ÀYM'oi,Éffk 7,ri912 PAGÉ13 The Whfitby Downttown Business improeet Area (BIA) is sponnn story-witing contest fo the theme'Christmasis .A Time to ]Remember.' The short st ories will be judged in 1¶ive categories. Entries should be based 'on .the individual's recollection of their moat memorable Christmas,.. Stories'must be, written by an almaer and should not be more tba oetype-written .page. in length. Children ente*ing in . the indergarten clasa may drâw, a- picturas, their submiismsionÙ.-Al PDDay display MARGART Martin, grade 1 echrat Leslie MjcFarlane public chool, looks over one.Of the exhibits >at a p 0Ises display at Durham Col" loge on Nov. 15. The display was just one of a number of activities held for aiea teachers during Professonal Development Day. Photo by mm*h E..u, Whithy Fr.. Pr. Whb/roki nie o et shr i dent We ei BROOKUN UNITED CHURCH 19 Cassels Road East, Brooklin Stunday, Dec. 1 et Advsnt 1 10:30 anAdvent communion. WeIcoming the Rev. JiIi Curd Monday Dec. 2nd ConTownSnes00 pm 10:30 amn Xnnual White Gift Service Sunday Sohool Pageant Sundy Deo. lSth Advent 111 10:30 arn Chisirnas Choral Service 7:00 pm Christmas Carolling with the Sociables ST. MARKCS UNITED CHURCH 201 Centre Street South Swida De. 1lst - Advent 10:00 amn Worship Sunday Dec. Bih Advont Il 10:00 amn White Gift Service Sunday Dec. I5th Advent I11 10:00 amn Worship 4:Opm Choir Choral Service WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 25 Manning Road between Thickson & Garrard Sunday Dec. 1 stAdvOnt I 10:30 arn Advent Communion Sunday De. Bih, Advsrit Il 1 0:3Oam Baptism Sundiay De&. i5thN Advent 111 10:30 arn White Gift Service 4:00 pm Church School Pageant/Pot Luck Supper raiiiA 960millionaduits cerinot rmcd or write. -of scboolicag (oween 6 andl ok> h -erneplaceto-Ieurn. CDE (9UfrrsyFunmedton coa 613>23-3569 %r wî,nnig atonies, and osbya c Uolletin f others wllbe re >pninted in a local nwppr Te catégories are ider tn, and younger, grade and 2, grade .3 ad4, gad and 6,, other students and aduits. The, prize oreah, category will be.-aà gift certfi"'tefor, 50 Downtown Dollar., Stories should besubmitted to the. Wbîitby Downtown Business' Iprovement Area office' (101 *:Brock St. S., secondfloor), P.O. Box 254, Whitby LiN 551, by Dec. 4. F or imore information, '-contact the-BIA at 666-4189. Consttuional refom isaboutý manythns But mostly its about you. As Canadians, we are now facing one of the most important challenges in our history. Proposais have been put forward by the Govemment of Canada to improve our Constitution. These proposais, for a more united and prosperous Canada in which al Canadians can feel at home, are currently being reviewed by a special parliamentary committee. They will also be considered by a series of conferences mun by independent Canadian organizations. *recognizing the right of aboriginal peoples 0.0 govern themselves while being protected by Canadian law + ensuring recognition of Quebec's distinc- tiveness and of minority language groups + reforming the Senate to make it elected, effective and much more equitable than it is now + strengthening Canada's economic union so Canadians can work and conduct business anvwhere in the country Some of the proposais include: Y A&ý.... * a Canada clause that speaks of our hopes* guaranteeing property rights. and dreamis as Canadians, our values, Get involved and find out more about*how Our diversity, our tolerance and our these proposaIs will shape the future generosity of spirit ~ of Canada, cail toll-free: I*800* 561*1mi188 SDeaf or hearing impaired cail 1-800-567-1992 çrrvY/ii » *Canadi Shaping Canada's Future Together FORUM Town, Hall Style Meeting Riené Soetens M.P. Friday, November 29 7:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. WHITBY PUB3LIC LIBRARY (Program Room) IDON'>TerIVISS ITF! I-MIM ell"*,§.:ý-e%. partnership of your landiord and yourself and your rent is geared to that success? -approx. 1500 sq. fi;. - Cail 668mi1B~8 'TIS THE SEASON' Chclaé ooJýr i- h 'à f I? I col ugacok bcunh a , and'chocolateDairy Queen I < $2.00 OFF any sizeI Expires Dc.3th/689914 1003 Dundas t. E. f668-534 WVhltby Location OnIy ICHICKEN FILLE T i SAND WICH I IBUY On CET onUAr I1I2 PRICE 9 Not vad wttiorotherI I pk date December 29/91 Plas presentthWiS upon before erdengî FOR DEUVERYCALL666-LEGSI I Redeemable only a « 1101 BrockSt.S., Whitby GMary Brown'sI Fried Chieken WITH THIS COUPON ONLYj :MINI ROMANCESi c HOICEOF MAT ANDFRE j OffepresDc 49 IHarwood Place Mail, AjaxI i (near MiracleMart) I We also feature other artists. Travel. compamon w_- A-ted v