,» he saya.9 Fot says the players are wor- ried "someone migiit lose their job'» if draft choic, Eric Lindros is traded te anotiier team. The. Toronto native was raised ADAM FOOTE of Whithy, defen'eman with the Queboc Nordiques, was home for the weekend NHL ail-star break. a.Docr ot in Whitby where h. played minor hockey "with the saine guys for a few yearsansd had t h e saine coach as well. «Whitby is a great little tewn,» h. says. H. is gbad h. played hockey in Whitby sud not in a larger city 1k. Toronto where "kids get traded teo often. «It was a lot of fun sud it was a good system te ply hockey,» h. says of Wiiitby minor hockey. He aaya thée is more timo te P ractice -Ma a sialler town'like Vftby sud tii. people involved, especially coaches, are more wil- inÎg te take tii. time te help improve skiUBl. ,ou get don't get big-headed here sudyoudon't teld you're great aIl tii. tne,» _h. . Foot. safj!ys he loves tii. area very much sud returas every summerBufao e 'i tu na ltotmen finPalE at the family's cottage north, of Wiiitby. He saya he has impr-oved. his physical, conditionig every suin mer b iresnhie workouts., You need te b. ini shape because every guy in, the NHL is strong,» h. says. Foot. saya if a player dos not have a good cardliovascular pro- ce.n,>Y will paso by'.y ou on Foot., 6 ft. 2 in. talsud weighing 205 'Ibo., aays lh. doean't mnd' the workouta because «thatVa part of the gaine and that's what we!re getting « d for .ven if you don't always h4Îilke doing it. The Nordiques organization has very good prograins te help its young playera te keep -m Bhape sudniprove their ataina sud ohvsca endursuce for the logNL'season, ho Baya. Yroot. was the' 22nd, choice overaîl intii. 1989 NUL ama- teur draft'after. on. easn t Sault St."Marie in the ýOntario Hockey Legue(OUL). «When I' firat left home, it was teugh tiie firt two moniis but you have te, take care, of your- self" h. Baya. Bmig away froin us, family sund fidahl hlm mature mucii faster sud agened hs hockey skilis as we1 lie say8. He went on te play two.' more seasons with the junior club'sud was named a firat teain aIl-star last y.ar aft.r registering 69 pointa in'tii OEIL Sault St.. Marie also woný the OHL championabip by' beating the Oshawa. Generala sud Lirn- dros.- Atogh his t.am did not go on t win the Memorial Cup:that year, beating «"Oshawa was' our Memorial Cup," he says. A late, third-period goal broke a scorêew esansd gave the. host team a win over Whithy in the. final of a minor novice AA tournament in Buffalo recentlv. Whitby sonoed by Service- maste ancare, hadefeat.d Wheatflld 6-2 in the. firat gaine, tied Buffalo 3-3 sud tied Bramp- ton AA 2-2 te reach the final. Againat Wheatfiald. Jeif Pichut scor.d two goals while Robert Reid, Nathan Cotter, Dan VanEsciischoltz sud Rysu Far- row each had aingles. Tyler Harrison-had-two assisa while Justin Gilea Julian Owen, McMichael, Cotte;, Mattiiews sud VonEschschobtz .acii had mne. Reid had three- assista as Whiutby came back, te tie thii, eventual tournament champions i their firat encounter. Matthiews, Greg Johnsten sud Joshua Turcotte eachhad a goal. Harrisoni, Pichut and VonEschsciioitz each had su asa- ist. Farrow and Johnsten*soered in- thei, tie with, Brampton. Mat- thews, VonEuchachoits sud Kyle Limkild e.ach had su assist. Michael Laffey sud Jool Whit- marsh were- outstanding inet for WIMhy l ite urnamhent. in leaiue play, Cotter scored the wi*nm*ng goal in a 2-1 deci- Sion over Littlfe NUL Bruina." <Matthews ,had the. other WhitbY goal. Farrowasd McMi- hai ach lad an àasib. R d

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