Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 20

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-v. ý.-1 'r "<errr.i .,f» GE 20, 'WEMTY FREEPESSWEDNESAY, DCEKDR 113Ml' COMPOST CARTOON WINNER It certainly was not an easy task d.ciding the winner of worm humour. AIl captions woro very élever. 1The final decioion:.-Willam Luchford's caption- as havlng thie boit sens. of 'humùus.' "Welcome t. the. neighbounhood. W,'r" from the. compost b.ep noit door." Honourable mentions were: "Oh, looks HaroI4r. just rocycled our living room.' "Wolw, fit'sMegamnt> "Comapost aurha mce place to rais. a family."t Mr. Lucor wiIl rece-Ive a T-shirt with thé 3Rs slogan 'The. Future in Ru,' compliments of the. Recycing Council of Ontario. A <lean 'n Green - Recipes for a Hleaithier Planet? bookIet, proucd ~ythe. Ontario WatM -rnntCoporation ana a Dunbamlu 'W. Compost' sticker will b. mailed to aIl other worm4,oving contestants. Comnpoitlng trivWa Twenty per cent of kcitchen wasto (not includiing plate o ig) la unused food. By alternating yu kItchen organic waste with leaves, twigs, hedge lipp.nu etc., on@ cmn reduce household waste and, at the. saine tme, produce an excellent fertilizer conditioner for the gardon. Preston Manng , laoro, ti Reformh Party of Oanada, wifl. b. Iat tii. Métro Eait T'Irade- Cenitre' ini Pick.ring on Jan. 22. Tiêkets are availablo by calling, 686-0278. John Warren, co-author of 'A Capital, ScandaI,' was gueet speaker'at. a genoral informaàtion. meeting -hld by tiie Reform Party of Canada, Ontario niding,', k1nost 90'-people attend.d the. meeting. 'Tii. Ontario riding branch addod 28 now memïbers t. tii.party.. WvIlLIAM flLUCHOB .shown with son Michael, ih wearing the, 3M T-shirt he won~ for coming up wlth the, best caption for the 'worm humour' cartoon. . . .. . .. . . . . . The. foùâth annual 'Children of Whitby' event will b. held at Iroios Park on Sunday,- Dec. 15. The Christmas event, spon?-l sored the. Whitby Rotary Sunriso Club, is from 2 to 4 pmi There is'frée ice-sktingfromn,2 to 3:45 p.m., and free swinmmng from 2to.4 p.m. Teewill b. 'candy canes, balloons and-clowns,. and-chul- dren can meet Santa Claus, Cor- per Top, Big ]Red the Crýayo aà Crayon, Tony the Tiger and Pilhsbury theii. ly Candlelight carolling,,haiyrides Dec. 15, Tii. annual Old Tyme Christ- mas will b. held iniBrookliu on Sunday, Dec. 15. Tii. évent, iield by Group 74 in co*ntion witii local service clubs, will begin witii caudleligiit carolgaýt- Grass Park at 6:30 P.M. Thore wull b. music by the. Whitby- Brass Baud. AIl those wiio wish, t. participate should bning.a cand.. Brýooklil & District Kinsmen will tiien provide hayrides. from tii. park to the. Brooklin com- mumity centre. At the. centre, the. Oshawa- Wliitby Old Tyme Fiddlers -will perform, tarting at 7p.m. There ýwilI B. refreshments and. homne baking at the. cm'- munity centre, and Santa Claus will b. on iiand t. givo out candy to tii.kids. Myrtie church supper, pageant Saturday By Soeia Graham Correction* *In the. Nov. 27 edition., caption about the. De Gin bell (Masonic) should have stated that' Doherty (left) la immedi. mseWilliam Mauch is new worshipful masi Stepiien Moek (right) ù ii. Fr.. Press regr Marigold Travel Is pleased to announce the return of Valerie Douglas who wishes, to invite al her former and new dlients to drop'by and say hello! Caroline and Valerie would like to'extend Season'rs Greetings to al', friends and- valued customers. formeiiy from Koiidatwood Park Plaza 51 Baldwin St.:(Hwy#1 2) BROOKUN 655-5400 On Saturday, Dec. 14 at 5:30 p..