Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 44

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pý PAGE A12, WIEITBY FREE PRESS, Municipal electi efection À municipal DAVID BRENNAN:e North ward FROMPAGEA4 Il. Wtlu jourvioon etthe 'Wbtby wtmfrot? Hew 'iq P rtant in public amoud The provincial'government is looking after the waterfront. 12. Ane yeu lu faveur oth" plans for the Cmetanl BuilngHew .heuld it be poid foi' No. As an admirer of this great buildingy I feel the exterior should be ief intact. A sutable locale should be found elsewhere for the thespians. Eventually, we will have enough rnoney for a museum, but when people are unemployed and losing their homes because of high taxes and we have two dozen portables at one high school and no sewers in Broolin, we cannot afford to build a museum. 13. Do you fiel we are overtaxed or that government is toc, expensive? If either, what chae would you advocate Wht about a tax Prex? In what arias do you fiel that ignificant cuti Iu exipenditunis could be made? Do you seS auj arm@ whuam revenues mlght hi Inrme.od Wbt la ypur pootien on market vlue ssromment? We are overtaxed and it is because of bad municipal government. Now, more- than ever, we need a council that exercises common sense and knows the value of a dollar earned. It's difficult ta answer any questions on taxes and expenditures until I can examine the books. Market value assessment is against ail that the north ward feels is just. The sale price of a residence has no relation to the services providerl. Many of the north ward homeowners have paid $15,000 for their own water and septic facilities and are still expected to subsidize those services in Whitby. We also pay for, but do not receive, curbs, gutters, storm sewers, street lights, paved rmade, sidewalks and recreation facilities. We are asked ta, form, neighbourhood watches ta protect ourselves, and hope that the volunteer fire department arrives before ail is bot. There is a better way -- pay user fees for services provided. 14. in a brod perspetive how do you vtew the garboge erdsand wbat wpeclfic etapi would YOU advccate to manage it? Are thon sny opeclfic loadership initiatives that Witby Coufld take? The garbage situation is not a crisis but a disaster in progress. We must realize that we don't need to mrate 40 per cent of the garbage, and with a few changes, another 50 per cent can be recyled. Compoting will dispose of five per cent and the rernaining ive per cent, we caîî work on. With some strong leadership, Whiàtby could initiate some constructive ideas ta recycle and dispose of tires using the $5 tire tax that is already imposed on us. Whitby should be makcing bin locations accessible for construction waste, as this can be recycled and even reused ta build new homes. 15. Should council b. bier? Are the wards too bffl? The north ward is too large and, if Broolin becomes more developed, 'will need better representation. 16. Why do you feelthat the generalpublla ms anti-poRician? What would you do u an elected counciDor which mlght alleviate that attitude? The public is anti-politician because the politicians are not keeping in touch with the people. Most people do not get involved and are not interested enough in the political process. Ini speaking ta over three.quarters of the homneowners in Te north ward, I arn becoxing aware of their concerns. 17. Are theft mu addltum lIm Wb" iy=a foui Mrimportant? Important issues for the noeth ward are that we should 1be taxed fairly and receive good value for our tax dollars. Better allocation of the rodds budget should be implemented. When development cornes to Brooklin, a councfillor who knows how to deal with developers and listen to the local citizens is of the utmost importance.- My vast experience in this field will be invaluable. 1&. What i portular dlforotlats jU frm eor pponents? I will make a good north ward coundillor because I bave a keen interest- in the area and I feel that I arn very quaflfied for the position. Wet ad S ecllr JUDI LONGFIELD: West ward FROMPAGEA1 I support the concept of market valu assessrnent, but feel that it muet be carefully and judiciouely irnplementecL Seniors and long-time residenta of the old core tawn area should not be forced ta absorb the increases irnrediately. I think we would have te investigate several different schernes that night include a deferral of taxes until the time of sale, or the ptponement of actual increase un *tire 0f sale. 14L In a breSd porspct*v o bw do jeu vlew the geWoe il sd vimi opoili stops weuld yen dvsto temamp aIt? Aehn mm MWipocifie lsarsklp inlativostiat Wlthy oeuld t&Wo Over the past several years, the goneral public bas certainly become more aware of all environrental