WBIBY REEPRESWEDNESDAY. NOVEMBERI13,1991,"PAGE 23 Train for a career in IBOOKKEEPING inm just 6'1/2 monthsI M4A Centre St. N.s Oshawa 576-9175 ONTARVBSDESS CQjJEGE a Centu 00000"%,4ý_ _mmý 1!211 13riscoe Estates Ltd. 9305lieppard A ve. PKI, cri n,ý , LI ýý ]BI CAREER NIGHT THURS. NOV. 14TFI 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Call 416-839-2121 or 428-2121 to register Our Career Sessimis will give you the facts and rewards of a career iii Real Estate. NOW HIRING m Md 0 0 OSHAWA 0 QD RUVIN G .Q, SCHOOL 172 -Khg ?;tE.Suite#301 Oshawa *728-091 REGISTERED& APPROVED BV THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE - PRI VA 7ELESMONS COMMEfOING November l6th, Saturdays 4 WEEK COURSg REGISTER NOW 4 DAY CHRISTMAS COURSE c4)u~& AUTOCAD (computer drafting) courses. Na experience req ird. 18-haur courses, 4 studeris/las $235. Gardon Tooiey FMAATO, ISAT. 723-2871. i~~... W...I ..H.. .DU.A .N.L. M.R.AQES. EASY WORKI EXCELLENT payl readingbooks & TV scripts at home. Many readers neededi Fui-/part-time available. 1-504-646-4513, ext. 6142,24 haurs. MERV ORR'S EXPERIENCE- Let the 'pros',teach yau. Taught ta industry standards - Accredited schaol - Job placement assistance *Financing availabie OAC - Free accommodations u Cambridge- Ottawa - London - Toronto. Merv Orr's Transportation Driver Trainig Schoai, 1-800-265-3559, HO.taPO3Box 3186, Cambridge, FLORSHEIM SHOES is expanding ta the Whitby area. Manager trainees and fuli-timne sales heip required. Applications may be pickçed up at Scarborough Tawn Centre store. (Loctediowr lVel near Sears.) OLAN MILS needs part-time evening appointment cierk. Cal Wednesday, betweern 12 and 9 p.m. 430-7510. LICENSED REAL ESTATE broker and sales representative ta jain established realty f irm. Cal Jack Grant, Broker, 668-4000. Jack Grant Realty Corporation, Reaitor. AIrINERS HIIRING IIMEDIATELY alpositions -Flight Attendants -Reservationists .-Customer Service -Mechanics -Baggage C rew Cail 1-800-934-DATA Hours - 9am ta 8pm WANTED: PART-TIME domestic help urgently for couple. Mostly cleaning, some cooking. Wages, terms netotiable. Cali 430-6163. KUWAIT SAUDI workers needed. 435 & up per hour. Tax free. Bath skilied & unskiiied. For mbf cail 615-779-5505, ext. K-384. HYGIENIST REQUIRED Ajax area. 428-2727. OWN VOUR OWN GOOD NEWS Direct Mail agency. Earn $35,000 ta $72,000 serving established clients in Whitby/Oshawa. Invest- ment from - $3,500. Inciudes training, supplies and on-gaing support. Sales or marketing experience helpful. No overhead. Free info kit. Cal (416) 248-5555 coliect. EARN MONEY reading booksi $30,000/year incarne potential. Details, (1) 805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. RELIABLE, HONEST LADY availabie foir companion aid services for seniors. References. Day time oniy. Whftby/Oshawa arsa. 668-2528. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemnicals., Homes and affices We offer Makther-in-iaw cleanm (readyf for inspectioni). Ail smpiayees are palice-sscurity checked, banded & insursd. NMember ai Whitby Chamber ai Commerce. 725-9177 <24 hour answering). PIANO AND KEYBOARD lessons. We aller flexible programs for ail ages. Students choose many af their own pieces from classical or popular music. Cali for a f ree introductory lesson and learn a Christmas carol in your f irst week. The Yost Music Studio. 668-2275. forfINU A Ej ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving ýrecord or suspension of license? Perhaps we can heip. Phone 666-2090. MORTGAGES AN D LOANS for any purpose from as low as 8.50%. Quick approvals. Ail applications considered. Raycan Financial Ltd. 436-8104. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says .NO." Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200., ANUIS INVESTMVENTS. LESS ENERG YÎS - CONSUMED *MANUFACTURÎNG NEW PA PER FROM! *WAS TEPA PERS ~THAN FROM TREES. KANDYMAN - CLEAN YARPS, basements, cut trees. Somethin-ýg ta ssii? Pisase cail 655-3004. PLUMBER - 20 YEARS experience. Equipm -tfor campiets drain service. -Complets bathraom renovation. Aliltypes af repairs. Coà mpetitive rates.,, Cati Dave,*686-1781.ý OLD FAMILY PHOTOS? Needr additionai copies? Na negative needed. Quahity capies made Of your favourite pictures. Robert Aidsworth Phato World, 576-5123. SHAPE UT & DRAPE UTI H uge savings. 60% ooff ail Shade-O- Matic blinds. 686-4821 Home doctor "we make house catis" *minor p.umbingý& electrca *weattier, stripp!ng.ý' .-Pachng-' KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY - re-uphoistery af antiques. Ali kinds of recovening. Your fabric or mine. Free estimaitesi. Over' 40 years eéxperience. 430-7568, Whitby. WALLPAPERING and painting - cail Paper Dolis for a womnan's touch, professionai and neat. Competitive rates.-No GST. Free estimates. 430-9131 or 623-6395. PAINTERS PLUS -. Service and quality are not an accident. For 10% off and no GST, cali Bill or Geri, 404-1224. Wedeivr lyr 66 -6 1 I CHIL GARE ~ HILOGARE..........E SERVIOE SERVI. ........... Perry Ho use Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-947 EXPERIENCED, RELUABLE day care in my home. Meals & snacks. Fenced in yard. Outings. Near GO. 666-5452. BROOKWOOD - RELIABLE, loving cars for your chiid(ren) in myhome. Lots of experience. Excelient references. Receipts. Cali anytime, 666-9382. MOTHER 0F TWO would love ta babysit y aur chiid in my home. Lots of TLC and nutritious food. Thickson/Rossland area. Cal 723-6765. CHILD CARE AVAILABLE in my home, any ages. Thickson/ Winderberry. Nutrittous lunches& playtime. 721-9551. REUABLE DAY CARE avaiiabie in my home. Lots ai experiencé. Excellent references. Children'any aneweicome. Cochrane& Vernon. WAUT DSwokuaekI Train for a career in LEGAL SECRETARL in just 8 months 54A Centre St. O shawa- 576-9 75 NAR0 USI4ESS COUJEGE AREYou Lo KING FO QUA:LITrYHOME DAY CÇARE The Wre Watch systemn provides supervised private day care for chîldren 6 weeks and older, full or part timel " Unscheduled home visits ensure - Reliabi e, local back-up covers Provider quality care for your child illness or holidays " Fully trened Providers receive - Complete insurance coverage ongoing Agency support - Income tax receipts W t.h I For more information oei: 686m3995 a licensed Agency Speciaizing in Eariy Chhildhood Educafion. For Peaoe of Mind. .... .. .....