WEWHITY FEEPUES% TMIRAY, JANUARY 2, 1»%2 PAGE 3 Private day-care -centres offer quality, cost-effectiveness To the Editor: As the sUpervisor of a private day cars centre in Whitby, I was offended by the article: written by Mario Boucher (Free Press, Dec. 26/91) on non-profit day care. In several instances, it was implied that only non-profit' centres offer quality service. and were the only ones concerned about the children they cars for. There were alwso eyerai other atatements made that need-to be clarified. Firat of ail, everyone who works 'i the child-oere field is i it for the love of childrsn, not for the . salaxy they receive. No matter which sector one works in, or what position they hold i that sector, the remuneration la hiaequtefor 'the time and car .ing given to the children. Ail licensed day cares in the province of Ontario must imeet, the same requirements stated i M.tn abdra»rrn h o I haebd mychlden n ot private daycar enrs r Ol tove0f ny hiren attendedasa non-profitt, beau-samlyari stwasto youngad my clde wouldh býen ofc>nt,'ad I efeir piatepyretdyarl aTede non-profit centreha lunhadivere oma ocldhome cS oo l codn totonher non-rfof itb ortoysa Atqtepmt.Dprivate ycentre'.m staff mat b. re cgibe atetegd. The nonpofiht ctheha Iuchdont es myi=a lclhmea proks uconlbusines . ssThe as :produta hanmoenvionen where childrsnmare scravgeto grow, b. creative and, aboe all, D.eanindividual. Debra Bilodesu Whitby. TAX FREE JANUARY We Ray G.S.T. and P.S.T. Dec 30 to Jan. 31 Whitby Mail 1.615 Dundas St. East 172-8-9141l.- the Day Nurseries Act'and muet b. inspscted annually by the sanie governnient inspectors. Any faciity not meeting these requirements doses fot receive its licence and is given three montha ln which tocomply or close. One of these requirements id that certain chil/aff ratios muet b. maintained at ail timon. Another is that thers always b. a plentifli rotation of good toys on the premises. Our toya are p urchased from our revenue - the sées paid ly the parents who use our service. On the ot.hsr baud, non-profit centres receive annual grante - funded' by your tax dollars - to purchase usw toys and equipmeut for their centre. Centres in both sectora receive funding from the. governinent te augment staff salaries.hI the non-profit sector, this is over $6,000 per staff per year; in the privt sector, this is around $3,000Oper. staff per year. Both sectors may have Purchase of Service agreements with the governxnent which is when the Region pays the cost of the fees te the centre, so that a child whose parent cannot afford te pay may attend. Because private centres are run by one person as a business, they operate much more., cost sffectively than a non-profit centre which has a board that often bas no concerns about how the tax dollars are bsing spent. Non-profit centres receive much more in governmsnt grants su ad tai breaks than private centres, oftn pay no rent lor their facility, yst there i. usually littls or no difference lu the. fees chargod. Perhape non-profit centres should be alittle mors concsrned w'ith Wualcing a profit' so that our taxes can b. lowered. As -for maklng a profie on children, what about, stores that cater strictly 'to, the nesds anid wants of chil<dren, or companles that specializeli producta for tbis aNe group. Do they nsed te have goverument sanctions againat them aleo% or ehould they b. left alous S that parents have a choice in which producta and services they select for their child? When 1 went to school, I learned that Canada was a democracy, flot a dictatorship, where people were fl'ee te make choices over matters that concern them. There is a serlous lack of day cars in al of Ontaio at present. Th. government could bs spending our money much more wisely by pain more fees for children nhosm parents cannot afford te pay. Parents need te hÊav e the choies as to what kind of cars they may choose for their child. Day-cars workers need te have the choie about who thsy work for, and receive the saine pay as the psrson across the street. The goverument, with ita favouritism of one secter over another, is causing dissention among the parents, and axnong- the workers. Ail parents and al worksrs need to unite in this comnion goal te provide the best cars possble for our cbildren with thelet coot te the taxpayers. Te private system bas functioned well at no coat to the taxpayers for years - long before there were non-profit centres. Now the government wants us to turu our centres into non-profit ones - but not at current market valus. This privats day cars will continue te provide quality TEIE PROSPECT 0F WHITBY LASER KARAOKE With Tony & Roz WED. A T. JANUARY lst - 4th 158 Brock* St. N. (At Mary Street) Wh~ibv66592 MY SISTER'S PýLACE Chris Wilson & Brian Thurs. - Sat. 9 - 1 arn, Saturday Matinee 3 - 5 pm, .Sunday 8 - 12pm SPECIAL SUNDAY MAT1NEE Terri Benniett 3:00 to 7:00 PM. 339 Malaga, Oshawa 576-9121 services to the people- of our community despite govenxnsnt opposition. Fera MK Noftle Adminstraive -supervisor Perrýy Houa. 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1. Tom Cochrane MAD, MAD WORLD - Capital 2. U2 ACHTUNG BABY -A&M 3. Aerosmith PANDORA'S BOX - Sony 4. Natalie Cale UNFORGETTABLE - Warner 5. Metallica METALLICA - Wamer 6. Robbie Robertson STORY VILLE - MCA 7. Rod Stewart VAGABOND HEART- Wamer 8. Michael Bolton TIME LOVE & TENDERNESS:. Sony 9. Nirvana NE VER MIND - MCA 10. Bryan Adams WAKING UP THE NEIGHBOURS - A&M GLENN MILLER The Cmrlte 13 CD Set Bioentennlal Speclal Edtion 3 CD Set (arssfote Brick 432283 OLLEOLCT T-lIE ES!ONI 7,77 4,