PAGE <12o WHITY FMRE % WEDNESAY, NOVMBE0,19 MÂRG BIRD adjusts a Christmas decoration on her porch. Birds house is just one of five stops on a Christmas house tour to raise funds for The Station Gallery. Photo byMrk Rooesor, Whltby Fr.. Pros 5- homes on gallery's Christmas tour Promn traditional ta, the ever-popular bake table. contemporary, artistic ta eclectie, In addition, bouse tour tickets there are as many ways ta include acopmetr door celebrate the Yuletide festival as prize ticket for a chance ta win a there are homes in VWtby. Christmnas gift. Get an inside look at five of Tickets are on sale now and those homes on Nov. 30 when The must ha bought in advance. Cost Station Gallery bouta is second is $10 each and they are available Christmas House Tour. at the following Whitby locations: Prom il a.m. ta, 4 p.m. there Forever %rends, Harrison House, will ha tours Mf these specially Kitchen Cuphoard, LaFontaine selected homes, ta, admire the Trading Post, Picture This* and work of top local designers, and to, That, Rousseau Heritage Flouse, pick up a few ideas on decorating The Station Gallery, and Ye Olde the home for the holiday season. Fashion Christmas Store. "liast year's sold-out Christmnas Proceeds froin both HousTour was sucb a success, fundraising events will help we decided ta repeat the event support arts in the community but witb a sere of new homes' througb The Station Gallery, said tour chairman Fred Muise.' Wbitby's only public art gallery.. Houses on this yearls taur For furtber information, * include The Lynde House at contact The Station Gallery at Cullen Gardens, the Nettles 668-4185. family home on Nettles Court, * overloodng Lke Ontai'o. hm Cabaret N ight Each home will ha individually decorated in holiday Eastside Harmony Sweet finryby esignýsfroin Cullen Adeline Chorus will present a Gardens, Jnison House, 'Roaring Twenties Speak-EaLsy LeonardIs Design Systems, Cabaret Night' on Saturday, Nov. Rousseau Héritage Hous, and Ye 30. * Olde Fashion Christmas Store. The chorus and severai A limited number Mf tickets quartets will present a glittering will be sold and must be bought show pakage at 8:301 in advance. Children under age folowe by a dance and ih 16 are not allowed and buffet. There wil ha a cash bar. phorab are not pernntted. Tickets are $12.50 and should Tht saine weekend (Nov. 30 ha purchased in advance. The and Dec. 1), the gallery will also dance wIll h Md i the ha holding its annual Olde Tyme auditorium at 1988 Valley Far= Christmnas craft show and sale. Rd., Pickernng. Featured for sale will ha artworks C41 Mary Lou at 831-7997.or * by local atstcrafts, jewelry,. Debbie at .304W 0;-more boys c.tivds, ,ta roe, aid ifyà aton.- The youth of the Whitby Courthouse Theatre will present the childrens' classic 'The Wind in the Willows, Dec. 19 ta 22. The play is written by Kenneth Grahame and adapted for thie theatre by Mmues Goldberg. The Wind in the Willows was firat publisbed in 1908 and has enraptured generations of young children ever since. The immortal tale of Mole and bis 'lively friends, Rat, Badger and the irrepressible but ind-hearted Toad, was originaily conceived in the form of bedtime atonies and letters for Grahame's young son. The youth Mf WCT are presenting the story of the Toad whose fascination for the motor Isabel McLaughlin, one of Canada's foremoat womenn painters, was given a speci recognition 'Woman Of Distinction' award by the Oshlawa YMCA for her contributions ta the community and the arts world on Nov. 7. Her father was Colonel RS. (Samn) McLaughlin, the foundèr oM the Oshawa automobile company that was incorporated inta, General Motors in 1918. Isabel was born in Oshawa in 1903 and grew up in Parkwood, the faniily home. She attended O'Neill Colegiate (then Oshawa Collegiate Vocational Institute) before studying in Paris, and with Arthur ià smer at the Ontario College of Art and at the Art Student's League in Toronto. She bas had an important career as a painter. some say she is the most significant woman painter in Canada after Emily Carr, and ber work ' Trçe' is prwninently on view in the new, building of the National Gallery- of Canada in Ottawa. She is amodernist -- one of tbe first ta, welconza the machine into car lead& bim on a' series of adventures, much ta the chagrin ofhis friends. The play is directed by Debbie Bodine Champion. She studied drama at York University and recently directed- the highly successful 'SaineTMme Next Year' for the Borelians ofPort Perry. The youth group co-ordinator and the producer Mf the show is Tom Barnett. The Tad is played by Josh CkIpin, the Bacier by Adam Prosser, the Rat by Carolyn Dewar, the Mole by Stephanie Martin, the Otter by Jonathan Dunn, and Megan Brousseau plays one of the Weasels. This timelees classic goes on stage just in time for a Christmnas family outing. her work. 'Recoilectin, published by the gallery in 1983 ta accoinpany her retrospective, ~contains a detailed account Mf her life as an artist. She also bas been, and is, the benefactor - o the new, beautiful Robert McLaugblin Gallery in Oshawa. It was McLaughlin who gave the suin that served as a catalyst towards raising the money for the new building by Arthur Erickson that opened in 1987. In 1987, she added 39 works ta the McLaugblin Gallery collection, and in 1989, another' 110. Her gifts strengthened the gallery's bistorical link with the Group Mf Seven and the transitional painters who followed thein, as well as adding a rich collection Mf native art ta ýthe collection. In sum, as painter and patron, McLaughlin represents the move froin the Group of Sevon and ita strongly nationalistic bent ta tha more sophisticated, cosmopolitan world oM technology, urbanization and constant movement acrous borders. - ~ ' ~ V ~ F F CHILDREN from a Scarborough public school take in a miniature version of the Toronto Santa Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19 and Friday, Dec. 20,' and at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21 and Sunday, Dec. 22. Tickets may be purchased at Lafontaine's Trading Post, located at 122 Brock St. N. (one block north of Dundas) in Witby, te1ephone 430-3774. For mure information about tickets or subecriptions, cali 428-3795. Alyou want to know about live theatre Have you ever been to a play and wondered just what ail those people did, the ones listed in the program that you didntse on stage? On Sunday, Dec. 1, 1 p.m., Whitby Courthouse Theatre is- presenting its 'AU You Ever Wanted to Know About 'Live Theatre (But Were Mfraid to AskY event at the Centennial Building at 416 Centre St. S. in Witby. The public is invited, free. of charge, to learn about'ail aspects ofg roucing a play,- from the aution procesa ta the final curtain and beyond. There'll ha a guided tour of the facilities, and the opportunity to ask questions. Visitors can meet current members, actors, directors and producers. flierel ha demon- strations by stage managers lighting and sound technicians, designers and other members of the production teai. Tere will ha opportunities ta learn what. they ail do and how their work contributes to the succes M a production. Those attending can also learn how to ha a part of the team, onstage or Off. For more information about this learning experience, cail David Stone a 668-4199. THE TOP 10 CD'S 0FTHE WEEK ARE: 1.Gosis WE CAN'T DANCE - Warner Z Van Morrison HYP*IS TO THE SILENdCE -P 3. Erie Clapton 24 NIGHTS - Warner 4. Robbie Robertson' STORYVILLE - MCA 5. U2 ACFUTUNO BAB3Y - A&M 6. John Lee Hoolcor MR. LUCKY - A&M Z. Ozzy0Osboumne NO MORE TEARS - Sony 8. Dire Straits ON EVERY STREET- PoI .0. Rod Stewart .VAGABO&RND HEART- Warnor Artist Isabel McLaughlin earns special recognition