Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDjNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1M9 Winter driving symptoms, -and cures for auto ailments Fro'Safety Update' by JiI Mclntosh Henry Ford: Genius and madman Withcut a dcubt, one cf the best-known autemotive figures cf al time is H-énxy Ford. flhere have been so many bocks written about him, you could read one each day for the rest cf your life and not get through them ail. Although he didn't invent the -automobile (or.the assembly lins as many people believe -- rather, he improved on an existing system), Henry Ford was a genius WhO -b uilt bIs13empire from -a single car prcduced in his garage te a giant company that is stili with us tcday. He was alec, at times, a madman who deetroyed things te prove bis power, a patriarch who made his son president - f bis" company but refused te relinquish bis own hold on the office. Many autemotive historians helieve that Ford would neyer have lost their number-one spot if Henry Ford hadn't been se stubborn. For example: eHenry Ford believed that bis ideas were jperfeoct and could net o ipro e pn. His Model T. became the worldà best-Selling car (and stayed that way until î the Volkwagen Beetle, 50 years later), and lie refused te make changes te, it year after year. Chevrolet' anticipated the publices desire for, new designe and their newly-styled cars shot themn far ahead of Ford. Henry Ford only agreed te modeli changes when sales became1 dismally low and, even then,1 storrned eut cf the plant in a fury when the Model T lime stopped. 1 Recause he did net allow forj styling changes, the entire plant had te be closed for over a year while the tocling for the new Model A was produced. The clSure caused Ford te drop even further behind Chevrolet. -Henry Ford was fieroely anti-Semnetic and believed that Jews would ruin America. He published stories about the 'Jewish' preblem' in bis company-owned newspaper, even after he had been oued several timnes. Eventually, he published a bock, 'The International Jew,' that was later used by the NiiÏ Party in Germany. 0 Henry Ford was famous for saying hIdstory is bunk," and refused te let friends linger over the p ast. He then spent millions cf dollars creating the Edison Instituts, consisting cf the Henry Ford Mduseum and Greenfield Village, a collection cf bisterical buildings ail moved te Dearborn, Michigan from their origi nal sites. (Some of thebuildings are net as accurate as -Ford' made them eut te ho, hewever) On his wedding anniversary, he had a dance program made up exactly like the one lie received when courting bis wife. The paper was made te, look cracked and aged, but the dates and dance numbers inside bad been changed te botter reflect wbat. Hen-y wanted te remnember. 9 Henry -Ford kept bis workers on a tight leasb, and those bhe believed were net' devoted te their famiflies did-not receive the $5-per-day wages that proper' ernployees did. Still, Hen]ry carried on an open afl'ar during bis marriage and is believed te have fathered an illegitimate cbild. SEE PAGE 19 The Car Care Council of the Automotive Industries Associa- tion of Canada offers a number cf tips for helping drivers to survive the winter: *If your battery is more than a few years old, have it checked. Cold weather is hard on batteries. Be sure connections are dlean an-d tight. Corroded or loose connec- tions can given symptoms of a weak or dead battery. eFor every five-degree- Celcius drop in temperature, your tire pressure decreases by one pound If you haven't checked tire prsue since the suzumer, e ieyte be several pounds e With each litre cf gas your car burns, it consumes 14 litres cf air. For ideal combustion, that air s3heuld"be at a temperature cf betweeen 20 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius. When it's toc ccld, the car will run poorly, stafl, get poor gas mileage and generally be sluggish in performance. This common winter driving syptom is often -caused by a darnagedor miesing 'heat riser' tube. This is a fleible metal duct that directs heat fromn the hot exhaust mnanifold te the air- cleaner intake. Also known as the pre-heater duct, it ccnnects te a fresh air duct at the air-cleaning hcusing. Here, a temperature- ccntrclled valve mixes hot and as the temperature rises. Stopping on ice at freezing, point takes twice as long as it does at, minus 10 Celsius or lower. cold air te keep intake at the right temperature. The fresh»air- intake tube often is aise found. damaged or niissing'. Both cf these ducts should be examined periodically and replaced when necessary. 9The only protection a car bas agarnst corrosive environ. mental conditions is its primer and paint jobs. Since only exposed, metal can rust and corrode, trouble begins when a car's nicks and scratches are left untouched. Get a touch-up it whenyou get a new car; repair emall nicks and scratches 1 promptly ,te, prevent corrosion; wash your -car once a week with, warm water. Be sureý te give the. car,. a good pro tective coating cf waxc befre the weather turns ýnasty. This is, critical in areas " wbere sait is. used for snow removai. 0 You are halfway -te work and your heater je still* blowin only cold air. This alIm ent, wbe not uncommon, je -likely te, get' your undivided attention. on a bitter cold morning. There. are a half dozen posble reasons for this, moet of wbich can ho pinpointed through the procese of elimination. Check the eaiest thingefirst. le the blower fan working? If .net, then check the fuse. Perhapîi there's a loase connection or theý switch could be faulty. Usually fan, moters give a warningbefore failing completely. How's the-. anti-freeze/coclant level? If it is tee, low you may mot get any heat. One of the more common culprits is a faulty thermostat, that can prevent the engine fi-cm reacbing normal operating temperature. If there's a temperature gauge on the instrument panel, diagnosis is simple. If net,' it wýill be nec-essary te .i-aise1 the hoed and feel, the, radiator and hoses (with the' engine shut, off). If they're bot -te touch, yourproblem je net a cold engine. When in doubt have a technician check the codlant temperature with.aý radiator tank thermometer. Replace a -defective thermostat sass9 poss-, ilete avoid inefficient engine operation and raid wear of enginsprt (Other peesibilities are prob- lems with e filapper control, door that, admi te air te, the heater, or. restricted circulation of codant' through the beater, coi-e. -Thetoks at DriversSa1 have been ali ng Volkswagen names. x~7. "Jetta: Best Economny Car" -Ted Latumnus Co-host, Drivers Seat CBC-TV "'Passat: Best FamIIy Sedlan" -Ted Laturmus-, Co-host, Drver's Seat CBC-TV 'Passat: Best PersonaUCtîolc" -TonWhitney -=ot. Driver's Seat CBC-TV Now these are. names we can take. Especially coming from such respe'cted. automobile experts as Ted and Tony.. But çlon't -take our word for it. ,Or even- their's. Just take a Jetta or Passat *for a' test drive today. Vour Volkswagen dealer is waiting to put you in, the, drivers seat. OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN- INC, 1425 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Expriecqthe Owasco Feeling. SPrnven to serve you BESTsince 1972 An ni CARE* and O.M.L. SERVICE AWARD W1NNER Aýjax/Pickeringi/Tor. 683-3235 MI Oshawa/Whitby 668-933 C TONTO Extendeci service heurs Tues. 1111- and Thurs. until 7:3Opm De.~ OFREE« Service cliniclIast Thursday1 of every month by apW. I I- Offering Customor !Satifction in 2 0wA Sales, Service flody Shop, PartsLJ Rentals(CanaIa, USAEurope) 1 »

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