Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 9

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____________ WYM EEPRES2, WEDNEBDAY, JANUARY8 1992, PAGE10 AtintiPakagngadAdress es, noise problems. By Marlo Boucher Borne Whitby residents were bothered by noise problems at AlanticPackauing ni 1991. In J!uM SeOntarieMinis. try of Environnient ordered the company, te ceas.erationsfoli lowing'complaints by 2ïlal resiM d ents about noise. ;Tii. Town recelved caîls from as, far as Kendalwood ]Rd. and, Garrard Rd. ith~easut te Bad- ley St.and,*'Anderson. St. in tii, north. Uen«eamanager Bob Nelson siald the noise problem was a mseyadhoped nineer wuld resolve tistatig Ooc and for-all. The. plant was s3hut down tem- porarily i January 'and the. noise problem was later. found te b. ini four 60-ft. exhaust stacks connected te vaccuni pumps i the newspaper plant. Tii. nowi problem aippeared te b. corr.cted but i late March, Lowder Place residents sent a 20-name petition te tthe Town' compiau*ning of, continuous noise from ii.eplant. Altiioupi tiie noise was net as intense smo. the. repairs don. by the company i Januar,' resm- dents wrote i the petition .of a "iow, penetrating, droning» sound. Irî late April,' Town council approved a recommnendation*for Atlantic Packagfing te shut down its equipment at certain times. 'The marhinery causing the noise problem. was net allowed te b.b used between.il p.nt. and 7 a.m. on weeknihts and at ,any turne on Sunda s. .But Neson said the, company would have difficultY omplYing witii the Town's request because eacii part of tiie operation dépends on anotiier part, and tiie siiutdown of tiie noisy equipment would disrupt tiie entire produc- tion. Ini late May, Atlantic Packag izng teld the Town it would net b. able ýte coiy wwitii the request te shut down the. noisy e'qmp- ment but promnised a emaet, solution te b. -in plac=wtina montii. Muffling devices were instalied on the, noisy equpment in June and sievera tetswere conducted for a few weeks. By -mid-August, residents found -the 'noise problem accp- table and ,1Alanîtic " Packagm waa satisfied witii tiie'noise level and said it would. continu, te monitor the. devices. GST confu sion, at Whitby, busines.ses, By Marlo Boucher The efect of the goods and services tax (GST) was feit by every Whitby business in 1991. The. introduction of the new tai a year ago created confusion, and'frustration at the stores as both customers, and merchants tried te, make the transition te a high 15 per cent overali 'tax includig the provincial sales tax. Many merchants were unsure as to what items the GST had te b. applied, and fait the federal government did flot provided the necessary information te get theni prepared for the new tax. Costa iuch as updating equip- Although there were no major nian elompthe receesion took fIltUon the, workforce i Whtyin 1991. There were layof at Companmes such au Lear Siqiler Seating and Wood- bridge Foam, whicii supply parts toG ,and Lasco Steel, while several small businesses closed down. On"tii. brigiit uide, iiowever, Durham Regi»on'. economic deve- loprnent department received seérious" inquiresb'ppt ent ia invstrs from the U.j.,nln .and Toronto. 'iln ment for the, GST added 1'rustra- t.iesforatore owners. Several local. merchants such as Jerrysà-The DuWarehouse, LàA. HaircuttersancM&D Méats refused.'te collect the new tai freni their customers hi a revoit agalnst it. Oter businesses absorbed the GBT to keep thiior prices competi- tive and spare their 1shoppers- frompayikg the tai Tii. Canadian People'à Net- work was created by angry mer- chatswhoreim aithe new tai and' lobbied ininumerous newspap.rs in Toronto.-,, Fr.. Press publisher Doug Anderson aiso tried te build. a national anti-GST -coalition in the.fitagsthe new tax. By early February, most of the Ear ini1991, the. Ministry of Environnient decided toexetend the. life of a provisional certifi- cate of approval gran*ig Lamc telpermission totemporariiy store waste on its HopkinsSt ermrea?*roved, thelnsc berM whb. capable of hol ..a up tel15 y-earsworth of rubber, plastic cloth and glass notrc- cle wlen Lasco sbreds old car for metal. Il ýIi \ > merchants had begun te, charge the. GST because of a iack êf revenues but vowed te, continue te pressure tiie federal-govern- ment te, eitiier 'witiidraw or, modify tii. new tai. The. Ontario Taipayers'- Coali- tion began te grow in, popularity witi- the'on. main o bjoectve - te regain- contrýol Of gvernmnent sendrfi"ro'mtii "Ciansfor We wiII design, Iayout, build andinstal. QUALITY I AF FORDABILITY. Cali or visit our factory showroom Mon. to Fri1. 8 arn - 5 pm or cali for an appointment. p ,.*I-*~.'- ..~*- - S.-. ô<f.t.~ rlr~eftP'.vl% r.Y r.-e.~v.i. ~ ii,~ '~,~t.f?:7~r~

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