Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 13

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WH1TBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JANUAW( 22,1992, PAGE 13 BOWL FOR ULLONS, Big Brothers .of Oshawa- Whitby's 'Bowl for Millions' will hold a celebrity kick-off day on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2 ta 6 p.ni., at North End Bowl, Wilson and Taunton ,,Rds., Oshawa. The public is asked to form teains and again support the ance-a-year fundraising event. Trophies and awards will ho given out, and a weekend for two will ho the grand p izb'h 1992 goal is $30,000. Pledges will help to serve approimately 100 boys, between ages 6 and 14..Big Brothers will contact the public by telephone in Jarnuary for information and pledge shoots. For more information, calI 579-2551. DES ON THE LINE On Thursday, Jan. 23, the Ontario March of Dîmes York/Durhamn Region will parti- cipate> in a province-wide Ontario March' of Dimes campaign, ' Dimes Acroes Ontario.' 'Dîmes Acroas Ontarjo' is being staged ta help the March of Dirnes generate awareness of adults with physical disablities *and its 'annual. community fundraising cent- paig. Th Yor/DuranÏregions' lne of dimei? will take place at the, Oshawa Contre from 9:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. BONSAI SOCIETY The- Matusuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Monday, Feb. 3, 7 p.m., at Faith Place l Williarn St. W., Oshawa. Vo; more information cali 683-2568. or 725-2045. North Oshawa Chaptor, One Parent Families Association will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 8 p.m., at Christ Church, Mary and Hfilcroft Sts.,, Oshawa for coffee,, cards and conversation. New membars and guests welcome. For information, oeil 432-2259 or The Support Group for* Alzhei- mer Fanuhies will meet on Wed- nesdayJan. 2,ip. at the YWCA (Sun*Roi)y 1 ltcGrigor St., Oshawa. For mor informa- tion oeIl 576-2567. LIVING WITH CANCER T'heLiving With Cancer Sup- port Group will mieet on Monday, jan. 27, 7te, 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket Club, corner of Clements and'Monarch. For more informa- tion cail the Canadien Cancer Society at 686-1516. METING The United Empire Loyaliste' Association of. Canada,- Upper Canada branch, will meet la*n the activity rocom of Wbitby Public iàbrary on*'fliursday, Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m.' Guest speaker Shari Snetsinger will discuss ber forthcoming book, a genealogical coxn penium of the Hcks' fanuly from, medieval times until. the present. -The film 'Heritage Farms,' showing the Hiclds heritage farm at Wapoase, Prince Edward County, will hoshown. Ail are welcome. For further information, cail Donald Douglas Fox at 576-3175., PROBLMS WITH WCB? The Durham Regional Union of Injured Workers. will hold a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m., at the Italian Club, 245 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Guest spakeor will ho Odoarda di Santo, cimrmnan, Workmen's Compensation Board. CESABEANPREVENTION- The Cesarean Prevention-Sup- port and Education group will meet on Monday, Feb. 3, 8 P.m., at 14 calette dir., Whitb . Topic will ho 'Alternatives ta Drugs in Pregnancy.' For more informa- tion caîl 430-0589 or 430-2343. CLUB CARIB The regular general meeting of Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. will be held on Sunday, Jan. 26, 7:30 pmat Sunnyside Park Club- houa, --Stacey/McKim avenues, Oàèhawa. *Persaons inteirested In jiningar. welcome ta aâttend. CANADIAN OBGANIC GROWEIWS TeDurhamn chapter of Canadien Organic Growers will meet in the program room, WVhitly Public Librar, t 7:30 p.ni.- on Wednesda an. 22 ta exchange, seeds, bulbs, cuttings and ideas for the 1992 growing season. AUl are welcome. Cal 434-6231 for further information. AROBATRON A 'Dance for Heart Arobathon' will ho held at the European Women's Health Club on -Thurs- day, Feb. 20 ta, raise funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Women"imay pfick up registration formns at the club 1121 Dundas St. E., WVhitby, wbere the event will ho held. For more informa- tion caîl 666-4540. BIG BROTHIERS Big Brothers of Oshawa- Whitby will niove ta a new office location 1050 Simcoe St. N. (above Lairy Queen), Oshawa, as of Feb. 1. Postal code is LMG 4W5, the telephone nuinhor (579- 2551) is unchanged. MEETIG The Oshawa chapter, one Parent Family Association, will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Guest speaker will h Steve Orton from Developmental Parenting Ser- Vices.]New members and guesta welcome. For more information, call 986-5707 or 728-1011. DESSERT & 0MWD PARITY The annual C'pid's Dessert and Card Party wil ho held