Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Dec 1991, p. 16

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PAGE le, WHITBYREE F.E8STHPJIWDY, DECEMBER26,1991 Jupsta rt'at cO Ilege .Durham Colege 'Jumpstart' programs ini busineass and busi- ness -dinsraiotechnolcig and, genera arts wii begfin Jan. 6. tration -dciploma «Jumpistart programs are for peol ihng toe iter second yoar i September 1992 after six months of the. first-year programs. 11 For technology and general arts and science, students can start second semeo f the. frut yea3r with grade 13 maths and sciences credfits. 1 Beginning in February, colleg prep porm are alo availablo fo atdetswihng to enter a dliploma program but don't have the necessary prerequisites. Tihe programis in pro- technolofy and pro-business will BIMEN, Coret and Rudolph (alias jAndrew Farie, Danma Lue and, Stephan Kolesnikowic'z). perform at- St. Mattliew school's Junior Christmnas concert. PMoto by Mark Rmmsr, Whltby Fýr..Pmol 1-1 provide studnts with tii hedlls required tý, enter diplomna offe.ing , '- !orings Only' >roras in-I business admirna- tain ore .fashion retal adrniiiistratio#i for students who cannot attengi achool fu11-tixýie.* Theso rgrm also begfin Jan, 6. For ro~ nformation :on choies. atDurham 'Cdhkee, contact the 'busness division at 576-0210, ext.' 3W- or 376. Trent University wiil offer a 12-week spring acadeniic program from Jan 27 to April 28, 1992 at Durham Collego. Four , .introductory-Ievel courses, in cultural studios,, English, psychology and sociology will b. offered. Each course will meet two evenings a week. Although the. session Îe open to all part-timo students, it is scheduled for the convenience of high school students who will graduate in January. Anyone ,n.eding information on courses, admaission policy or registration should attend the information session on Jan. 7, 4 to 8 p.m., in the Oshawa, Public Library auditorium. .For furtiier, informatii or to obtain a copy of. the spring pgrmbrochure.- cal.Trent's part-time studios office', ,in Oshawa at 416-723-9747 or in Peterborough at 705-748-1229. lâo J. Austin stuadesitDaSpo how to fashon ho sbaped by heating In hot water. gh1Mw soeWf1~Y. u SENORS' CLASS REGISTRAT[ON Reqitrtion for* board of education classes starting in January at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre »III b. iield Monday, Jan,6,9 a.m. te 4 p.m., througii Friday, Jan. 10. Rogistrtion is on a first-come, flrst-served bass, and classes Il sup uckly. There wil ho classes sci as fltness, aquafit, caffiga hbailroom dancing and mo.eFor further information, =aU the centre at 668-1424. WJNTER CAMRNVAL The Oshiawa YWCA will hold a winter carnival on Dec. 30, 31 and Jan. 2, from 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., with extended hours available. There wil ho various winter activities for childron aged 5 to 12 years. For more information, contact the. YWCA at 576-8880. MACHEKN1ITERS The Oshawa Machine Knitters' Guild will meet on Jan. 7, 7 p.m., at Dr. S.J. Phullipesciiool 625 Simcoo St. N. (corner of koasf- land), Oshiawa. New members are welcome, haud-knitters of machine-knitters. For more in- formation ca11 Peggy at 576- 9810. LWVINGWITH CANCER The Living Witii Cancer Sup- port Group will meet'on MondaLy, bÎ;. 307 to 9 flin.. at the Ajax BONSAI SOCIE'1Y The. Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Monday, Jan. 6, starting at 7 pamn, at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshiawa. For more information caîl 683-2568 or 725-2045. SNOWREMOVAL Whitby seniors who are i need of snow removal assistance eau eall the.Whitby Seniors' Acti- vi%tyCntre at 668-1424.,Volun- ter ho eau ielp witii snow shovelling are alsonieeded. IMS SWIM! - 16TÉ Cricket Club, coner of Clements ANNUAL 8<I-A-THON, and Monarch, Ajax. Ail welcome. BOTTLE DIVE. The. City -of Oshawa will hast a For more informnation calilthe. lOti Whitby scouts will iiold a marathon swim- in aid' cf Canadian Cancer Society at 686- bottle drive on Saturday, Jan. 4 Leuk,.mria Research-Fund. 