WHITBY M FR ES8, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27,1991, PAGE 37 I L~GAL' CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY >BOARD AND C0MMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Every year WityTqwn Council advertises for applicants from die pulc andapinscmzens ta vanious Boards and Committeç,s that make recommendlations and decisions on a -vaniety of maMtteslat affect the character and quaiity oi lite of the Town of Whitby. These appointments give Town residents tram a vaniety of backgrounds a chance ta voiunteer their skills ta hep run lie Town. Whitby Town Council is currently acceping appications from residents, interested in serving on the following Boards and Cornmitles: Roard or Commiftae Board of Management for the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area Committee of Adjustment Fence-Viewer Groveside Cemetery Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisoy Committee Plumbers'ÉBoard ai Examiners Property Standards WihyPublic Library NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JAMES HILL, DECEASED' Ail persans having claims agalnst the Estate- af William James Hill, late of the City of Scarborough, wha died on or about August '3lst, 1991, are hereby notlfied to send particu- lars af sam e ta the undersigned on or befare January 6th, 1992, after which date the afore- mentioned estate wil be distri- buted by, the undersigned having reg ard onlyto the dlaims then f lied. DATED November 4th, 1991. NATIONAL TrRUST COMPANY Administratar af the Estate af William James Hill, by their Solicitor, DAVID G. GOODAIRE Barrister and Salicitor 124-126 Byron Street North, Box 123.: WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 5R7 Ta review applications for minor variances from lie pr- visions of lie Municipaltys zoning by-laws. Tire. years To review matters relai,. 'ta Tire. years lie standards for lie erection, and maintenance of line Jences. To administer Municipal cemeteries. To researci and promoto lie conservation aifheritage pro- perties wiin lie Municipality. To examine applicants for mater plmbers licences. & Mebrs oflihe Board of Examinors must b. icenced as master plumbers by lie Municapaiuty.) To review matters relaive ta the standards for lie mainten- ance and occupancy ai pro- perty wihiin tie Municipality. To administer lie public lib- rades wiliin lie Münicipality. Thre, years Tire, years Thre, years Tire, years Tire, years If you would like to volunteer your skills ta iep make Whitby a better place ta live,,work and play you are invied to mako application for appaintrnent Application forms for lhis purpaso can be *obtfflned by contacting lie Clerks Department Campleted applications are ta b. submited ta lie Town Clark by no later liai November 30, 1991. for lie CounaIls consilederon. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK THIE CORPORA11ON 0F THE ffOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHOtfE: (416) 668-SM0 CALLA PRO!t FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS < YOU A SHOCK OR TWO!I ÂJust check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! You can compare and choose from the serices you'l find there! Terni ai Apoinnent To beautity and maintain pub- lbree year lic laide, buildings and struc- tures located in lde Improve- mient area aid ta prorato lie area as a business and shop- png centre. (Mfembers of li for business assessment in lie improvement area. or nomnineos of corporations so assossed.> NOTICE'TO.,CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F DONALD BRIAN WARBURTON All persans having claims against the estate ai Donald Brian Warburton, deceased, late af the Town ai Whitby,' in the Regianal Municipaîity Of Durham, who died an or about the 3rd day of August, 1991, are hereby natified ta send them ta the undersigned, duiy verified, on or befare the 6th day aof December, 1991. After such date the assets of the abave-named estate wili be distributed among the persans entitied thereto, having regard anly ta dlaims of which the executar shail then have notice. DATED at Whitby this 3lst day ai October, 1991. SCHILUNG, EVANS Barristers and Solicitarsý 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario LiN 5SI1 Solicitors for the Executors The War Arnps CHILD AMPUTEE For iniformation dial toli-fîec * arca codes 519. 613, 705. 1-800-268-8821; othcr arca codes dial 1-800-268-8917 t:CORPORATION0OFTH Il.. .TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council aiflde Corporation aif " Town of Whaby passed'-law No. 372-Gi odmie281h day ot October, 1991, une ection 34%o lePlning Ad, 983 AND TAKE NOTICE liaI any persan or aenymay- appeal ta lie Ontario Municipal Board kt respect of tie ByW by flling witi 1dm Clark af lhe Corporatondmli Town of Whitby not lathan the i7th day of De =me,1991, a notice of appeai settngothte objection Io th. By-Iaw and lie rasons in support of th. econ The purpose and eftof iB-lwN.3072-G1,i s bta aend Zonin By-law No. 1794 taeetblsha atltedish as an accessory use Mi *rovde r.guiatory zone provisis in tenis0f thier prmitted loction, hrie gtdameter, etc. By-law No. 3072-91 also provedes clarfiation a accssoy uesand the permnitaed locatio of suci uses. A2y9 k.y mp siowing the. location 0f 1h.elands afftebd by B-a o 3029is flot necessm ysilo. 1h. By-wchnes d1h. txt f Zonlng By-law No. 1784 and wif affect ai lande coveed b Zoning By4mawNo. 1 784 tirougiaut tie Municipaliy. Th.eomplota By-aw la avamiblefor inspection in my office durinig normal office boums. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDONQ THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTNINED BY. CONTACTINS THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 88UM DATED at th. Town of Whisby tiis 271h day of Novomber, 1991. DONALD G.MoUCY CLERK 0FTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD) EAST WIUTBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M o: CORPORATION 0F THE- ....... TOWN 0F WHITBYv NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of lieCorporation of th. Town 0f Whitby passd By-law No. 3071-91 on lie 2»1 day of October, 19019 under Section 340of the Planning Act 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE liat any person or agecy ayspe a 1hb Ontario Municipal Bwrd i respect 0f the BYy-l nyifia =thelb.Clak of Omflerprton 0f liiTown 0f Whitby not laler lia 1h.l7thday 0f December, 1991, a notice of a, al s.lin go«uith.objecio tabi -law ianà du eam ns i m o bje o ction. Th. purpose and effeot 0f By-Iaw No. 3071-91 us la amend Zon By-law No. 2585 in ostabish a saelite ish as an use e provide regulatoam zone proisositnis a lofrporm locaton holght cimeter, etc. By-law No. 3071-Gialso pioue lriiain0 aocessory uses aid dm ermiited location 0f suhtues Akeyniap loig1h oain mflelnis affecied by By-law No. 307-G inot necessarysince lie By-la canes 1hte xIof Zoning By-aw No. 2585 aid wII-ff il lands ooerred byZoning By-law No., 255lrougout 1. IAnicpaity. Th. contfee -law is avallbi.for Inspection un my office ckJring normal office FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDINO 1H18 MAflER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THIE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENTAT0668-50GM DATED aI lie Town of Witby 1his 271h day 0f Navmber, 1991. DONALD Q. MY CLERK 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WH1BYONTARIO LN2M8 new babyln this worid, there's always < A new by? roomfo one morel CALL YOUR WELCOMEqlr WAGON HOSTESS NOW. Wiflv«(1 668-6653 siNCF 1930LOiv -~ I -j * I - 4 , I 1- m a ----------- ------ -- ----------