Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1991, p. 36

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PAGE 86, WIITBFM EPU36, WEDNM8AYs, NOVEDM 27, 1991 BASS GUITAR AMPLIFIER, Vamaha, $250 or béat aller. Two prtable clothing, displayraks. $75 oach'or best baffer. 43-3803. OAK, FINISH 2-pc. waII unit/w/bar, excellent condition, $350 aobo. Light walnut,,china cabinet, beautiful, $475 o'.b.o. Cali 430-1422 or 666-1560. SPRING WATER COOLER. hot and cold .water, $150.. 9 x 12 Axminster rug, $150 o.b.o. Cati 430-1422 or 666-1560. SKATES - MENS SIZE 12, black Bauér, uséd 1only once, $55. 281-9379. SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale.- Pick ' up or dellivered. 416-649-3193. SNOWMOBILE -SUIT, -one piecé. lits largè to X-largé. Used one season. $40. Boots also avallablé. 281-9379. CHRISTMAS TREES CUT YOUR OWN or pré-ciulsnc orpiné On. mile oast of Thlcksn Rd. on Conlins Rd. OR 2 miles wst' of Durham Callege. -J» emy e. Young & Chnie aygad fr ah."bakwt cvr î GLrOBsAL 1 TTrNtables a 50 aimpn, 4cho-l réel-torel, Tranor speakerlbs.etP rackaa. INDNO, lakWOOD, eanDry.o wkday anatim e wékncls. Os50 ara . 4Channi 436-73.e rom set, $700. P0-9222. l tc)as? $40. Ecllent coiation9 .mCa 668-9962 after . Cl m. r5pM APT..ys and MFTti reezérds Froe $225, r or $650itkesril.- REOECONSUMECARDNe A NEWPPER MF reeze se e 2- a o- $650 tak- s -a - CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- séats, sectionals, less than hall rice. Large selection. McKeen ~urniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phonée 725-5181. FIREWOOD -SEASONED hardwood, cut, split & deliveréd. $80 per lace corcli>CaIl Don, (416) 355-3805. Visa accepted. HONEY IN 30-LB. ,PAILS- F.H. Smuck, 110 Bell Drive, Whitby. 668-6693.' MATTRESSES and box springs at hall pricé. MoKéen Furniture, 524 Simncoé St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. TWO MODERN LEATHER chairs ls ottoman, oak framfiel $40654918.ý DINING ROON SUITE for sale - tabe 4 chairs, buffet & hutch, $325. Excellent condition. 668-1382. ENTERTAINMENT UNIT- bloached oai. Stores TV, VCR sterea, cassettes, VCR tapes, records, p lus 2,drawers. Like new. $500. 668-954. RECYCLED APPUIANCES » lots ta chaos. from. Good guaran- tees. Bes?ý prices. M & M Appliances, 107 Dundas St. W., 668-9444, 23 King St. W., Oshawa, 723-9777. 1985 CHEVETTE- CS model, auto, PS, now bralc baftery. Gond boa &int:%r. Wegl malntainéd- bill ta prove. Good on gas. rélial. New car reason for salé. $1.450. CalI Te"ryaller4 p.rn, 668-8973. 19811 CHEVETTE. 4 doar, automatic. Runs wélI. $1,100 o.bo. 1983 Dodge Mres, 2 door, auto- matic. $1200 o.bo. CalI 430-1422. 1963 TOYOTA CRESSIDA, auto, air, power sunrool, cruise, PW/PLIPT. Gond condition. New transmissian/mufflér. Asking $2.500. 430-7815. 1984 GMC RALLY STX 8- passéngér van, good condition. Air, cruise. Brand new tires & muffler. PW/PL, tintéd windows. Asking $3.900. 666-0540. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE- scrap cars, vans and trucks. Top dollar paid in cash. 666-1410. INeed a car - Credit problems? W. have kma»e tak-ovsrs (reposssons> *Leau i n =anmk"roo Cash frtas lnw f orWfhm quolsI LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Gary PIANO, UPRIGHT, oak veneer. Good condition. $700. 655-3948. FRENCH PROVINCIAL livin roomn set - 3 seater pull-out bM sofa mathîng chir (orinal 430-7547. Sewing Machine Repairs Ai/Makes Complété Tune-up $39.95 Reconditionéd Séwng Machinés from i $900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE M571-1385 400 kIng St. W. Oshawa FIREWOOD -MAPLE, beech, oak. Superior quaiity, welI séasoned. Buy the'bosS. Heat displacemont wood availabl. Freé délivery. (416) 753-2246. CHEST 0F 'DRAWERS $25, chromo tablé & chairs $18, 2 shéets 3/4* plywaod $10 ea., Button accordian $50. Electric broom, héaters, blankéts, babyv's swing. 