'Jim's 1516. doort dorhi .Sts Ottr Cre Swim' je in memory of Jim inlin ortdo ithOteCek who initiated tii. project. From. REGISTRATION snd West Lynde areas. Jan. 5 te 26, 1992, long-distance Registration for. Durham PENNYBINGO swimmer, Barb Loreno, Wiil Board of Education classes start- Pénb will be held at the 'Swim for Jim' at the. Centennial ing i January at theiit4 Whitby Semors Ativty Cetr PoCivic Auditorium Complex, Seniors' ActivitvContre.will b. on tbi4ySeor,s Acti atntr 141 'mornton Rd. S, Oshawa. A held Jan. 6te-l, 1 am.te4 p.m. a.;Bring pennies and weara culrinating célebration, catered Classes include fit:uesa, aquafit., new Christmas sweater te bW by TRS Services Limited, wiil b. calligraphy, balro dancing, eýligile for a special prize. Cal held on Sunday, Jau. 26, il a.m. folk art, cerarnicsansd woodcarv- 681424 fomreifmaon te 1 p.min .Bby Orr mng. Call 668-1424 for more infor- o oeifrain lounge floigcompletion cf the ]nation- lest lap off the 21-mile swm. MARCH OF DIMES 'EW WySeniors'ANCEii Sponsor sheets are aveilable m>"' 'me Ontario, March of Dimes CoTe WIl iynio the new y Oshawa CitY Hall'.Or the will hold its community fundrau*s- Cnr ilrn ntenwy Ljeukeniia Reserach Fundofce ca~ n with a danice on Tueday~ Dec. 31 Contributions may bo made te f îm Jn 2te Féb. 28. Volun- starting at 8:30 pan. at the Leukemia Paesarch Pumd' head teers are needed for door-te-door centre, 801 Broek St. S. Co" per office, 3768 Bathurst St, suite sud telepiione canvassing, sud pgron is $15 that includes a 300, Toronte, Ont. M3H 3M7. distribution of campaign posters* b et lunchdi inih o Donations are also being accepted Caîl 434-5280, or attend a meet- prum sud nom akr.Acs at tii. Toronto-Domiion Bank at iPgbon Suuday, Ja. 5 2 p.m., at n h Ring sudý Sime Sta. Oshiawa. te Oshawa Civic.- ditorium tikets are available to, members FC 4.or ruer FIDDLE CLUB, mhe Oshawa/Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club wiil meet on Fffriday~ Jan. 3 7-30 ý pm., at Heden-? shiore ai1o. idlr.,git« players, square and round dan- cors are welcome. Admission is $2. Ail arewlcome. 31W THURSDAY 3rd Thursday Breakfast is a women's ýnetwork that meets montily at the Old Munich Caf., King et. E., Oshawist 'me nexi meeting is at 7:30 a.m. Members and -guests are 1wellee For more information sud reserva- tions cail 723-1143. GENEALOGICALSOCIETY The Whitby-Osiiawa Genealo- *~ .Scetfwll eton Tues- d, J an. e7 '7: 15 téee 10p M.-9i n thé. caftrumat Henry Street High Scho<il. Whitby archiviat BrlaiW-Intr w pésnt Inter- eatng haactrs Whi#iWs past, the famous *and the. ifamn- oua.5 Meetingsare fre. and open teétit.epublic. For more- informa- tncLBesie Gannon at 723- 7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668- 8177. North Oshawa'Chaptar, One Parent Familfies A .o.aqinwi meet Jan. %- 8 j,.m., at Christ Churcb, Mary aud Hlflcnift SEN& Oshawa for ita monthly generaf business meeting. New me mbors and gu-s-- welcoene. -For Informtion, 432-22eor 57>588 DIABITES For donations to, the. Charles H. Beat Diabetes Centre ini Osh- awa, cali Martina Van Hout of Brooklin at 655-4569. Due te ilinesa, se is accepting dona- tions at her home. Cal or for- directions te, her home. NEW TEANS ENU DANCE The Kniglits of Columbus will hold its annual iiew Year' Eve dam.ce. ikets are $35 per couple which includes' food, fun and refreshments. To avoid dimna gynten et yuC kets ear y v =tfin MatinTurpin at 430-2924. PARENT & TOT st. maries Parent & Tot IB' meets on Thursday 9:10 te 11:10 a.mbenni~ in.9. Each -oet-weesession offers quali- fled cares and apropriate activi-' ties for infants and children. Up to age 6. Aseparate parents program includes. speakers; caffe outinge'and social time. Ii. ê2 cost for each family member regfister.d poides aZ child car., matrlrefresh- monts and sakr/outing fees in the. non-pr t, public prog rem. Reogistration is bimited and enids Jani. 4., For more information, oeil Brenda et 668-0488. PROGRAM The YMCA will bost a WiMnter BreaW camp for chuldren aged 5 te 12 on Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 2 and 3, at -the. Whitby Baptist Church. The f.. is $29 per day or $110 for ail four days. A New' Years Ev. camp, for. children' -a t 2, will b. held from 7 ~~n.,Dec. 3 1 la.m., Jan. 1. wiil hoindocvroutdoor game , sôngacraftssnacks and a New Year's . Îe party, and breakfast will b. served inithe, morning. The cost is $50 per chfld. For information and regstrtio, oil668,6868 or' - i

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