hiMMS 0F the Glasgow Rangers Supporters Club (top photo) recently donated about $300 worth of food to the Salvation Army. In photo at* left, Whitby downtown. ILOBO . store employeei- Sharon Manchen. (middle) and Jennifer Whalen (right) help Rose of Durham founder Betty van Hezenyk- sort donations from customers snd employees of the Whltby store. Rose of Durham provides support services for youn ome and moms-tobe. XakleseWhb Fm WHTMB MRE PRESS, THURSDAY, JAMJARY 2,1992 PAGE il IBREW YOUR OWN GREAT TASTING BEER 0 on our premnises o 28 Varieties à to choose' from Il! Prices start at $78.00 for 6- cases of BEER.. TME PEflSONAL BREWERY Cail For Information 860 Brock Road South Unit #8, Pickering Morn-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10o-5