Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 31

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WH1TY FEE P~E8, WENESAY, ECEBER1:4 I891, PAGE ai Caeer aware'ness.,day hel A.areer awarenesseetwa ete oiecadet. such dprinnaaspogap reetiy -held i. W tyfor APanel fplc ies,(i eeteforensicidenti- seodai7 stdentsi n ham ran. gin rmcdtt egatp ficatiogi and tacticl spportunt ReinDrimRegional Policefielded quesns eltin oete qimn used Iiyr these DuamBoard. of ducation .andmn spcscf1f a oic oic eer a n dsiy Durtliaro ::separate achool board afcr Organisea say the sesson werl e h.sosrcfthe'event uig l. enowm:-m.ost rewarding. for :1h. Duinham' Regional - lice :SgL. stdents .ad an cortnt e suens-I &aar.alistic look J00 entt * expitn I0Mý lore 1. h. e r ftoein aI wrk glmoized bye1h.media. realied thâtimany stuLnts b.d _________________ few opportunitié. toiobservé the, ~ avilaie i ~' New :department*at Christian High School Holi talked M, ooeaie _______________________ educationt" eaandfon need for an. awarenews da for Durham Christian Ili othe cartal organizations ceera availabie, in. the POlice9 Scoolha. created. a resource throughout south-centr-al, Ontario.. farc deIopàment and-cmunt The resource development and H.é said many students do nt Geltio.d.partment. conimunity relations office reus ter i mretepoic lfe Thsnew depatetwilb perates on Tuesdaya and thndriving a criner.- Bennett directed by Dennis R. Ulman. 7huradaysfrom 9 a.m. te, noon. thgnied h resources c f the The. main focus of th.e F« further, infrsrmation, cati Dunham RegÏonai Police and department wiil b. te. promote (416)623-5940. pres.nted a g,,,glimpo. cf soin îîhe achool and ils activities te, the careers availabie te int.rested surroundingcmuiisadt applcnst h-oiefre rais. fund% on béhalf of the, Ovr100 stdents participated achool.Grd 8 t iet in the event h.id at- Hopkins UlIman's backcground includes G ae8su e t Reource Centre,, Whity. Bennett extensive experience in th.e aa to present adminited, a mini-versi*on cf a cf publIic relations and C rsm spa r.cruiting test given te applicants fund-rmingrst a..l' for ti. olce farce. Mn He Vas worked with the _________ students found eut how spemlîng Ontario Mardi cf Dimes, YMCA and mental ability are important cf IHamfiton/Burlington and many 'The. Kid -in the Cradie' will b. By Sania Bb~go Hello. SoniaB<bin oe.. Last, Thursday bas proven to b. most newsworthy, for it was the evening cf DO'C,, annual Chriatmas For ai, asplendid take*n '.pIcCai the ".restigioth Heyd.nshore, Pavilioi. Howevers organizers of the event probabiy thouglit that the. hubbub, and madnesa -cf -.industrial Whitbty wouid b. too much -fer the young parothus the venue this year Liýiý'thýAHM aNmRoom, in, the freshly, renovated AjNax Community Centre.' Amid al the, confusion of havmng te get te the riglit establihment, thoe who attended aiso had te face th. onerous task of entering the correct doors Manythank to DU~C Vi>. Mr. R. Fitzgibbon for informing al cf us that th. soulli door which we were te use wouid' moot probably b., those which « face Lake Ontarjo.'ý Most late-coers told this reporter that tii fartf tha hyhdcnue Jr. FiAgbUSTINStrctoS.a ]By Karen Ahn entered the ntheastdoor, wiiich face Ungava Bay. However, al arrived safely, and the. ev.ning was an unrntigatedosucces. Tih. eve' cf the.*Christmas Formai (Dec. 4), ais. saw an unitgated success in the form cf Seior Comedy Niglit. ITis ehbto f -hliity co1 à-axed uproarieus la"eter from the audience- (which was a -mst obligi ne n), and many à loud gufw from the. show'. producer,' T. Gallaglier. Sincere thanlcs to ail Who att.nded, and congrats te ail partcipants -- save that mangy doginact one.--(it knows Who il i.)., Y.st.rda,- the pr.liininary, auditions for OAC Christmas Sits tock place, and on. wenders if th. reservoir of creativity at this school can ever run dry. On. thinka net. Well, laI', ailfrom lie, se. youi next time. Until tien.. p resentedatai nesseci ivirgueni.e Youvilie.