on Wednesday Jan. 29, 7 pmi the Brokhn United Chuirch Christian Education building. Advance tickets ($4) only are available at the church office (655-4141) morninga from Mon- day ta Friday, or by calling Mar-, garet Wilson at 655-459. No tickets will ho available at the door. GOING TO BE?ee.. Bob Stanley& Associates, mc. 15 MpegoCrt (416) 668-8988 Fax (416)4014 BMETING Durham Regian Field Naturalists will ineet on Monday, Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., at Northview Publieiàbarary, 250 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Scheduled guest speaker Michael Runtz, 'a naturaliat at Algonquin Park who bas written a book 'Moose Country,' will give a talk and alide presentation on the subject. New membors are welcomne. MEDICAL SEMINAR The Lung Association will hold a ane-day modical seminar on Wednesda jan 29 at the Oshawa HoIiday Inn. Dr. Charles K Chan, University of Toronto specialist, will ho guest speakeBr. The prograin will provide .,a compréensive overview of-,HIV management and current therapies for AIDS patients, and will ho of interest ta physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists and social workers. Registration fée is $50 (including' lunch). For more information, calI the association at 436-1046. BOWL-A-THON Oshawa Deaf Contre bowl- a-thon will be held on Saturday, Jan. 25 at Plaza Bowl & Amusement, 158-B Harwoad Rd. S., Ajax (5-pini), hoginning at 5 p.m. There will ho an entry feè of $3.50; one drink and light snack will, ho provided; one gaine per persa* n (one hour). Register at the Oshawa Deaf Centre to get your time and lane number. For more information, cali 579-3328. ELAINE ZIEMBA Elaine Ziemba Minister for Citizenship and hIuman Rights, wille hogest speaker at the annua1meting of the Durhamn Centre NDP Constituency Asso- ciation on Monda, Feb. 3,.7 pmat the ýCAW Hall, 1425 Pil.tpMurray Ave., Oshawa. Ziemba will discus'Employment Equity' at 8 p.m., with a ques- tion-and-answer session ta fol- low. Refreshmente'will ho served. FABULOUS 50s AND 60a >DANCE' Brooklin-Whitby Mirior Hockey Auiliary wll hol a 'Fabulous, 60s and, 60sd dance on Saturday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m., at Heydenshore Paviion. There will ho 'a catered buffet, cash bar, isc jockey and door prizes. Ticketsý are $25 per couple and are- available at Peacock, S'ports, fr-om a-wdliary menihors or by calling 666-3944.- BUENS-SUPPER« The 59th annual B rS ~ will ho held on Friday, Ja.uf.' p.m., at St. Andrew'es Presby- terian Church, Cochrane -St.,e Whitby. Tickets, $15 for adults and $_5 for those under age 5, include roast beef dinner, a musical program and .High1land dancing. Tickets are available at the church weekdays until il a.m., and at Ferguson's Knitting and Bailey's Big V Pharmacy in downtawn Whitby. For more in- formation cali the church office at 668-4022. *SPrFLRESCE BRT On Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5:30 p.m., at D>urhami College,, the, Head-JInjwzy Assocation of Durhamn R"ion 'wil hast a Spitfires Clbity basketball game featuring the* woerld-famous Spitfires wheelchair basketball team playing à seleèt team of celebrities - playing in wheelchairs. ickets are $5 for adulte, $3 for, students and free for children under 12, and are available at the athletic department of Durham College or from the Head Injury Association of Durham Region, 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa." Proceeds will go ta, the Head InyAssocation. For information, ciltheassociation at 723-2732 or college athletic department at 576-0210. GENEALOGICALSOCIET The Whitby-Oshawa Genealo- gical Society will meet on Tues- day, Feb. 4, 7:15 ta 10 p.m., ini the cafetorium at Henry Street with genealo! Discussion of problems will ltake place. IThe meeting is open ta the p~ublie. For more information cali Bessie Gannon at 723-7460 ýor Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. 1 * P esrpton Dl-erds Il j j * J' y CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING' Durigthe winter montha. te municipality cleans the snow from al sideaks in the Town of Why. Please be advised that the Town will 110 be responsible for any damagescausedby muRnicipal .sidewaik snow clearinp .equment to, ajcssuch as Woo<i, conretd or brick'driveway edgîngs, hedges or srsfonces and flower beds placed- by residents on the public road ailowanoe inear or adjacent ta the sidewaik. Repairs to damnaged sod will be undertakon by the Town, as deemed neoessary. Should you require additional information, please cail us. Vour continued co-operation is appreciated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS CENTRE 668-3437

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