- Myrtle United Church's annual potluck supper will be a photo held, followed by the. Sunday ivid T. ichool pageant at 7 .m. Lodgo AU résidents il Myrtle are, William invited to, bring a hot, ate past main-course diii and a dessert,- (centre) and to meet neighboursand shore ter, and the. ceebration of the. birth. of 9 future Christ. Tiie Christmas advont candi. rets the. was lit on Sunday by Donna Ksirk and her son Taylor. Tiie firit. advent cani.e reading was done by Sonja Grahamn and son Billy. Drp.i*n*activities acommunity centre] Do-naccivit ies, including shufieb r. carpet .bowling, crafis and refreshmentsp, talc. p lae every Tuesday afternoon eween 1:30 and 4 p.m. at the. Brooklin Community Contre. Bring your ideas and a friend. For more information, cal 668-1424. Sumday sciiool cbildren are buey'preparing for-tiie pagent. Practice is Thurgday,-Déc. 12 at 6:30 pan., under, the direction of Sunday ichool superintendent Marg -Stevens "and choir director Terri Camoron. On Christmas Suuday, Dec. 22Î the. service 'will no0t.b. held at, ti.rguar 94 ..time, btl tiie ening at *7, pâ. ýTii."servie,. coniducted, by %v. Ge le, wil b.V a informal canle-lighting and carol-singinghour for the. fjarmly (from babis t. grand nw) Fainilies of ai 1 faithe l ti community are inlvited t., atte nd. Lisa Wonnacott often lifts the- spirits of. Myrtle folk witii her sunny smile aud solo parts in the. choir. - h. ý»also deserves specal recognition. -for ,her, success in synchronized. swimniing, as iii. was firut lm the Whitby-Oshawa-Ajax area competition. Janet Stachow received iier AROT piano teacher diploma'at Convocation Hall, University of Toront. ler parents, 'brother Terryand aunt, Laurene Home, of Orillia, attended, iier graduation recontly. On Dec. 2, the. Myrtie UCW* met at the. home of Art'and Anne, Budd. Rita Wade was presented witii a fraxnod picture -of Myrtlo Church by her many fiends, in the. church. Don, Rita and the. Wade' fanwi '* 'kl >talc. residenco lu Seagrave. Th.y wvan b. niissed at Myrtb. Sympatiyy lu extended t. Jim- Mandenson'and family after the. d.ath of bis wifo, Dorotiiy. D6rthy's gift of humour and oonq will slways b.* a treasurec memory for tiiose wiio knew her. Sympat4iy goes out 'also t. Gary Van YMil and familyàfr the. deatii of bits motiier. -Durhiam- East MPP Gord Mille Wilhiold the opemngof hienew -constituency offCe on Tuesdîay, Dec. 17 in Bowmanville. Tii. opeming, from 10:30 a.m., to1:3 .will b. hold at 68 ingSt.Î:NelriCompilez). SpocilGUeut will b., Karen- ,Haslme Mnte fCulturie -and I ENHOUSE 'I Dec. l4th & Dec. 1l5th 1i aMr-5pm Capture the Christmas Spirit SRecreate the Special Christmas charr of the-Victorian Era. Browse in a relaxed atmosphere'choosing from.the many gift ideas, indcudinîg died flowers, ýwreaths,& baskets to reai evergreen swags for your front ><door, pus tîmely coIIecdons cf.cherubs, Victoian bocks &-linens made )ê( Ibofortody'selegant touch. for F aefoin us and brlng a friend! i Weekdays,*until Christmas by appointment onlyl BROOKUN 655-3059 ACROSS FROM THE ARENA BR oKiN 6WNHETRR Brooklin, Anderson I Winchester CarolSen'ic. Declà2nd 7:.30.. Chdslmas Eve H.C. 7:15 pm. & 11:15 p.m. Christmas Day H.C. 10:30 a.m. Incumbent: The Rev. Frank Lee ALL WELCOME 655-3 883

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