- Catholic School on Tu.sday, Dec. 17. The play, written and directed b grde 8 teacher Edmund bDick.on and presented by grade 8 students, Will begin at 7:30- p.m. Extravaganz'a of music- at sohool1 OnThray Dec. 19 Durham Christian -High School will present thir, anmuai Chrinas prganb.ginning at 7:30 p.m. Te sehool'. Choir and Concert Band wiil b. performixig aiong with the- Double Quartet Vocal Ensemble and the Durham Jazz Combo. ickets for this. musical .xtravaganza are available fer $3 from any student in. the DCHS -music departaent or b~y cailing th. ocho at 623-5940. Tickets will aie b. available at th. door prior te, the concert. Th. music department at DCHS is dir.cted by Gienda Hull and Dennis R. Uliman., Crime Stoppera. and Durham Reqional Polic are cniun to ask for the publida help in solvinp break, enter adtet that are occumng throughout the regio<i. On Feb. 9 oftMis year, at 2:30 a.m.,,there was abreak-in at the Liquior Control Board store at 1251- Simcoe St. N. i Oshawa.,Three, suspecte smashed the front window of the store and theri. grabbed several bottles of liquor, placingthe stolen p]ro~rnthd n eEm broke, ýand several boItteès smashed and others. were lefI bhid t the scene. The.sspct were, last'seen runmng eastbound from the scene., Theft and dama.ge çostaare .timatedat $600. There -Waé ais. a break-iù duing, the late evening houof! sept. 10 or earIy morning cf Sept." il at the Zellers- store a t 1300 King'St. K., Ohawa. Entry was gained by smasbing an east font indýow. Suspect(s) stole a large quantaty of cigarets and men's jeans. Break, enter. and thefts are co.ting- thousands of dollars every year and are an ongoing problem Uouhout the region. Crim d toppers w*Mlpay up to $1,0in cash for information. leading 1 to thei arre t of te people responsibile. Mf yousupc that a. person has committed a break and enter, or, is:in. possession. of stolen property, cati Crime Stoppera. Sirailarcash rewards will b. paid forinfrato leading te an arreat.inany serions crime.' The Durham Regional Crime,.Stoppera hotline is 436-8477- (thata 436-TIPS), and in open 24 heurs perda," seelay e. weekTepoenme can'bedialed fiom most areas of the region, fr.of charg. If this number in long distance, oucan callcollect or calt brugl yUr local Durham Regional Police number andask for Crime Stoppera. Cells wll neyer be traced or recorded You will no_ reired to identify yourself or have to go te court Constable Grant Arnoid is the co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppera and writes this article te -help cpmbat crime. > Prom Dec. 3-6 Austin heid its annuai food. drive te heip .the. less fortnatehi Drham Region. Student wer'e given a uniform pas, for éery two.can donation cf non-peishbe foo.» The. non-uniform day will tae..place In Wildcat sports, lt.exidgat, girls' volleybal ýteam sucessfu ly d.featd Charl.s Carnier in two gaines. Then on,Dec. 3, the. girls ciialinged Brock but unfortunately were ddeated. M.anii- l,. junior. girls team voiled and served its way toaâ"Vctoiyov' r ee n warm-up tournament. The'scores. of thé tches were 15-10, 15-14, and 15-2.,, The.ïlýjunioe boys, hockey t.am added- aànothervctr as they î oyd Donevan 5-2. Coigra taons go eut -te h t.am -on. its victory and .speciaiy te a Pdaând who scored »a hat-tiick., Jut a r «n d& the oni Dec. 19.5..e you liée.. ~i'- l'c LJ 1 VAN & TRUCK» ACCESSORIES* - 1670 S knoee St. N., Iq '1HOURiS: Oshawa Mon.-Thurs 9àm-6pmý YftLO~~L IAITaunton F., y9m-p ~~pss7.PJGRd,: Satday àm"9p3i DUNDAS CEN TRE GUARDIAN DRUGS 220. Dundas. St,. W. -,Whitby Open 7 Days ýa WeekilnclUdng Holidays' FREE DELIVERY, Ail Drua POlans.AcceDted WH fl 1Mb T " URGENT ÇARE «WALK1,N-- >1.Medical ,Clilic 220 Dundas St. W. Wtby No Appntient Neoessarv a DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL 1

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