Ûn*'m RtSÈ E«, NMBAY, oMMIoeit8, 381, PAGES9 New educati on',minister is guest .at DIEC -meeting- Tony Silipo, Minier cf Education, will deliver1 the> keynote address at the third annuel meeting cf the Durham Industry/Education Council (DIEC). T'he moeetng willbe held at the Oshawa Golf Club on Monday, Nov. 4, Oocktails begin et 5:30 p.m. and dinner begins at 6 p.m. Centre ward'candidates FROM PAGE 2 mili rate from the previaus year. «amrn ot prepared to mort- gv our children'e future," he said. Lazenby said he wants to make the downtown core a place to live and work. «I want to be closely involved in the re-development cf the downtown area» lhe said. Liazenby sai he helped ra.ised $100,000 for the renovation cf the Centennial Building. Hie said he han been involved Consumers, west of Thickson) WHiEBY 666-8419 Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 10-6, Sat.: 9-5 1 with the new convention centre and the development of the Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre. John Southern said he is offer-. ing the residents of centre ward a candidate whô will work full- time for them. "I can b. easily contacted by constituents who can make me more aware of the problems they have in the community,» he said. Southern said one cf the first issues that should be dealt with b~y the next council is the tai increase. 7HE LARGEST SELEC71ON OF QILLTY WINE AND BEER MAKING SUPPIIES" vith s ad 984l linds. Alec on the agen da. are th~e electionà of the 1991-1992 DIEC boad ot-director.* tated b~rDUiC, s eeCareer resource directory, a computerized data rebour --mcubl of individuals and companies that offer occupational information to students and teachers, asit students in malding more informed career decisions. DIEC focuses conmunity and echool reorco n im c aeeSr education needs. The meeting in open to the public. Ickets are $35 and may b. reerved by calling the DIEC office at 725-6330. "TaDETERMINED ,THIS'SCHOOL YEAR WILL ýBE DIFFERENT. Apoor grade on the first assigrnent of a new term? Turn your.child's school performance aondbeore itbecoines a failing grade. Bring him toS= an Learning Centre.-Unlike tutors Who offer hort-term fixes and conoentrate on one sbet Syhian conoentrates on giving your ChIld lieln learningskills - to help raise grades atid self -estoem. First, we test to pinpoint strengths and weakesses.Thn, we design a customized learnn porm, including lots of individlual attention, motovation and rewards from caring, certifie teachers. The couple of hours a week Pur child peds at Sylvan will really pay off. His learning skills will improve. He will study beter in s=oland feel better about himself. so, for the learnine skills that will help your child now and throughout his life, Sylvan is the answer. Find out more abou Sylvan and evaluate your needs i the privacy of your own home. Cail for your FREE copy of Sylvan ... Step One. .-a nomtonal video and needs evaluation.u t There's no obligation. Take the first step. Cail Sylvan today! SYLVAN SHOWED US HOW. 180 Dna Akt.L5W it y*44-1818 Sylvan Learnîng Centre. Hel-ping kids do bcttcr7 REiAIIN(; M I IMWRlN( STi.I)VSKII.1S a.5<10< 01. READIS.1ESS AI A;I lRA a ltI«INNIN( RLWIUNG OPEN~ 1 ~'~ M [ESA.1V. 2 Join. Prizes .1 ForCc4fe ArEonts loor hFUI l1Tî \ui su',U~TITo1 SAVE $15.00 ON: BEER OR WINE STARTER KIT (»M hà nsad) .............. . . . . . * . . *. . . . *. *. **.** ..*. *~***** ... BIind Ambition.I $99,99 BIind SpeciaI wN Instock Patio Door Fabnc Verticals (751x including f ree valance. Beige, ivory or grey. Limited quantities. I&LEVOLOW The only place to shop for your Levolor BIl They're the blinds you've been wantîng at the prîce you've been waiting for. 20M40%/o (FF* OnIy undi Nov. Mt. 1991. New Ima ge Decoratrng <2tentre 843 King St. W. Oshawa (juist west of Thorriton Road> 432-6633 M 101000 41OVE -J 1 1- :Ik p ýý ),oor 1