Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WITBY FEPESS, wEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1991 ~ GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans <no chemicats. Homes and offices. W. offerMoNther-in-taw clean" (roady for inspection!). AIl *mpyo!ýes are police-security cncleo onaa àu uea COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTIN0, LOTUS 1-2-39 D ýBASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO BUS1NESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINO TRAVEL and TOURUSM' HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS* DETA Cm ± A :R± :-1 îmj ,ISTAN SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONlSTp WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May Se Avallable f fre1:I a,*Blf elI;T 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fa=m Rd. 420-1344- Trainfor -oacorser on DENTAL ASSISTING in just 8 months 54A Centre St. N. Oshawa 576-9175 Oflo&WS OE Train for a career in MEDICAL SECRETARIAL in just 8 months 54A Centre St. N. Oshawa 576-9175 = OBC OiNTARK iBUSNESS COLLEGE i IDWSRE RPI avw a le a :M Member of Whitby Chamber of WhHby's -I aIl u Hardware Commerce. 725-9177R 24haur1 answering). 701 Brock St. N. ____ ____ ___ 430-0344 i EDCÏIOMA KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY - ~,Ire-uphoistery of antIfqus Ail kinds ........... . . . . . f recoverlng. Your fbl or mine. r'Ite% A ocr PIANdi AND KEY1BOAFD lessons. W. offer flexible programs for ail ages. Students choose many of their own pieces from ciassicai or popular music. Cali for a f ree introductory lesson and learn a Christmas carat in your f irst week. The Yost Music Studio. 668-2275. 1 OSHA&WA I Q-DRIVING SCHOOL 172 KhigSt E SubI#301 Oshawa - 728-091 REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO SAFEUY LEAGUE - PRIVATE LESSONS - COMMENCING December 3rd, Tue&. & Thurs. 4 WEEK COURSE REGISTER NOW 4 DAY CHRISTMAS COURSE ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE Studio la now off oring A BALLROOM DANCE TEACHERS' PROGRAM. Enroli now. Cati Arthur Murray Dance Studio (a recaqnized educational instftut!on). 430-u014. AUTOCAD computer drafing) courss. No experence required. 18-hour courses, 4 students/class. $235. Gardon Tooley FMAATO, ISAT. 723-2871. B U $.N........ REVOLUTIONARY homo mailing program. $1 for every onvelope you stutf p lus 50% commission on overy sale. Send sef-addressed, stam ped envelope ta tSF GrouB. P.O. Box 24012, Whitby, Ont. LUN 8X. EARN MONEY reading booksl $30,000/year income potontiat. Detaiis, (1) 805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. COMPLETELY NEW business opportunity. Use your answering machine ta mnake monoy 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Sond self-addressod, stampod envelope ta ISF Group, P.O. Box 24012, Whitby, Ont. LiN 8X. EASY WORKI EXCELLENT payl reading books & TV scripts at home. Many readers neededi Full-/part-time avaliable. 1-504-646-4513, ext. B142, 24 hours. KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS needed. i35 & up per hour. Tax f ree. Bath skiiled & unskiiied. For info cal! 615-779-5505, ext. K-384. UCENSED REAL ESTATE broker and sales ropresentative ta jain estabtished realty firm. Cati Jack Grant, Broker, 668-4000. Jack Grant Realty Corporation, Realtor. mgUvr:kg UWrN ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance bocause of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps w. can help. Phono 666-2090. experience. 430-7568, WhRtb. PAINTERS PLUS - Service and qualtty are not an accident. For 10o off and no GST, catI Bil or Geri, 404-1224. WALLPAPERING and painting -- cati Paper* Dotîs for a waman's tauch, professional and neat. Competitive rates. No GST. Free estimates. 430-9131 or 623-6395. The War Amps, CHILD AMPUTEE PROGYRÀM For informatiion dial toll-Ircc arca codes 519, 613, 705. 1-800-268-8821; oieir arca, codes dial 1-800-268-8917 HANDYMAN -. CLEAN YARDS. basomerits, cut trees. 'Someothit4 to soel!? Pisse.cal! 655-ý3004. ZZZBEST CIIMNEY CLEANING Fuliy lnsured, no mess, guaranteod. Wood stove, f ireplace, furnace, chimneys cleaned. Owner operated. Servtng Durham Rteglon. lie, 571-5814. CHARLES NEWSHAM Paintlng and Papor Hangingi., Rooms decoratedifor theohoidays.. Fre., ostimates. 38 years experienco. Calil 576-0688. RENOVATIONS -Bathrooms, basements, kitchens, wails, floors,ý ceilings. For quatity serviceand where honesty stili counts ... Cali Scott, 666-9690. PLUMBER -20 VEARS experience. Equipment for, complote drain service. Complote bathroom renovation. Ail types of repairs.Competitive rates. Cati Dae 86-1781, OL) FAMILY, PHOTOS? N09j', additionat copies? No neatuv needed. Quahty copies made of your favourite pictures. Robert Aidsworth Photo &orld, 576-5123. PREPAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadtinê) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 +'390 GSi) 150 each additional word; (Il40 + 10 GST) BULLED WORD ADS $800 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 890 per agate lUne (14 agate uines per Inch) minimum charge: $6.0O0 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIF!EDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics)' Regular display rates capply - 940 per agate hune Minimum size 1 column inch $13.16. CONTINUOUSJh RUN DISPLAV ADS AS LOW AS' $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. G.S.T. ls extra on ai! ads unless otherwise indicatod DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Pion.e check your advertisement for orrors on the first day of publication. The Whftby Free Pross wiii not b. liabie for failuro ta pubiish an ad, or for typographic errais. in publication boyond the cost of the space occupled by the orror Up ta a maximum cost of the Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta claesify or rejsct ail advertlsements. s~VU~ 4 W~I<~WI~7 W. ~ ~ .«»~7*:~'~ ~W#~?Jtby tiree r~es~ ~ ..1 - ..,'é%# ... .. .. - . - . . -- -. -. - - -....... . -. .... . - -9 . ....... . 1

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