Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1991, p. 40

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- i *PAGE 40, WHIBY FREE 'PRESSý, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER6, 1991 ..... .......L .. . . .. . . ........... ..E R....A .. ERROL'S APPLIANCE Service Repairs toalal major appliances, microwaves, including roi igera- tors. One-year parts & labour warranty. New coin washers & dryers sales. 432-7734 APPUANCE REPAIRS ta washers, dryers, staves, dish- washers. Servinq Durham. W. pay GST on ail repairs. 683-8519 Ajax, Pickering, 430-7382 Whitby. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart ai Jesus b. adared, glorified, loved and preserved throug haut the world now and foroyer. oh, Sacred Heart ai Jesus pray for us, St. Judo workor af miracles pray for us, St. Judo helpor ai the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayor nino turnes a dlay. By the eighth C yaur prqraer wiIl be answore regardless ai haw hopeless your situation seems. Publication must b. promised . RW. THANKS TO THE Blossed Virgin Mar for favaurs recorved. RW. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Updato your bail wardrabe, back ta sohool clothes, ail kinds of allerations and custom tailaring. 101-V/2 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes, 430-6550. Tuos-Sat. ST. JUDES NOVENA - O Holy St. Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, Faithful Intercessar of ail who invoke your special patronage in timeofa need, ta you I have recourse f ram the depth aifrny heart and humbiy beg ta whamn God has givon such great po wer ta corne ta rny assistance. Heîp me in my presenit urgent petition. In return, 1 promise ta make your name knawn and cause rau ta be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glanias. Publication must b. pramised. St. Jude pray for us and ail wha, inivoke your aid. Amen. This Novena must b. said for nine consecutive days. MM. COMPLET£E PARALEGAL ser- vice - uncontested divorce kits, simple wills, immigration matters, etc. 668-1689, 24 hours. MALE TWIN with family wanting ta moot other twins with families. 430-8260. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWOF WHITBY IN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 19809 c.337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE ihat mhe Council ai mhe Corporation ofitme Town af Whitby *itenst designate mhe praperty, includng lands and buligattme foltaing municipal a dres as praperof ai hmtaric and acietral value orinterest under Part IV ai mhe Ontalia Heritage Ac, R.S.O. 1980, c.337. Mothodlat Episcopni Church Parsonago 900 adwln Street Part Loi 21, ConcessIon 9. Whltby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNA71ON OF 9M6 BALDWIN STREET, WIITBY HSOIB The Memaodist Episcopal Church Parsanage was built in 1877 and was the home ai mhe ministers iar over 71 years. ARCHITECrTUIRAI The Melhadist Episcop ai Church Parsonage rtains. its ariginal storey-and-a-half L-Plan iorm with rear kicen wing, narrow clapbioarlng, verandah treillage, finials and eaves trim. Any persan may, before November 29, 1991, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk ai mhe Town ai Whitby, notice ai his ar her objection ta mhe proposed designation tagemher wimh a statement ai reasons for mhe objection and ail relevant facIs. If such notice ai objection is received, the Council ai mhe Corporation ai mhe Town ai Whity shall roier mhe matter to tme Conservation Review Board for a hearing. Dated at the Town ai Whitby tmis 30th day ai October, 1991. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 PHONE: <416) 668-5803 I I4W~i~~~ ?rees 6684I5~4 ~O~flçp $~Ure~Moflday4O~~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F AGNES LOUISE MOORE Ail persans having claims against the estate of Agnes ouise Moore, doceased, late of the Town af Whitby, in the Regional MunicipFalty ýof Durharn, who died on or about the 2;â day af July, 1991, are hereby notified W~ send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 2Oth day ai November, 1991. After such date the assets of the above-named estate wiII b. distributed amog th e persans entitled thereto, haviý regard only ta dc'aims af w h hthe executor shall then have notice. DATED at Whitby this 2lst day of October, 1991. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byran Street South Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 Solicitors for the Executrices ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because af age, poor driving record or suspension ai license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. COMING EVENTS Cail 668-611il THANKS TO ST.. JUDE and the Sacred Heart af Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart ai Jesus b. adarod, g lorifiod, laved and preserved throug haut the world now and foroyer. oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker ai miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopeless pray for uýs. Say this prayer nine times a dlay. By the oughth day your p rayfer will b. answered reg ardesas of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must b. promised. JW. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For help, caîl the Denise House for Women ýand Children. To!l free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BAHA'IS BELIEVE: True remembrance is ta make mention af the Lard, the AI-Praised, and farget aught else beside Him. For information and discussion, cal 668-8665. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counselling. Free and confidential, avalbe Monday ta Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 420 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3 ta 6 p.m. For further information, cai 420-8781 or 433-8901. CORPORATION OF THE .10W N CF WHITBY DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT, 1989 Notice of the Passing of a Developmen t Charges By- aw by The Corporation 0f The Town 0f Whitby TAKE. NOTICE mhat the Council ai mhe Corporation of the Tomn ai Whypased By-law No. 3068-91 an the 28th day af October, 1991, undr scto 4th e Development Charges Act, 1989. AND TAKE NOTICE that any peron or agency may appeai to mhe Ontaio Municipal Baard in respecthe by-Iaw by filng with the oC aimte Corporation ofime Town ai Whitby not laterythan mhe 26th day of November, 1991 a notice ai appeal setting out mhe objection ta mhe by-law and the reasons in support aimte objection. An explanation ai mhe development charges imposed under mhe by-Iaw, a descriptian oaitme Iands ta which mhe by-law applies and a key map showing the location ai mhe lands ta which mhe by-Iaw applies are attached. The complete by-Iaw is available for inspection in my office during regular office haurs. The iollowing residential development charges (per housing unit) wil be imposed upon ail develapment ai land. buildings or structures mhraughout mhe Town ai Whitby: Catogory 1 single and semi-detached dwelings $4,879.00 Catogory 2 two bedroom and larger apartment $3587.00 dwellings Cologory 3 bachelor and one bedraom apartment $2,152.00 dwellings Cetogory 4 ail amher dwelling unit types $4,305.00 F WH BY Dated at mhe Town ai Whitby tmis 6tm day ai November, 1991. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORA11ON 0F TÀE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 îij ---------- ........... ... ....... ...

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