668-3975. CHESTERFIELD, brown tweed wlth matchînq chair. Bath lnvwr good condition.- Asking$35 Brand new dlnfing room table, asking $300. 668-38 YORK HOME. GYM baroly used, $250. (New ovor $525.> Phono John, 666-9417. 86 CAMRY LE, 4-door, hatch- back. Fully Ioadod & certifiod. 88.000 original km. $6500 or bout aller. 430-7156. Cail batweon 7 and 9 pm. 1989 OLDS CUTLASS CIERA SI, V6, auto, air, Ps. PB, POL Very clean. 58 00 mles. Save $750 on ]aMost $8.000 ovor new. Flnncngavailabe. CertMfed $10500 or boat aller. CalI 432-1777. 1986 FORD 'rHUNDERBIRD, g ood conition. Loaded, air, cruise, PW/PL/PT. Stérso, power seats. Asking $4,500. 430-7815. 8,0ke $430 95 0m. e$520 DRY FLORAL arrangements and coramios -- Fniday - Dec. 6. 4-7, Saturday, Déc. 7, "9-3. «Ward St. (Macedonlan Village). 655-3992. THE UTTLE CABIN of glfts nid crafts overy Satury& Sunda 10-5, Moda-Fldy -9un? Christmas 2Q0 Rsl Rd. E, Oshaa <isan à Simca.). Dried f lowera, wreathe, chocolatés fruit cakes, glft baskets, waodon toye. dolîs ani much morel RESPONDETS TO NOV. 20 AD "EBiII 686-3644 - Phono wrong. DO NOT CALL. TO MHE PERSON who mn over our dog --Oble 07o Fr/day, Novenber 22 at 5p.m. on >Cochrane and Whte Mbh Drive ln MWilby and dfdn't stop - fihe dog -Vent the",nlght at, MacKay.AMimai Hospltal undergolng surg ery for ail h/s Injuries and we spent the night hopfin ho would lIvo. Hiow was ypur nlght? SHORT FOR XMAS? Cash bans are avallabl from $500. Ail applicationsquicklyprocsse régardliéesf aI -credit. 24 hours answerlng serm". 436-8104. MOST SACRED HEART of Jesus I plac my trust 5in thé.. St. JW@thnk Vou for your conistant BAHAIS BEUEVE:!Thé essence of understanding is to téstify ta one's poverty, and submnit ta thé Will o the Lord, thé Sovéreign, thé Graciaus, thé AI-Powérfl. For information and discussion, cai 668-8665. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS,- Update your laI! wardrobe, back ta sohoot clothes, ail kinds o? altérations nd custom taiioring. 101412 Mary St.W., Pearson Lanes, 3-6 &50. Tuesday through Saturday. I PYCHIC-& SPIRMIAL ADVISOR Joan Momiday to Frlday 9 t~ THE FAMILY af the lato JAMES HOWARDDFOE would 1ke.ta sincerelythank ail thoso who exproedkindness nidsympathy an thé ddoat f aur fathor. A special thank you ta the relaIves, *friendnd neighboiurs far the f lowers nd donatars. A spcla thank yau- ta Dr. Butte &.Dr. Mha nid urslg staff of F-Wng Oshawa Gênerai HosilW ith sécial gratitude ta t ho pailbearers othe Whltby Fîr. Dspartment. Yaur. -klndnes w g1al appreclatd nd wll ala9sb. remémbéred. AH thé Dabfo. aly.- BAHAIS BEUEVE: ýThé source of courage nd power: le "thé promotion af thé Word-aI God, and steadfastnéss in His Lavre. For. Information nd discussion, calI 668-8665. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counseîîing.' Free and confldéntial, aval! e éMonday ta Frida 8M30a.m. ta 420 p.m. Clinic oey Thursday 3 1ç' 6' p.m.- For furtheorinformation, calI 420-i8781 or 433-8901. THANKS BETOST. JUDE nd thé ýSacrèd* Heait ol' Jesus for favaurs rocoved.* EW. START GROWING HAIR NOW for next. summer. Learn,, my co 1pyrighted tech'nIque t go haïr-Book éarly, ild on't 'b. disappointéd.,Sessiions stait weék of Novrember 25. Cai-Lou at Luftek Naturai Hair Systém. Whltby, 668-9019. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- shlps. For hélp. cali'thé -Dénie House for Women and Chlldrén. Toîl f ré. 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731V. Confidéntîality assured. (Formérly Auberge.) MANY1THANKS ta thé ,Sacred Heart, o? Jé'sus & < St. Judo for favaurs recoived. M. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words, pmpaid Sor $6.00 bllled. Cali now to place your ad. Februa6 &4111 c IVacions~ **'*'****- '2. ~ ~ 2 S--.-.--'--- .-'~-.,-----.--*----

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