issues, and witbin Durham and other GTA communities garbage in at a critical level. Reduction, reuse and recycle programs must continue. Ail public, commercial, industrial and business establish- mente muet be encouraged ta separate at source. The blue box program mnust not be cut bock, as bas been proposed. Some consideration might be given ta, considern«ng a private tendering seheme. The City and the Region must work ce.operatively on a renewed program of education. Passing a aw that limits the numbers 0f bags we place out for collection is not the answer ... making people realize that the qualityof life for their children depends on their willingnees ta actively find ways ta reduce, reuse and recycle is the key ta the future. M5 ,ould councll hbe ge? Are the wards tee There should be a periodic review of ward size ta ensure that aIl residenta of the community are receiving equitable represen- tation, and while the actual number may not increase, the - area may be redistributed. At the regional level, I feel that Whitby may be under-represented. This may be an indication that other communities are actually over-represented. 16. why -do jeu=f&a that the g.«oei public la se sntiplitdan t woeld yeu do s u electod courclor wich migt sfloviata t"t attitude? These are very difficult econonuc times and, in* many ways we feel that we have been lied ta and badly represented. In sorne cases, our elected officiais have overstepped their bounds and betrayed our trust. The blarne does not lie solely at the feet of the elected official. We must each and everyone of us rnake the effort ta, communicate our views. We must share in the responsibility. We must - applaud the politician who bas the stuff ta, fr11 the truth, even when it may not be what vou want ta hear. As an eected officiai, I will imrnediately initiate a method of communication* designed ta FROMPAGEAIl Town staff is te supply design recommendations ta developars who wish ta build in ail areas of the Town. To date, thiis aprah seems ta be working and f behieve we should continue ta encourage it. M0 Do* jeu *Sgmewth a hue conuci b-law wbuch veuli protect trois on private su yoD « publiceIlad I agree with a tree control bylaw, however, private homeowners must maintain their right ta make decisions regarding trees which are on their resdential proparty. 11. Wbat la jour violon ef the Wbltby watenfkot? How important la public e eit? I believe we should treat the Whitby waterfront as sacred land. WVe should net allow it te disappear as has happaned in other municipalities such as Toronte. I wouîdpo moratorium on any devefopment in the folowing areas: west -- all lande south Victoria and west 0f Brock, east -- ail lande south 0f Water and Wentworth Sta. We have an abundance of available land for devebopment in other armesof the Town. The wa Wfront should be available for aU ie citzens 0f Whitby to, enjo)y 12. Are jeu lInfaveur of the plans for the Centeumial Building? Heu' sboud it hi psld foi' The Centennial Building ie an integral part 0f Whitby's heritage. The renovations will result inaa safe, functienal facility costing much lema than a new facili ty WOUCl 13. Do jeu "fieoare ovrtaxed or thut geverment la tee e«peuaive? If eithe what chngsweuldju advocats? Wt abut a tax fuauwht ames do jeu fouitat sWnlecmt cula inumpndiumer muidhiae w?<Dý oftl q ,11 *. ' c~i : .6fr ý 'u ff facilitate an effective two-way dialogue between my constituenta and council. I intend te, ask for opinions and advice. I'will strive ta, use sound reasoning and good judgement, and I amn prepared ta make taugh deciion. 17. Ame thon auWsu-"tic"al u...whlch jeu fou are Impotant? I believe that taxpayers deserve te, know what the cost of service actually is. For exemple, while I don't support the general application of user fees, I do tbink that everyone should know the exact and specific coot of the service or facility used& Perhaps ariy arous vire renuos mlghtb. lucressod What la jour poltiauonmarket value am.ut? The popular answers to the first two questions woeld be yes and yes. Cloeer exinntion of the poto dftxsw a directly ta nthe Town 0fwWhi'tby suggests the staff are doing a reasonable job. While a tax freeze would be desirable, history bas taught us that it is net realistic considering inflationary pressures and the unforeseen. A review 0f the 1991 budget shows that the expenditures have increased 18 par cent (1988- 1989), il per cent (1989-1990) and 8.9 per cent for the current (1991> budget year. During the sarne time period the average Whitby tax increase bas been below five par cent. The budget aIse outlines $14,500,000 (59.9 per cent) of the $24,500,000 required ta operate the Town for 1991 will be generated by other than