PAGE 20, WH1ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1991 W iMktee telrsls a-2thriller eebruhi minr eeeeAAA hocke on SundaLy. lhe ganté, featuredend-to-.end& rushes solid bodychecks by Whi.tby's Jason Hotchkiss deft manoèvresby ,DarrylLes who scored both V;tby qas, and precision passes byy'is Aaron Bryanht.ý Bryant wasplayin iionly hie second game afera lengthy iii- ness. Bryan Crouch assisted on bath goals by Lewis, while Dave Par- quharso and Hotchkiss aiso had >Whitby received- shutout. goal- tendini from Tom Lawson ta defeat arkham 4-0 in an earlier game Steve Death scored twice while Mark Haynnes and Crouch each Miekrsnhad one. ss ists while Hotchkiss, Brenýt Laz- ary and .Bryant had one apiece. Wednesc'ay Nov. 20, 6-lOpm METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE S.E.comr BockRd. -447-2549 W{BYFigure Skating Club members who wil Ninacs, hMiranda Gregoire, Melissa Lawrence, Uisa compete at the- 1992 eastern Ontario sectional com- Crupi, Jason Collier, Catherine Advent, Nicole petition Nov. 14 in 'Nepean are (from left) Teri L-alonde and Dale Noble. Photo by Peter Tomblin, Whitby Frme Prou. Goidman fifth in national cross country. Shane Goidman of Dr. Robert Thornton pu'lblic school, Whitby had a ft-1lae finish in the Canadian cross country charu- pionships held Nov. 3. -GoIdmà an was, flfth in mite boôys 8(aged & anâd under), the best finish in the division by inembers of the Durham X-L cross country tearn at the event, held in Etobi- coke. Goidman improved on his seventh-place finish at the pro- vincial competition. He was first in Durhani competition. WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to beheld at WHITNEY HALL IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX 1:30 pm to approx. 5:30 pm on November,24, 1991 Ail coaches and parents are învited. For, further information or minutes cali 668m2009. M M Also turning in an improved performance was Judd Stevenson of Whitby. After a top finish in Durham competition for tyke (aged 10) boys, he fell to l5th in provincial competition. But Stevenson came back with a seventh-place finish at. the Canadian competition. Andrew Marshall of Thoruton, seventh among tyke boys at the prov inciale, was ninth at the Canadian event. Hayley Callander of Thornton, who was fourth in the provincial event for mite girls, was seventh ..............g...... .... E a........e rM Broolin Whitby minor novice AAA hockey teain sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, tied Toronto East Enders 4-4 over the past weekend. Whitby was supported by excellent goaltending from Darryl Forsey and Bryan Sand, who make up the great strength of the teani. The forward lime of Peel, Easy win for novices Whitby Hanet Plastics novice Il ringette team got three-goal performances from three players todfa;Markham 13-0 recently Sara Power Shandi Witl aud Corinne kRichter each had hat tricks while Cheryl Feret scored two. Carrie TulI aud Lindsay Smith had singles while Robynn Dupont posted the shutaut. Whitboynow has three wins g ai*nst one bass, scoring 39 goals nd giving ur, only eight. TWEENAÀ The Whitby Lioness tween A ringette teani was edged 4-3 by Oshawa in a hard-fought game on Nov. 10. Angela Poland scored two goals and assisted on the third goal scored by Nicole Prout. Other assists went ta Cheryl King, Prout and Lara Hugel. Earlier in the week, Whitby bast ta Pickering in exhibition play 7-2. Kristiue Johnson and Stacey Beethani scored the goals, assists went ta, King, Poland, Johnson and Callie Corneal. Hinkson' and Wailes finally kicked into high gear, sconing the flrst goal whên Kyle Wailes scored on a rebound, assists ta James i-nkson and Kevin Peel. Then only mintites later Brandon McBride scared ta, the low stick corner on a pass from Matthew Taylor and Robbie Gawne. While killing a penalty Wailes broke up a play aud fed Kevrn Peel with a breakaway pass. Peel shot it inta the top corner, xnaking it 3-0. Then after East Enders scored two goals, Whitby caused a turnover in offensive zone and H-inkson scored on a rebound, assistedl by Peel and Wailes. Iu the third period the Est Enders showed great power, scoring twice, and Whitby hung on for a 4-4 tie. in the Canadian competition. Shari Bryksa of F.M. Heard public school was tenth in tyke girls, after a seventh-place finish provincially. McLean scores 3 for under- 11is Whitby's under-li indoor boys' rep socoer teain gained their second win of the season by defeating Ajax 7-1. :-ý :e After a slow start~ Grahami McLean notched the flrst goal and ended up with three goals for his second hat trick. *Danny Mattin,' a new player on the teani, showed a lot of effort in scoring two goals. Jason Evelyn and Michael Schleiffer recorded singles. Calvin Carnegie and Matthew Paciga played strong gaines at fullback to support a soid Pieter Mueleman in goal. The teani began their'indoor season by defeating the Olympic Flamnes 9-1, with lhree goals by McLean, two each by Schfleiffer and Mark Engelage, and singles for Bilan Rainey and James West-Bentley. Their record is two wins and one loss, the bass ta the Oshawa ieks. NOVICE Bi Ou Nov. 9, the Whiltby Ladies Auiliary novice Bi ringette teani defeated Markham #2 by a score OSHAWA Tuu coach Of 15-3. hty ihcpanP Tiffany Joues led the scoring WhtyWthapinP with il goals. Other goals were Robert Pinheiro, repre scored by Bonnie Chant (2), recent awardls ceremon Emily Lebel and Uisa Paddison. Barnes Cup, the Terry Kt Assista were provided by Brianna Coomnbes, Becky Duncan gi y KptLeagùt Photo Nick Springer (left), of iilip Runcimi and co-coach esented Turul during a iy. Turul won the John eily, Cup and an award for . 4-. V»-V-wý:- Ã