PAGE 2. WHMTYFPM PRF& THKaRSMAy, jANUARy2,19 .ý-WbitbY, residents' commen>t, ments made at forum meetings and expectations, concerning the and reponses ýrom householders constitutional proposais wiIlb. distributed .ta ail home ii par ofa epot ow eig drawÎn Ontario riding, which includes upnby the Peoj'le's orum for Wbitby. Consttutio alluecommit- Last September, Ontario rid- tee. ing Ml> Rene Soetens formed the, 'Ie report wil reflect com.- cémmittee of 12, people'ta lead a I We are the answer to your INew Year's resolutions... I MAKE METRO. A LOCAL Cai Toronto and area as often as you wish and alkas long as you like ~ $479 RESIDEN'TIAL BUSINESS plus G.S.T.* plus G.S.T.* SALES LOCATION - OSHAWA CENTRE SHOPS Up TOP 7284070 co mply with CRTC and Bell *One Urne set-up & actvadon fee. series of public meetings ta get opinions on, aspects of' thel 28 constitiutionsil proposals tabled in the Houa. of Gommons by ýtii. federal government. Five forum meetings wereheld in the -ridinf.:sudhwhile -atten- danc w ow, te committe. states in an linterim report that "W. iore enamoure& by the ciuality f those who sppke their vi.wa than by actual nm bers iattendance ... » The final report wiIl b. coi- pleted by the. end of January, sud Soetens will table the. report in the Roua. of Gommons. Tii. committe. stated in the interim report that those who spoke at public meetings said Caniada hýtd ta copeentrate on the ecnoiny, not on' ti. cqnstitu- tiopial criais; that' the ýSenate should b. more equitable and representative or abolishied out- right; sud -tAiey ,spokd about rigits for minorities an& youths- about pr=opetriglita enihrined in the. Carter of Rights, and aboriginial self-government. Ovérwhelminigly, there were commenta about "distinct society.» For example, there were suggestions that Canada has changed dramaticaUly since Con- federation and that the experi- ment of the two founding nations is obsolète, and suggestions that Canadians must speak for a whole Canada and not just' parts Whitby H), V Electric Commission RETAIL RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 19,1999 On Januaryi1 st, 1992 an average rate Increase of 11.84% wil take effeo for ail power consumed on or atter that date. This increase is In rspnse to an il1.84% increase In wholesaie rates from O=trl Hydro to th, Whtby Hydro Electrlc Commission. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES MONTHLY RATES First 250 kWh 10.390 çach kWh Balance 6.850" GENERAL SERVICE Dsmand Charge: First 50 kW N/C Balance $4.75 Energy Charge: First 250 kWh 10.390 each kWh Nextl12,250OkWh 7.130w Next 1,784,000 kWh 5.220. Balance 3.310a MinImum Bill: under 50 kW< $6.45. over 50 kW 600 per kW for ali kW applicable to the maximum biiing demand during the previous il months, or the contracted amount, whlchever ls the greater.-» Wlnter kW kWh peak kWh off-peak Summer kW kWh Peak kWh off-peak LARGE USER $13.63 $ 4.31 $ 3.18 $-9.98 $ 3.75 $ 2.18 TRANSFORMER LOSSES AdJusMents shaîl b. made ln accrdanco with section IV, Clause 60of the S.A.R. TRANSFORMER ALLOWANCE The above rates are based upon service at utilization voltage. Where the customer supplies his own transformation. facihities, the foilowing discount rates appiy: Biiing demand rate' is reduced by 600 r kilowatt. Voltage between 1 and 50 kV - 60o of blill1ng demfand. Voltage 230 kV and above - $1 .80 of billiing demand. FLAT RATE WATERI HEATERS - BILLING CHARIT Element Size DOLLARS/kWh fromn UFAP - $34.90 Lower Upper Element Balanced or Single Residentiai Commercial 400 $12.56- 450 $14.13- 500 $15.71- 550$1 7.28- 600 818.85- 650 $1 9.96 700 $21 .01 750 25 850 $24.38- 900 $25.60- 950 $2679- 11000 $27.92 1500 $41.88- 2000 $55.84 » 3000$44.50 $83.76 3800 56.:36 - 4500 $66.75 $1 25.64 unbaianced 1000 3000 $2967 - 1500 4500 1 $44.50 - LMt Paynt -' oeha a 5% late payment charge ont not pald by the due date. 100 Taunton Rd. East Whitby Office hours: Monday to Frlday 8:30 amn - 4:3Oprn Enqurles are welcorne B. Thompoon Mays P. Eng T. W. Lawlsi Generai Manager Chairman blls for as littie as a cup of coffee a day you can join the Durham Squash & Fitness Club Get In. ~CaU Derrlqk5427.-3253 e. .pe emum Fors19s9s Î, . . .. -, .-. , .- , . . . . . , , ., « . ý. - - » d-J . Of it. Others talked about 'binding national referenda while others openly endorsed the distinctive- ness of Quebec as a recognition of reality. The. comniittee concludes that CanadiansMay. e getting tired of the constitutional discussion, or may b. conoerned more about theméelves than about the coun- try. Mayýor to help deal with noise prýoblems in park By 1Mari.Boucher Mayor Tom Edwards hope. ta- help resdents i Weet Lynde .t. identify the ýyouths who, are creating noise in Central Park. IIt apears that young peole in their ery nségt lg spirited Yvth hquorand mena ýa lot of nise reatinig disturbance ini the ares,' he iBaya. Edwards saya they have <'acted back' againèt the. local residents. 6That1s gonna sto p »' Edwards says that kind of behaviour is-not and -wil not b. permitted in Whitby., He sayai the best solution is ta, identifyr the teenagers and, then contact the parents. Residents s hould be able ta enjoy their homes with peaoe and quiet, lie Baya. >"W. have ta get the parents and the residenits ta help us before tho problem gets wore,» lie Beys. Edwards- says. afrongermea- sures may b. takenif they r necéessarytaastp the activities as soon as possible. >I HaLving the youthisapolo gieon local televisio6n to the residents thaY b. on. method ta teach tem a lesson, hbasy. Edwards says h. hope.ti.or any other methods can b. avoi- ded. Some residenits whose homes' are, adjacent ta the Park want more.police patrolling the area and improvedlgting Accoding to alettfromna ugroup of conceredparents," the youths are destroymg some of. theZ !ak eqmiPment as well as. fhtn, drinlcing and having sez i Cenbýal Park. Ibe letter states there i. peer Pressure t e b.«C0ol7 Witl"in the grusof about 60 teenagers. TmIr. residents are. afr-aidth numersofyouths will worsen ýand get out of hand. Staff St Bey Graham of the Durham Regonal Police said earlier that th park ie being monitored and not as big a pro- blem as repotd Larry orw head of parka and recreation, said there bas been requests ta irprove the iglting in the park. The Futurei