tai revenue (iLe. user feee, hall rentaIs, grants, etc.). This indicates the balance of $10,000,000 (40.1 Par cent) required is derived dirmetly fr-om the municipal taxes paid' by proparty owners and the business sectar. This is net a bad record. Market value assesarnent may net produce the desired resu!ts. Yes, some property taxes would increase b ut sorne would decrease. How do we address families with deep recta in the community. Do we penalize the seniors who erdjoy god. health and are sUI]. able talive in their 50- te 100-year-old homes? De we ignore their contribution? How do we address a decline i property value (as in the laet 18 menthe)? There*are.. any mor the dernand for service would actually decrease if the statement of expenses was filed. I believe that we must always exercise sound judgernent when deciding how ta spend your tax dollar.I believe that we have a moral obligation ta cars for and support our elderly and handicapped residents, and that we should be worldng* tawards providing an enhanced level of service for them. We must work towards achieving an improved upirit of co-operation between the various levels of goverrnment, and actively lobby throughAMO ta mesure questions that cerne ta. mind and until answers are found ta al 0f thern, I dant think we should give the ree liht ta market value assessment at this Uime. 14. In a bma-I pnmoclive hmwdeoyeM vlew the adyccte ta una lAe hn u @ c8 losdarshplltmimiwuhoWhtycmuid taWa? The provincial govenrent seers ta have its own agenda, with respect ta the current garbag crisis, that it wishes to impose on al of the municipalitie& Whitby rnust continue ta, promocte thé advantages of recylcing, reusing and put more ernpbasis- on bock yard compcstixig ta, reduce the amounit 0f garbage being sent ta landfill sites. M5 Smùud ceunahbe ? WAmethe wur-&tee lamae I do not ses any need ta burden the Town with the additional expense 0f increasing the size of council. I have notseen any signa that indicate the eight members cannot handle the job. The current wards do net appear ta be too large. 16. Why do jeS fouitbat thoe ,omdpublicla se aniti-peliticimu? Wbat would jeu do » an eloted councilor whlch mlght allevlato that attitude? The public bas'a greater exue t provincial and federal poltician than those at the municipal level. As such, the attitude 0f 'being elected ta make decisionsd is seen more often. The public assumes this attitude carnies down ta, the municipal level. As a Town coundillor, I would net demonstrate- this attitude. We are the 'grass roots' 0f the political procees and should conduct ourselves accordingly. There are (or should be) ne Party policies ryeqiring us ,tp-take a. 'p£ p-y-stn'.on îu « feoting that provincially- and federally- mandated programs are accom- paned by the adequate transfer offunds ta adinster the programiL M8 Wslu npurtcular dIMwtto jeu fm At this point, I have not heard eziough fiocm my oppoeient ta offer an informed resposme. I would fr11 you, however, that I do not corne ta thiis race as a representative Of any special interest group or as a spokesperson for any political organization. I have chosen ta run as an advocate of fairnesa and opennese. our Town. It in my intention, when elected, te increas the level 0f common sens. and logic to the operation of our Town. 17. Arhn aU ddtn mouo&s mmwbch jeS &au ame impertut? 14th From discussions witth voters in the west ward,. I believe thi following issues need further attention: buses runing emipty during daytirne non-Peak periods; excessive on-street parking, saffe accessibility ta pe limitae i sa zones; enforcement 0f speed limite in residential aras. U. What lu porticurdlfforoutlta ju fironi As a resident 0f the west ward for the past 14 years,4 I have always been actively involved in our community. This involvernent includes: parent advisry committee member for both Col. J.E. Farewell and E.A Fairman public schools; deputations te loal coSmittee and council as well as regional council to express neighbourhood views on proposed changes to officiai plans, additional recreation facility requirements (expansion of Iroquois Park), saving the Austrian pine trees lining McQuay Blvd.; served in various capacities for the Brooklin Whitby Minor Hockey Association for the past il years, including seven years on the board of directors. It is this involvement that has caused me to become. an avid supporter 0f the Town that I and my family have adopted. I arn prepared ta take the 3demon- strated energy and enthuiasm to serve as the west., ward7s rereenaive on, Whitby Ton roprenci) , *. 7 DAVE WALL,* West ward 91, OCTOBER 30, 1991 North Ward Coun'cillors municÀrpal election i5

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